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Valve A Anuntat Steam Machines


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Dupa ce cu cateva zile in urma, recent a fost anuntat Steam Machines, o serie de dispozitive produse de mai multe companii de profil pe care va rula sistemul de operare proaspat prezentat. Steam Machines va fi lansat oficial undeva in 2013, insa Valve va oferi gratuit peste 300 de prototipuri utilizatorilor STEAM. Daca vreti sa va aflati printre cei 300 va trebui sa parcurgeti cinci pasi aflati aici: http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamMachines/ pana pe data de 25 octombrie 2013.


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Specificatiile pentru primele 300 de prototipuri Steam Machines 

"The 300 prototype units will ship with the following components: 

GPU: some units with NVidia Titan, some GTX780, some GTX760, and some GTX660 

CPU: some boxes with Intel i7-4770, some i5-4570, and some i3 

RAM: 16GB DDR3-1600 (CPU), 3GB GDDR5 (GPU) 

Storage: 1TB/8GB Hybrid SSHD 

Power Supply: Internal 450w 80Plus Gold 

Dimensions: approx. 12 x 12.4 x 2.9 in high "


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