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Everything posted by Hell_Spawn

  1. Ii trimite victimei un server ( program ) pe care daca aceasta il deschide imi va genera mie ( "serverul" ) toate parolele salvate in calculator
  2. Mergea inainte . Programul esti foarte vechi si exista 99% sanse sa nu mai functioneze
  3. 24 de ore
  4. Nu te mai chinui . Programul e foarte vechi si demodat.. nu mai poti face nimik cu el
  5. Salutare
  6. Or just a network connection for p**n
  7. Eu tot un telefon cu symbian am.... si deocamdata ma multumeste foarte mult
  8. Deci da si mie mi se intampla..... Dar , ce am observat este ca mi se intampla asta decat pe id`ul meu principal... pe celatalte 2-3 id`uri nu mi sa intamplat nicioda..
  9. Foarte misto... acum nu mai trebuie sa intru pe diferite siteuri de gen... pot alfa direct de aici :>
  10. Salut om sper sa te simti bine printre noi :>
  11. raminul nu este un program.... sunt programe de gen ramin.. ce fel de program doresti ? cauta pe google rat`s cuym ar fi cybergate poisonivy prorat cerebrus si multe altele..
  12. cu radminul creezi server special pt radmin pe care il trimiti victimei.. nu iti trebuie niciun alt fel de exe special.. o sa fac un tutorial later despre radmin pt ce program vrei tutorial ?
  13. Control la Distanta se foloseste de un server prin protocolul TCP/IP, se poate conecta la orice pc care este conectat direct la internet (cu IP real), deasemenea se poate conecta la orice pc din reteaua locala (LAN). Pentru a te conecta trebuie ca victima sa ruleze serverul, la accesarea lui nimic nu va aparea ca si cand acesta nu ar face nimic, dar defapt el se instaleaza in sistem pe ascuns in asa fel sa nu poata fi detectat nicaieri (nici la Startup nici in Task Manager), dupa ce serverul a fost rulat, acesta poate fi si sters, el va functiona in continuare chiar si dupa mai multe restarturi sau stingeri. Serverul are o rata de detectie foarte mica. Dupa ce victima a rulat serverul vei primii un email cu adresa IP pentru conectare. Dupa ce te-ai conectat la victima, ai acces total asupra ei, tu decizi ce vrei sa faci mai departe. Download
  14. cam asa iti face programul vizualizari... iti dai seama si singur ce sunt alea
  15. Noi membri pctroubleshooting iti uram un calduros la multi ani si tot ce iti doresti
  16. ahahahaha ) doamne cat am mai putut sa rad.... incredibil frate
  17. Ce este acela un crypter ? Un cryper este un program care foloseste mai multe limbaje de cryptare pt. a putea face un server creat de dumneavoastra indetectabil de antivirus: Download
