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Salut. Am o intrebare: vad aici in cPanel Addon Domains: An addon domain allows visitors to reach a subdomain of your site by typing the addon domain's URL into a browser. This means that you can host additional domains from your account, if allowed by your hosting provider. Addon Domains Subdomains are relative to your account's home directory.

Adica pot hosta si alte domenii? (avem spatiu nelimitat)

  • Moderators

Am o problema :(. Intampin urmatoarea eroare:



Using nameservers with the following IPs: 7*.**.1**.1**,***.81.1*5.*** Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.

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