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Ok, deci. Imi vine sa arunc la gunoi conexiunea cu Suedia. Dar in alta ordine de idei cine naiba a mai vazut o eroare de genul asta ?


Nu ii dau restart ca porneste in 2 ore. Nu glumesc, procesul de boot dureaza cel putin juma de ora iar timp de 1,5 h incerc sa ma conectez remote. Intr'un final ma voi conecta DAR ..nu merge nimic.


Intr-adevar, mie nu mi s-a intamplat pana acum, insa, iata doua raspunsuri gasite pe internet pentru eroarea: Failure to display security and shutdown options

I worked on 12 systems with this error on multiple networks

"Failure to display security and shut down options. The logon process was unable to display security and logon options when CTRL+ALT+DELETE was pressed"

I reloaded several systems only to have it reappear leading me to beleive it was a virus

over a period of a week, I found 6 PC's had a virus called Trojan.ADH and or Trojan-Download.Murlo, the other 6 PC's showed no signs of any virus.

All 12 happened to be running .Net applications

Even after removing the viruses all of the systems continued to lockup after 5 to 10 minutes of use.

The fix turned out to be quite simple and... anything but simple to troubleshoot (Assuming the systems were virus free)

Reset Winsock!

All returned to normal status after resetting the Winsock

To reset Winsock do the following

1. Right click on Command Prompt and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR

2. Type "netsh winsock reset" and click Enter Key

3. You should see a message that the Winsock was reset, reboot for changes to take effect.


This worked on all 12 systems no return calls over 1 month now.

Good luck

1. Restart the computer.

2. Start tapping F8 key.

3. You will get advanced boot option window.

4. Select the option “Safe mode”.

5. Once you're logged in, click Start, All Programs, Accessories.

6. Right click on Command Prompt and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR.

7. Type "netsh winsock reset" and click Enter Key.

8. You should see a message that the Winsock was reset, reboot for changes to take effect.

9. Restart.

Hope this works for you as it fixed about 45 systems that have been doing the same thing.

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E ceva legat de LAN, ca altfel nu-mi explic. In safe mode porneste. Pacat ca nu il am in fata ochilor sa pot face de toate pe el. Asa tre sa rog pe owner sa incerce.

Sau vreun soft ceva... firewall..antivirus..

SAU, mai rau, HDD-ul.

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