  18. ok ... Ma puteti gasisi pe id gods.slayer666 pentru ajutor . va trebuie o lista de boti (id`uri de messenger) scrise intun fisier text pe care programul ii recunoaste ca boti . Acum - dam click pe load bots , incarcam fisierul text cu id`urile de mess si cu parolele ex(gods.slayer666:xxxxx) unde xxxx=parola mea . Apoi connectati boti prin butonul connect (va lua cateva secunde) apoi puteti folosi oricare din comenzile de mai jos pt a va face de cap cu victimele dumneavoastra. Uitati si aici o lista cu destui de multi boti dfdfrotq8290:mkraworwctps dfdfwu320:iizrpdfosvzr dfddhljwks1283:alyiympkbghq dfdtbinzpy592:idhqyafeusdw dfdqdulz6228:tszkhmwhgype dfdedehunnbfd2456:mfoxarhpoivu dfdmkhjqajjv393:cwrboksasjsm dfdrxichypj3297:xcwguenxlstu dfdlsxmqeh1252:iwklthdkneio dfdrlzo2781:yqnsuclmfxyk dfdohxy805:ykkttyhepmrd dfdoeqlvbbde9395:vgbbnvkbtvky dfdrjvdm5462:sohbqnoboffb dfdcbiddrm8869:sururbxlxxtz dfdqfjrjrdiv4270:akspagamking dfdxxhvacmc6757:cttwlkaloqwn dfdqvgk4121:gqthwqjvjesr dfdtlsz4518:ayrkzzulwjzi dfdkantdin4552:ibsznkzmptnm dfdunm3914:bdqikluxqivd dfdrtfug8006:nnielyqoochp dfdrbtzkgzz8460:uodwtqeblqdr dfdzezaqt8779:ltohguyqxbyw dfdtcj7466:rtgpeevsnhat dfdqjubkzphc9332:zpiflqxlzihi dfdivnanc3106:sbadbfaacjeb dfdbtyifx592:iqonbewzuxcj dfdkltjcq6608:bqrvmmaiqjpg dfduwrorp8246:jhtvfnaciszy dfdhfvcvbe7900:wdmmblaqmujq dfdiuk4067:oowcbryrfvcs dfduotejjang4029:uubgyjdtiusz dfdlfmfcc4874:aghddzwcfekr dfdknmof8208:jgjtzxflrzvy dfdqkiqn5685:oinoarqczidp dfdupxqpjky4057:jghzsisxmsbt dfdbhnq4094:igdedbdfdbmh dfdftovl2072:gusawdikimoj dfdosrwrqi7982:vrcenkzslcvu dfdvoivqnnkvj8566:ktlnklidwaui dfdqpycjuozzm821:hzvemqhqrlai dfdtecsyusz4870:mbowinmkwzkb dfdnhaqmhiw5053:lycriwvhisfv dfdafpekcfs6346:zgtjhqcjsrjf dfdqvqpexm8374:fsgzkhircfat dfdzpc2656:pemhuyirhwik dfdzbjlvvns2896:wlagplqpfabb dfdirzzsckdh5715:gueozeodcmzd dfdizph995:acehqnjxphfv dfdqsuorli8280:uddcqhgobnat dfdmmbvtk2413:bjoabhfwbqnj dfdbfvnuex8096:qhurtpexbsze dfdtns8445:fydpsucmbaxa dfdhjkefgddf7016:sotcvwzhupfm dfdirwe5404:fbnzinvduosy dfdrrrcgipy106:xwfguommdlfm dfdxqu6539:setfrltfezkr dfdrgavdbcj4616:zgkdmgdxijhk dfdbgpacrtr2884:yrgwxhwpfdjg dfdxokxrf8871:yigbzsqpordb dfdkslyxqumq5195:bznxbasvxxcz dfdulekajujyi968:idxezjvqdtlw dfdlgiaf1793:rduadybnzoxx dfdfryykwnjg3953:gfrgbvadffma dfdnjtp9214:guuwmijsnvej dfdcviisgr9392:cowbrhhkhqyq dfdctkif1403:yomtkhefvunv dfduuia1486:elcvbrxevicf dfdjzimhl8028:anohdhzvhuvk dfdxig8884:nxqxtrljaiim dfdferjihcdp3458:gdjymhjvmuxh dfdzyprykj1124:pvgbfueypthg dfdkkr9197:ayayyfllhuaz dfdfzxt1226:yxixncjbpjnj dfdmrooz1915:etmqamypjapu
  19. Delayed Shutdown este un mic programel cu care puteti seta stingearea calculatorului intr-un interval de la 15 minute pana la 6 ore . Download
  20. Multe dintre programele prezentate in aceasta categorie au nevoie de fiseiere.ocx pt a functiona. Multi dintre voi poate ca nu aveti aceste fisiere de extensie .ocx asa ca o sa va fac o lista si o sa va pun linkuri de download mai jos: Comdlg32.ocx LVbuttons.ocx mswinsck.ocx CoolXPProgress.ocx XPControls.ocx Cam astea ar fi cele mai importante... daca mai este nevoie de ceva va rog sa postati in acest topic. Fisierele trebuiesc puse in folderul de unde rulati programul necesar. Succes !
