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Nu Se Vede Fullscreen In Jocuri. De La Driver?


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am o problema mare deci am instalat driverul de la placa video.

Adica am intrat pe www.amd.com miam luat driveru de la placa video adica de la setciunea notebook drivers,am instalat driverul dar nu reusesc sa mi se vada fullscreen pe jocuri cum se vedea inainte.

Va rog daca are cineva un driver video de la amd pentru tipu notebook sa lase reply aici.

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Maine Deschiderea oficiala la 19:00 Rpg.Oldz-School.ro

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Am un Compaq cu placa video ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series de 256mb video dedicated ram

Si in loc cum apare la tine,tin sa spun cand am primit pc aveam acest driver,dar acum dupa ce iau cu autodetect de pe amd.com nu ma lasa sa acceses Hydravision

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Maine Deschiderea oficiala la 19:00 Rpg.Oldz-School.ro

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Nu au treaba driverele ca sa joci fullscreen trebuie sa ai rezolutia nativa.

Dai detalile ultra low pe rezolutia nativa poate ai noroc sa mearga decent cu 30 fps (despre ce jocuri e vorba de nu merg bine?)

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Bani sunt in stare sa te faca sa omori, cam de asta la noi pe timp de pace razboi.

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Deci cum am zis tre sa dau pe rezolutie maxima ca sa nu mi se mai vada cele 2 dungi negre verticale care apar in stanga si in dreapta.

Si nu merge sa dau de pe fullscreen din Amd Control panel pe Centerezed

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Maine Deschiderea oficiala la 19:00 Rpg.Oldz-School.ro

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La toate jocurile si am 2 dungi negre diagonale in stanga si in dreapta si daca dau la rezolutie 800x400 32bit sau cum e ma rog,se vede ecranu in jocu ca un tablou si tre sa joc la 1360xnush cat ca sa se vada mare si full

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Maine Deschiderea oficiala la 19:00 Rpg.Oldz-School.ro

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Uite o problema similara aici: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=381639, utilizatorul de acolo spunand ca a rezolvat astfel:

I had to actually change my desktop resolution in CCC to say 720p, use the scaling slider to fit the screen then enable Image Scaling Function. Changed back to 1080p native desktop res and tried a game out, set it to 720p and low and behold my game is fullscreen NO BORDERS!!
Only took like three weeks to figure it out

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Pai 800x600 e 4:3, ecranul tau are aspect ratio de 16:9 sau 16:10. Asa mi se intampla mie in cs 1.6 pe noul monitor. In orice caz, uite aici problema pe aceeasi rezolutie, aparent asta a rezolvat, in Win7 (daca asta ai si tu): 

1)Go to ATI CATALYST Applicaton:
- Graphics/Desktop & Display/ click triangle button in big Screen Model and press "Properties" option
- now change resolution to lower one.(in my lapy i have changed it from 1366x768 to 1280x720.)
- Save & Exit.
2)now again go to ATI CATALYST Application
- Graphics/Desktop & Display/ this time click on bottom left small Laptop icon's triangle from where u can get to "Configure" option 
- now you will find three scaling options:
>Preserve aspect ratio
>full screen
- u select full screen button 
- save & exit.
3)now go to desktop
- click right click of mouse
- go to "Personalize" option
- than click "Display" button
- in that u will find "Display Resolution" Option,go to there.
- now change resolution to max (as it was 1366x768 in my case) 
- apply ,save changes abd exit .
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