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Codecademy - O Metoda Simpla De A Invata Programare


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Codecademy.com este o platforma prin intermediul careia puteti invata intr-un mod interactiv diverse limbaje de programare, in momentul de fata pe site existand 8 cursuri de unde puteti invata.

Cursurile sunt explicate clar, iar rezultatele vi se vor afisa in timp real pentru a vedea exact ceea ce produce o anumita portiune de cod.


Numai bine :pct2: !

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Bun. Am ajuns la o chestie numita Playng with numbers

Let's check out some of the cool things you can do with numbers. You can do all sorts of math, like division.

Let's divide your number by 2. Use the / to do division.

Hit: You can use the variable number the same way you use a number. Just enter number / 2.

Aici ce trebuie s aintroduc mai exact ca nu inteleg

E o chestie interesanta :)

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Am mai intalnit o chestie.

La What If? partea 4, numita All equals are not equal

You may have noticed we've used two types of equals thus far, the single equals (=) and the double or triple equals (==, ===). The single equals (=) assigns a variable, while the double and triple equals (==, ===) are used to check equivalence between values. Since == can have some odd behavior in JavaScript, it is almost always better to use ===.

Run this exercise to see what it does. It first sets the variable word to the string "that". Change the code so that word === "that" evaluates to true, and the print() command is run.

Deci aici cum ar trebui sa rate codul? :(

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Codul dat de ei, este:

var word = "this";
if( word === "that" ) {
print( "word is equal to 'that'" );
}[/code] [b][color="#008000"]Ce ti se cere ?[/color][/b]
[code]var word = "that";
if( word === "that" ) {
print( "word is equal to 'that'" );

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