  21. Un file binder este un program care ne ajuta sa lipim serverul creat de programele (rat, keyloggere , stealere) de o aplicatie exe , cum ar fi... instalul de la team viewer , un patch pt un joc , un cheat la counter-strike , si tot mai departe Aceste programe sunt folosite pt a ascunde serverul de victima care atunci cand va deschide programul trimis , se va deschide ascuns si serverul bindat de noi . Download Optiunea file bumper adauga un anume numar(selectabili) de MB serverului nostru pentru a nu trezi suspiciunea victimei
  22. Programul este folosit pentru a fura conturile si parolele din Mns messenger internet explorer, mozila firefox, yahoo messenger steam si multe alte aplicatii.. Imi pare rau ca nu am precizat in postul de mai sus dar eram foarte obosit . Serverul trebuie doar trimis la victima , iar din momentul in care il deschide acesta ar trebui sa trimita informatiile de logare de pe toate siteurile si toate programele accesate de victima
  23. 1 . Pentru inceput trebuie sa va faceti un cont ftp (Tutorial aici). 2. Setati totul ca in poza de mai jos: 3. Da-ti buid si serverul este gata creat: Download
  24. O cale mai rapida de a stinge pc`ul: Daca experimentati inchideri grele ale calculatorului acest trick o sa va ajute considerabil. In loc sa accesati meniul de shutdown din start puteti in loc deschide task managerul ( ctrl+alt+del). Apasati "Shut Down" din Task Manager si selectati ce vreti sa execute Windows-ul: Stand By Hibernate Turn Off Restart Log off Switch User
  25. Ease of Access keyboard shortcuts Right Shift for eight seconds: Turn Filter Keys on and off Left Alt + Left Shift + PrtScn (or PrtScn): Turn High Contrast on or off Left Alt + Left Shift + Num Lock: Turn Mouse Keys on or off Shift five times: Turn Sticky Keys on or off Num Lock for five seconds: Turn Toggle Keys on or off Windows logo key + U: Open the Ease of Access Center General keyboard shortcuts F1: Display Help Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert): Copy the selected item Ctrl + X: Cut the selected item Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert): Paste the selected item Ctrl + Z: Undo an action Ctrl + Y: Redo an action Delete (or Ctrl + D): Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin Shift + Delete: Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first F2: Rename the selected item Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph Ctrl + Up Arrow: Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph Ctrl + Shift with an arrow key: Select a block of text Shift + any arrow key: Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document Ctrl + any arrow key + Spacebar: Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop Ctrl + A: Select all items in a document or window F3: Search for a file or folder Alt + Enter: Display properties for the selected item Alt + F4: Close the active item, or exit the active program Alt + Spacebar: Open the shortcut menu for the active window Ctrl + F4: Close the active document (in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously) Alt + Tab: Switch between open items Ctrl + Alt + Tab: Use the arrow keys to switch between open items Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel: Change the size of icons on the desktop Windows logo key + Tab: Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D Ctrl+ Windows logo key + Tab: Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D Alt + Esc: Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened F6: Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop F4: Display the address bar list in Windows Explorer Shift + F10: Display the shortcut menu for the selected item Ctrl + Esc: Open the Start menu Alt + underlined letter: Display the corresponding menu Alt + underlined letter: Perform the menu command (or other underlined command) F10: Activate the menu bar in the active program Right Arrow: Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu Left Arrow: Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu F5 (or Ctrl + R): Refresh the active window Alt + Up Arrow: View the folder one level up in Windows Explorer Esc: Cancel the current task Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager Shift when you insert a CD: Prevent the CD from automatically playing Left Alt + Shift: Switch the input language when multiple input languages are enabled Ctrl + ShiftL: Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are enabled Right or Left Ctrl + Shift: Change the reading direction of text in right-to-left reading languages Dialog box keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + Tab: Move forward through tabs Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move back