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1. Uploadezi fisierele pe FTP fisierele Admin, Public, Uploads

2. Intri in ACP >> Manage Application & Modules si il instalezi

3. Intri in ACP >> Other Apss >> IHost>> Settings >>Main Settings la Enable system? bifezi Yes si la Allowed Groups selectezi grupurile care au acces la upload

4. ACP >> Other Apss >> IHost>> Settings >>Manage Permission >> Selecteaza grupurile ce au acces la upload



Odata ce descarci arhiva cu continutul scriptului, in interiorul ei gasesti un fisier, README (Citeste-ma!). De obicei, in aceste fisiere se gasesc informatii utile cu privire la script, precum instructiunile de instalare.


Iti citez:


"You will need to have the following to allow Mihalism Multi Host to operate properly:

1. Apache Web Server or any standard non-Windows web server.

2. MySQL Database Server

3. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor 5.0

4. GD Graphics Library or Imagick Image Library



1) Once downloaded, unpack the contents of the .zip archive to a folder of your choice within your computer.
2) Now that Mihalism Multi Host is unpacked, upload the content of the folder to your web server using FTP, SFTP, or SSH.
3) If the folder was uploaded successfully into a web accessable location, then you can simply open your web browser and browse to the folder within your website where Mihalism Multi Host was uploaded.
4) After you have opened Mihalism Multi Host in your browser you will presented with the installer. Follow the directions on the screen to begin installation.
5) That is it, your are done. Enjoy your website!"
Pentru ca e posibil sa nu intelegi engleza, uite in mare ce trebuie sa faci: dezarhivezi pachetul descarcat, urci toate fisierele componente pe serverul de gazduire prin intermediul unui client FTP, accesezi locatia unde ai urcat fisierele (de exemplu daca le urci in radacina site-ului tau: www.cimpanzeulvesel.ro, pur si simplu accesezi site-ul; daca il urci intr-un folder, il accesezi: www.cimpanzeulvesel.ro/hosting_imagini), ti se va deschide installer-ul de unde ar trebui sa te descurci.

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  • 10 months later...

Tu sti cat de usor este sal instalezi.

Uite si eu il folosesc.



1. Intri in ACP >> Manage Application & Modules si il instalezi

2. Intri in ACP >> Other Apss >> IHost>> Settings >>Main Settings la Enable system? bifezi Yes si la Allowed Groups selectezi grupurile care au acces la upload

3. ACP >> Other Apss >> IHost>> Settings >>Manage Permission >> Selecteaza grupurile ce au acces la upload

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