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Tema Animate (http://www.ipbforumskins.com/skindemo/skinchange.php?id=18), nu are un logo imagine la fel ca majoritatea temelor, ci un fundal animat peste care este aplicat un text ("animate").

Pentru a-l modifica, mergi in ACP -> Look & Feel / Style & Templates -> alege tema Animate -> globalTemplate, si cauta linia

<a href='#' title='Go to community index' rel="home" accesskey='1'>animate</a>
aflata mai exact in:
<!-- ::: BRANDING STRIP: Logo and search box ::: -->
<div id='branding'><div id='banner_texture'><div class='wrapper'>

<div id='banner_content'>
<div id='logo'>

<a href='#' title='Go to community index' rel="home" accesskey='1'>animate</a>

</div>[/code] iar in loc de [b]animate[/b], scrie ce iti pofteste inima, ca de exemplu:
[code]<a href='#' title='Go to community index' rel="home" accesskey='1'>PC Troubleshooting.ro</a>

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  • 1 year later...

Salut ma scuzati ca ma bag la acest topic dar sunt nelamurit cu cv eu vreau sa schimb logo ala de la tema animate dar vrea sa sterg tot si imaginea aia miscatoare si scrisul ala Animate si sami bag eu un logo facut de mine va rog mult putin  ajutor

  • Moderators

ACP -> Look & Feel / Style & Templates -> alege tema Animate -> globalTemplate -> defaultheader -> apesi pe butonul Revert.

AdminCP -> Look & Feel -> Tema ta -> CSS -> ipb_Styles.css .

Cauta branding si zi ce ai gasit pe acolo.


salut uite am gasit dar nu in ipb_styles ci in globaltemplate ;) 

			<!-- ::: BRANDING STRIP: Logo and search box ::: -->
			<div id='branding'><div id='banner_texture'><div class='wrapper'>
                <div id='banner_content'>
                <div id='logo'>
                    <if test="brandingBar:|:ipsRegistry::$applications[ $this->registry->getCurrentApplication() ]['hasCustomHeader']">
                        {parse template="overwriteHeader" group="{current_app}_global" params=""}
                    <else />
                        {parse template="defaultHeader" group="global" params=""}
  • Moderators

Pentru a elimina acel background am nevoie de ipb_styles.css

Copiaza ce ai acolo intr-un notepad si uploadeaza-l pe girlshare.ro sau zippyshare.com si iti zic eu ce sa modifici :)

  • Moderators


#branding {
	background: #000 url("{style_images_url}/banner_bg.jpg") repeat-x top;
	height: 130px;

si inlocuieste cu

#branding {
	background: #000;
	height: 130px;

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