through tabs Tab: Move forward through options Shift + Tab: Move back through options Alt + underlined letter: Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter Enter: Replaces clicking the mouse for many selected commands Spacebar: Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box Arrow keys: Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons F1: Display Help F4: Display the items in the active list Backspace: Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts Windows logo key: Open or close the Start menu. Windows logo key + Pause: Display the System Properties dialog box. Windows logo key + D: Display the desktop. Windows logo key + M: Minimize all windows. Windows logo key + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows to the desktop. Windows logo key + E: Open Computer. Windows logo key + F: Search for a file or folder. Ctrl + Windows logo key + F: Search for computers (if you’re on a network). Windows logo key + L: Lock your computer or switch users. Windows logo key + R: Open the Run dialog box. Windows logo key + T: Cycle through programs on the taskbar. Windows logo key + number: Start the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the program is already running, switch to that program. Shift + Windows logo key + number: Start a new instance of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Ctrl + Windows logo key + number: Switch to the last active window of the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Alt + Windows logo key + number: Open the Jump List for the program pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. Windows logo key + Tab: Cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D. Ctrl+Windows logo key + Tab: Use the arrow keys to cycle through programs on the taskbar by using Aero Flip 3-D. Ctrl+Windows logo key + B: Switch to the program that displayed a message in the notification area. Windows logo key + Spacebar: Preview the desktop. Windows logo key + Up Arrow: Maximize the window. Windows logo key + Left Arrow: Maximize the window to the left side of the screen. Windows logo key + Right Arrow: Maximize the window to the right side of the screen. Windows logo key + Down Arrow: Minimize the window. Windows logo key + Home: Minimize all but the active window. Windows logo key + Shift + Up Arrow: Stretch the window to the top and bottom of the screen. Windows logo key + Shift+ Left Arrow or Right Arrow: Move a window from one monitor to another. Windows logo key + P: Choose a presentation display mode. Windows logo key + G: Cycle through gadgets. Windows logo key + U: Open Ease of Access Center. Windows logo key + X: Open Windows Mobility Center. Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N: Open a new window Ctrl + W: Close the current window Ctrl + Shift + N: Create a new folder End: Display the bottom of the active window Home: Display the top of the active window F11: Maximize or minimize the active window Ctrl + Period (.): Rotate a picture clockwise Ctrl + Comma (,): Rotate a picture counter-clockwise Num Lock + Asterisk (*) on numeric keypad: Display all subfolders under the selected folder Num Lock + Plus Sign (+) on numeric keypad: Display the contents of the selected folder Num Lock + Minus Sign (-) on numeric keypad: Collapse the selected folder Left Arrow: Collapse the current selection (if it’s expanded), or select the parent folder Alt + Enter: Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item Alt + P: Display the preview pane Alt + Left Arrow: View the previous folder Backspace: View the previous folder Right Arrow: Display the current selection (if it’s collapsed), or select the first subfolder Alt + Right Arrow: View the next folder Alt + Up Arrow: View the parent folder Ctrl + Shift + E: Display all folders above the selected folder Ctrl + Mouse scroll wheel: Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons Alt + D: Select the address bar Ctrl + E: Select the search box Ctrl + F: Select the search box Taskbar keyboard shortcuts Shift + Click on a taskbar button: Open a program or quickly open another instance of a program Ctrl + Shift + Click on a taskbar button: Open a program as an administrator Shift + Right-click on a taskbar button: Show the window menu for the program Shift + Right-click on a grouped taskbar button: Show the window menu for the group Ctrl + Click on a grouped taskbar button: Cycle through the windows of the group Magnifier keyboard shortcuts Windows logo key + Plus Sign or Minus Sign: Zoom in or out Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar: Preview the desktop in full-screen mode Ctrl + Alt + F: Switch to full-screen mode Ctrl + Alt + L: Switch to lens mode Ctrl + Alt + D: Switch to docked mode Ctrl + Alt + I: Invert colors Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys: Pan in the direction of the arrow keys Ctrl + Alt + R: Resize the lens Windows logo key + Esc: Exit Magnifier Remote Desktop Connection keyboard shortcuts Alt + Page Up: Move between programs from left to right. Alt + Page Down: Move between programs from right to left. Alt + Insert: Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in. Alt + Home: Display the Start menu. Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch between a window and full screen. Ctrl + Alt + End: Display the Windows Security dialog box. Alt + Delete: Display the system menu. Ctrl + Alt + Minus Sign (-) on the numeric keypad: Place a copy of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing Alt + PrtScn on a local computer). Ctrl + Alt + Plus Sign (+) on the numeric keypad: Place a copy of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (provides the same functionality as pressing PrtScn on a local computer). Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow: “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program. Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow: “Tab” out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host program (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) program. Paint keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N: Create a new picture Ctrl + O: Open an existing picture Ctrl + S: Save changes to a picture F12: Save the picture as a new file Ctrl + P: Print a picture Alt + F4: Close a picture and its Paint window Ctrl + Z: Undo a change Ctrl + Y: Redo a change Ctrl + A: Select the entire picture Ctrl + X: Cut a selection Ctrl + C: Copy a selection to the Clipboard Ctrl + V: Paste a selection from the Clipboard Right Arrow: Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel Left Arrow: Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel Down Arrow: Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel Up Arrow: Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel Esc: Cancel a selection Delete: Delete a selection Ctrl + B: Bold selected text Ctrl + +: Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel Ctrl + -: Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel Ctrl + I: Italicize selected text Ctrl + U: Underline selected text Ctrl + E: Open the Properties dialog box Ctrl + W: Open the Resize and Skew dialog box Ctrl + Page Up: Zoom in Ctrl + Page Down: Zoom out F11: View a picture in full-screen mode Ctrl + R: Show or hide the ruler Ctrl + G: Show or hide gridlines F10 or Alt: Display keytips Shift + F10: Show the current shortcut menu F1: Open Paint Help WordPad keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N: Create a new document Ctrl + O: Open an existing document Ctrl + S: Save changes to a document F12: Save the document as a new file Ctrl + P: Print a document Alt + F4: Close WordPad Ctrl + Z: Undo a change Ctrl + Y: Redo a change Ctrl + A: Select the entire document Ctrl + X: Cut a selection Ctrl + C: Copy a selection to the Clipboard Ctrl + V: Paste a selection from the Clipboard Ctrl + B: Make selected text bold Ctrl + I: Italicize selected text Ctrl + U: Underline selected text Ctrl + =: Make selected text subscript Ctrl + Shift + =: Make selected text superscript Ctrl + L: Align text left Ctrl + E Align text center Ctrl + R:: Align text right Ctrl + J: Justify text Ctrl + 1: Set single line spacing Ctrl + 2: Set double line spacing Ctrl + 5: Set line spacing to 1.5 Ctrl + Shift + >: Increase the font size Ctrl + Shift + <: Decrease the font size Ctrl + Shift + A: Change characters to all capitals Ctrl + Shift + L: Change the bullet style Ctrl + D: Insert a Microsoft Paint drawing Ctrl + F: Find text in a document F3: Find the next instance of the text in the Find dialog box Ctrl + H: Replace text in a document Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move the cursor one word to the left Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move the cursor one word to the right Ctrl + Up Arrow: Move the cursor to the line above Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move the cursor to the line below Ctrl + Home: Move to the beginning of the document Ctrl + End: Move to the end of the document Ctrl + Page Up: Move up one page Ctrl + Page Down: Move down one page Ctrl + Delete: Delete the next word F10: Display keytips Shift + F10: Show the current shortcut menu F1: Open WordPad Help Calculator keyboard shortcuts Alt + 1: Switch to Standard mode Alt + 2: Switch to Scientific mode Alt + 3: Switch to Programmer mode Alt + 4: Switch to Statistics mode Ctrl + E: Open date calculations Ctrl + H: Turn calculation history