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Cerere Cod Userinfopane Personalizare Informatii Profil

Go to solution Solved by Vlăduț Rădulescu,

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Salut PCTroubleshooting.ro. As dori si eu un cod userinfopane si sa imi spuneti exact ce trebuie sa fac sa imi apara informatiile membrilor ca in imaginea urmatoare:
Am mai vazut topic-uri dar nu stiu unde trebuie sa le pun exact, sper ca ma puteti ajuta.
Uitati cod-ul meu userinfoPane:

<if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='no'"></if>
<!-- -->
<div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person" class='user_details <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']=='yes'">clearfix</if>'>

<if test="($this->settings['horizontalTopicView']=='yes') AND $this->request['section'] == 'topics'">

	<div class='horizontalAvatar left'>

    <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']">
            <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )">
            <a itemprop="url" href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'>
            <if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']">	
                <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_main_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' />
            <else />
                <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' />
            <if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )">
    <else />
            <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' />
    <div class='horizontalUserInfo'>

	<div class='horizontalUsername'>
        <if test="$author['member_id']">
            <span itemprop="creator name" class="author vcard">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$author"}</span>
        <else />

    <ul class='horizontalInfoList' style='width: 140px;'>
    	<li class='group_title'>
        <if test="postCount:|:$author['member_id']">
		<li class='post_count desc lighter'>
			{parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"} {$this->lang->words['m_posts']}
    <ul class='horizontalInfoList' style='width: 140px;'>
		<if test="rankimage:|:$author['member_rank_img']">
			<li class='group_icon'>
			<if test="rankimageimage:|:$author['member_rank_img_i'] == 'img'">
				<img src='{$author['member_rank_img']}' alt='' />
			<else />
        <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']">
		<if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']">
				<if test="hasWarningId:|:$options['wl_id']">
					<img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options['wl_id']} )' title='{$this->lang->words['warnings_issued']}' />
				<a class='desc lighter blend_links' href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=warnings&amp;member={$author['member_id']}&amp;from_app={$this->request['app']}&amp;from_id1={$contentid}&amp;from_id2={$options['id2']}" base="public"}' id='warn_link_{$contentid}_{$author['member_id']}' title='{$this->lang->words['warn_view_history']}'>{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['warn_status'], $author['warn_level'] )"}</a>
	<if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != """>
		<ul class='horizontalInfoList custom_fields'>
			<foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data">
				<foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field">
					<if test="$field != ''">
    <ul class='horizontalInfoList' style='float: right; width: 190px;'>
    	<li><if test="$author['_online']"><img src="{style_images_url}/post_online.png" alt="" class='post_online' data-tooltip="Online" /><else /><img src="{style_images_url}/post_offline.png" alt="" class='post_online' data-tooltip="Offline" /></if> Last active: {$author['_last_active']}</li>
		<li style='padding-left: 15px;'>Joined: {parse date="$author['joined']" format="DATE"}</li>

<else />

<span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span>

	<ul class='basic_info'>
		<if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']">
			<p class='desc member_title'>{$author['member_title']}</p>
		<if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']">
			<li class='avatar'>
				<if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )">
				<a itemprop="url" href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'>
				<if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']">	
					<img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_main_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' />
				<else />
					<img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' />
				<if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )">
		<else />
			<li class='avatar'>
				<img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' />
		<li class='group_title'>
		<if test="rankimage:|:$author['member_rank_img']">
			<li class='group_icon'>
			<if test="rankimageimage:|:$author['member_rank_img_i'] == 'img'">
				<img src='{$author['member_rank_img']}' alt='' />
			<else />
		<if test="postCount:|:$author['member_id']">
		<li class='post_count desc lighter'>
			{parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"} {$this->lang->words['m_posts']}
		<if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']">
				<if test="$options['wl_id']">
					<img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options['wl_id']} )' title='{$this->lang->words['warnings_issued']}' />
				<a class='desc lighter blend_links' href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=profile&amp;section=warnings&amp;member={$author['member_id']}&amp;from_app={$this->request['app']}&amp;from_id1={$contentid}&amp;from_id2={$options['id2']}" base="public"}' id='warn_link_{$contentid}_{$author['member_id']}' title='{$this->lang->words['warn_view_history']}'>{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['warn_status'], $author['warn_level'] )"}</a>
	<if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != """>
		<ul class='custom_fields'>
			<foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data">
				<foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field">
					<if test="$field != ''">




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Frate am zis ... am gasit dar am incercat sa pun codu dar nu a mers ... nu a iesit ca in poza



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


Are nevoie si de CSS

Courage chiar asta aveam nevoie am pus codu userinfopane dar am nevoie sa stiu ce trebuie sa pun in CSS  :)



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


Revin și cu link unde găsești CSS :))

Stiu unde e CSS dar nu stiu in ce trebuie sa intru in css si sa pun codu care trebuie!



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


Custom profile fields, bagă codul ăla de acolo ..


Măcar dacă căutai pe pagina 1 la IP.BOARD ..aseară s-a discutat așa ceva. 

Există trei mituri ale populației României.


1. România este o țară frumoasă - 100% adevărat.

2. România este o țară deșteaptă - 50% adevărat

3. România este o țară harnică. În topicul acesta veți vedea procentajul de adevăr al acestui mit.

  padding:4px 0px;

.pairsJustified {
margin: 2px 0 0;
font-size: 9px;
border-bottom: 1px dashed #000!important;
overflow: hidden;
line-height: 1.5;

.pairsJustified dt {
padding-right: 5px;
font-size: 11px!important;
float: left;
text-align: left;
max-width: 100%;
margin-right: 5px;
color: rgb(55, 134, 216);

.pairsJustified dd {
float: right;
font-size: 10px!important;
text-align: right;
max-width: 100%;

Acest cod il adaug jos de tot?



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


in ipb_styles.css

Da il pun jos de tot?



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


Cat de marfa arata.


Multumesc ,o zi buna. :)



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


Puteti sa imi spuneti cum pot sa fac o bara pentru administrator si celelalnte grup-uri?



                                                                                                   Recomand cu incredere HZone Romania - Webhost Calitate Maxima 


Puteti sa imi spuneti cum pot sa fac o bara pentru administrator si celelalnte grup-uri?

Pentru fiecare problema pe care o ai, topic separat! :)

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