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Restaurare Windows 8 Folosind O Imagine Iso

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Nu mai merge acel '' troubleshooter '' ... 


" A problem is preventing the troubleshooter from starting ''

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Vezi postul #12 de aici: http://windowsforum.com/threads/a-problem-is-preventing-the-troubleshooter-from-starting-error-code-0x80070426.77844/




I posted this in the thread I started about the same problem, but I may have found an answer, so I'll post it here too.

I compared the list of Services when the Troubleshooter is not working to the the list when it is working and there were only 2 changes. Here were the results:

When the Troubleshooter is working:
Background Intelligent Transfer Service Stopped
Cryptographic Services Started

When Troubleshooter Is Not Working:
Background Intelligent Transfer Service Started
Cryptographic Services Stopped

There was no change when turning the Background Intelligence Transfer Service on/off, but when I turn ON Cryptographic Services, the Troubleshooter instantly works! When I turn it off, the Troubleshooter instantly stops working again.

So I think this whole problem can be narrowed down to Cryptographic Services and whether it is on or not. It is currently set to Manual startup. Do you know if this would work permanently if it was set to Automatic? I'm going to try it anyway.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards clear.png

**Additional: A quick look around the net suggests that Cryptographic Services is supposed to be set to Automatic.

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