on or off Ctrl + U: Open unit conversion Alt + C: Calculate or solve date calculations and worksheets F1: Open Calculator Help Ctrl + Q: Press the M- button Ctrl + P: Press the M+ button Ctrl + M: Press the MS button Ctrl + R: Press the MR button Ctrl + L: Press the MC button %: Press the % button F9: Press the +/– button /: Press the / button *: Press the * button +: Press the + button -: Press the – button R: Press the 1/× button @: Press the square root button 0-9: Press the number buttons (0-9) =: Press the = button .: Press the . (decimal point) button Backspace: Press the backspace button Esc: Press the C button Del: Press the CE button Ctrl + Shift + D: Clear the calculation history F2: Edit the calculation history Up Arrow key: Navigate up in the calculation history Down Arrow key: Navigate down in the calculation history Esc: Cancel editing the calculation history Enter: Recalculate the calculation history after editing F3: Select Degrees in Scientific mode F4: Select Radians in Scientific mode F5: Select Grads in Scientific mode I: Press the Inv button in Scientific mode D: Press the Mod button in Scientific mode Ctrl + S: Press the sinh button in Scientific mode Ctrl + O: Press the cosh button in Scientific mode Ctrl + T: Press the tanh button in Scientific mode (: Press the ( button in Scientific mode ): Press the ) button in Scientific mode N: Press the ln button in Scientific mode ;: Press the Int button in Scientific mode S: Press the sin button in Scientific mode O: Press the cos button in Scientific mode T: Press the tan button in Scientific mode M: Press the dms button in Scientific mode P: Press the pi button in Scientific mode V: Press the F-E button in Scientific mode X: Press the Exp button in Scientific mode Q: Press the x^2 button in Scientific mode Y: Press the x^y button in Scientific mode #: Press the x^3 button in Scientific mode L: Press the log button in Scientific mode !: Press the n! button in Scientific mode Ctrl + Y: Press the y√x button in Scientific mode Ctrl + B: Press the 3√x button in Scientific mode Ctrl + G: Press the 10x button in Scientific mode F5: Select Hex in Programmer mode F6: Select Dec in Programmer mode F7: Select Oct in Programmer mode F8: Select Bin in Programmer mode F12: Select Qword in Programmer mode F2: Select Dword in Programmer mode F3: Select Word in Programmer mode F4: Select Byte in Programmer mode K: Press the RoR button in Programmer mode J: Press the RoL button in Programmer mode <: Press the Lsh button in Programmer mode >: Press the Rsh button in Programmer mode %: Press the Mod button in Programmer mode (: Press the ( button in Programmer mode ): Press the ) button in Programmer mode |: Press the Or button in Programmer mode ^: Press the Xor button in Programmer mode ~: Press the Not button in Programmer mode &: Press the And button in Programmer mode A-F: Press the A-F buttons in Programmer mode Spacebar: Toggles the bit value in Programmer mode A: Press the Average button in Statistics mode Ctrl + A: Press the Average Sq button in Statistics mode S: Press the Sum button in Statistics mode Ctrl + S: Press the Sum Sq button in Statistics mode T: Press the S.D. button in Statistics mode Ctrl + T: Press the Inv S.D. button in Statistics mode D: Press the CAD button in Statistics mode Windows Journal keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + N: Start a new note Ctrl + O: Open a recently used note Ctrl + S: Save changes to a note Ctrl + Shift + V: Move a note to a specific folder Ctrl + P: Print a note Alt + F4: Close a note and its Journal window Ctrl + Z: Undo a change Ctrl + Y: Redo a change Ctrl + A: Select all items on a page Ctrl + X: Cut a selection Ctrl + C: Copy a selection to the Clipboard Ctrl + V: Paste a selection from the Clipboard Esc: Cancel a selection Delete: Delete a selection Ctrl + F: Start a basic find Ctrl + G: Go to a page F5: Refresh find results F5: Refresh the note list F6: Toggle between a note list and a note Ctrl + Shift + C: Display a shortcut menu for column headings in a note list F11: View a note in full-screen mode F1: Open Journal Help Windows Help viewer keyboard shortcuts Alt + C: Display the Table of Contents Alt + N: Display the Connection Settings menu F10: Display the Options menu Alt + Left Arrow: Move back to the previously viewed topic Alt + Right Arrow: Move forward to the next (previously viewed) topic Alt + A: Display the customer support page Alt + Home: Display the Help and Support home page Home: Move to the beginning of a topic End: Move to the end of a topic Ctrl + F: Search the current topic Ctrl + P: Print a topic F3: Move the cursor to the search box
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