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Yahoo! Directory Se Inchide Pe 31 Decembrie 2014

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Yahoo! Directory, unul dintre cele mai vechi si vestite directoare de website-uri, in care pentru a fi acceptat garantat era necesara platirea unei taxe anuale de 300$, se va inchide la sfarsitul acestui an; mai exact pe 31 decembrie 2014.


The directory will officially close December 31, and advertisers will be given details on getting upgraded to a new service, Jay Rossiter, Yahoo's senior vice president of the cloud platform group said. The shutdown is part of the company's attempt to streamline its product offerings. The company has shuttered more than 60 products in the last two years, said Rossiter.

Yahoo did not immediately respond to a request for comment specifically on the Directory's shutdown.


Mai multe detalii aici: http://yahoo.tumblr.com/post/98474044364/progress-report-continued-product-focus

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Yahoo Education: As we take a close look at our offerings, we identify areas outside of our core experiences where users’ needs are already well served by alternative online resources. For this reason, on September 30, we will close Yahoo Education, a site designed to connect users with education providers and content.



Clar... La anul cade și Yahoo Messenger, Yahoo Meteo... o să mai avem doar Mail =))


eu inca mai folosesc yahoo mess,dar nu prea intra lumea. ce vremuri erau cand toata lumea vorbea pe mess dadeam buzzuri ca sa enervam pe cel cu care vorbeam. Acuma lumea e dependenta de facebook, ca pe vremea lui hi5.


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