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Ipb 3.2 Anuntat - Caracteristici


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Cei de la Invision Power nu stau degeaba, si anunta ca se lucreaza la o noua versiune de IPB (Invision Power Board), si anume 3.2.


Ce va fi nou in aceasta versiune ?

Calendar Improvements

  • SEO Improvements
  • Consistency
  • RSVP
  • Simplification and interface changes
  • iCalendar support

New Text Editor

  • New editor and auto-save
  • Cleaner interface, quick reply, quick quoting
  • New post alert while typing reply


  • New style
  • New "like" reputation mode
  • Easy member management
  • Improved restrictions

Core Functionality

  • View new content and topic marking improvements
  • New Photo Editor
  • Shared media
  • Tagging and prefixes
  • Notification enhancements

Miscellaneous Changes

  • "Delete All" button has been added to the SQL error logs page
  • Linear+ and Outline modes removed for topic viewing (they're a hold-over from an older time on the web and it's time to retire them)
  • Support for IPv6
  • You can now use the member management tools to search for incomplete members
  • Pagination added to the incomplete members page of the ACP
  • If only one skin or language is choosable, the dropdown selector at the bottom of the page will be hidden
    Member photos and member avatars are being merged into one function: member photo. There was too much overlap between the two features.
  • IP.Calendar and IP.Chat will no longer be bundled in the IP.Board download zip to reduce the size of the download. This also allows clients who have no interest in IP.Chat or IP.Calendar to choose not to download or install those applications. Of course those who do wish to use those applications can easily download from the client area and install them.
  • Rebuild FURL cache button has been moved to the cache management page.
  • It is now possible to rename the “hooks” folder to something else editing the constant IPS_HOOKS_PATH in initdata.php.
  • You can now edit each group’s report center permissions directly from the group management area
  • Report center now supports item marking to remember and indicate which reports you’ve viewed
  • Customers who have purchased Copyright Removal no longer need to enter a separate Copyright Removal key. The copyright will automatically be removed when activating your license.
  • New settings for attachments to limit size of files stored on disk
  • Separate ACP restriction options have been added for managing spam users and incomplete users (access to these areas were previously controlled by the option "can manage banned users").
  • "Show X Last visitors in profile" now shows always the last 5 visitors if the setting is enabled rather than having a 3, 5, 10 dropdown choice.
    New ACP tool to create the cronjobs to rebuild sphinx indexes
  • When adding a ban filter in the ACP you will now have an option to enter a reason visible to all admins (the reason won’t show in the public side).

Other Important Changes

  • IP.Subscriptions, our simple application to allow you to sell member group promotions on your community, will be updated to work with IP.Board 3.2 but this will be the last update to IP.Subscriptions. IP.Subscriptions has been around for many years - long before communities were assumed to bring in revenue - and it's time to retire it to focus on our more modern application: IP.Nexus. With the release of IP.Board 3.2, IP.Subscriptions will be considered end of life (EOL) and will no longer be supported. Clients should switch to the new IP.Nexus product which is continually updated and contains many more opportunities to monetize your community. A member of our community, Andy Rixon, has agreed to take on continuing development of this product so those of you who use it will still have a solution.
  • The Portal application in IP.Board has existed from the very early days of our company. It was only ever intended as a simple portal and demo of the software but grew a bit over time. It has had minimal updates and the feature set is very minimal when compared to today's expectations of community owners and operators. The Portal application will not ship with IP.Board 3.2 and should be considered EOL. It will be available in the IPS Marketplace after IP.Board 3.2's release for those of you who do use it so you can still upgrade to 3.2. We will also post information on how to easily replicate the Portal's functionality in IP.Content which offers all that the old Portal did and much, much more. A member of our community, Andy Rixon, has agreed to take on continuing development of this product so those of you who use it will still have a solution.
  • As IP.Board 3.2 will have a whole new default skin, the CleanCut skin will become redundant and will therefore no longer be updated by IPS.

Performance Improvements

  • Reduced several cache-load queries on the ACP index page
  • Combined two permissions queries loaded on every ACP page into one
  • Added some additional cache-loading calls to other ACP pages (manage applications, manage hooks, manage members)
  • Added some caching for fetching the max version ID in the upgrade_history table, which reduces the number of queries on the ACP manage applications page by the number of applications installed
  • Changed how modules are grabbed when IN_DEV is enabled for menu building (runs one query instead of one query per application)
  • class_forums was getting loaded and initialized twice in the Manage Forums page - fixed so it's not reloaded a second time. Also removed a shortcut for the class in the manage forums file to reduce small amount of overhead/memory.
  • Removed a query for group data on Manage Forums page (group_cache is already loaded, so used that instead)
  • Removed several deprecated functions, reducing the size of some classes and reducing their resulting overhead
  • Edited language export routine (for IN_DEV mode) so that it only exports the data we absolutely need. This reduces the size of our language XML files significantly, and also reduces memory overhead needed to process the language XML files.
  • Index added on ibf_posts.post_parent to speed up certain update queries that previously required a full table scan
  • A lot of unused code in the friend management files has been removed
  • Avatar or profile photo cleanup tools in ACP were unnecessarily loading and instantiating upload class
  • Removed outdated/non-functional coloring in admin logs
  • Calendar has been rewritten, and much unused code has been removed.
  • Caches used by calendar were not being properly loaded at runtime.
  • Changed most of the file_exists call in the code with is_file for a faster code execution
  • The bbcode cache now uses the ‘bbcode_tag’ field as array key instead of an incremental integer, that allows a faster data access for single bbcode tags as there is no need to scan the whole array with a foreach.
  • An unnecessary query has been removed from the forum index view (the query used to verify the name used for the friendly URL is correct)
  • Removed unnecessary query from report center report view
  • A cached used by report center was being queried separately instead of at page initiation
  • Report center plugins are now cached for quicker runtime lookup without having to query the database
  • Useless queries removed from report center
  • Some queries that selected all rows and counted them (instead of running COUNT style queries) were changed to be better optimized
  • ACP skin files previously extended the output class unnecessarily. This was removed, resulting in approximately 20KB or more memory savings in each ACP page.
  • Report center plugins are now cached for quicker runtime lookup without having to query the database
  • RSS import now is much faster on boards with lots of feeds setup in the ACP.

Mai multe detalii aici: http://community.invisionpower.com/topic/331533-whats-new-in-ipboard-320-so-far/

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  • 8 months later...

Guest Elianaoutlawra

Cu toate acestea, un alt lucru , aş dori să spun este că , spre deosebire de încercarea de a acomoda toate programele de gradul on-line pe ori cu care lucraţi scop ( având în vedere că oamenii sunt uzate atunci când se întorc acasă ) , încercaţi să obţineţi cele mai multe dintre clase dumneavoastră de instruire pe week-end şi doar cateva cursuri in timpul saptamanii , chiar dacă aceasta înseamnă a lua ceva timp departe de week-end . Acest lucru se amortizează deoarece pe capete săptămână , vă va fi mult mai odihnit , în plus faţă de concentrat pe activitatea şcolară . Thx pentrudiferite recomandări am dobândit de la site-ul tău .

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