Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Salutare PCT ! Am urmatoarea problema , cand intru intr-un topic , imi apar informatiile din stanga de mai multe ori , mentionez ca nu eu am facut acest lucru , iar omul care a facut nu mai stie cum a facut , intrebarea mea este urmatoarea , cum fac sa nu mai apara deloc , acest lucru ? Am pus un SS mai jos: Va multumesc ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators Courage Posted January 29, 2015 Moderators Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 userInfoPane dublat. Posteaza aici ce ai in userinfopane, intre [spoiler][code]Codul tau[/code][/spoiler] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 (edited) <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> <span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span> <ul class='basic_info'><br> <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> </if><if test='{$author['member_title']}'> <ul class="ribbon"> <li class="ribbon2" style="background: #323232;"> <div class="Rleft" style="background: #323232"></div> <div class="Rright" style="background: #323232"></div> <span style="color: white;"><b>{$author['member_title']}</b></span> </li> </ul> </if> <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='avatar'> <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! 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Moderators Courage Posted January 29, 2015 Moderators Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Vezi asta: <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> <span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span> <ul class='basic_info'> <br> <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> </if> <if test='{$author[' member_title ']}'> <ul class="ribbon"> <li class="ribbon2" style="background: #323232;"> <div class="Rleft" style="background: #323232"></div> <div class="Rright" style="background: #323232"></div> <span style="color: white;"><b>{$author['member_title']}</b></span> </li> </ul> </if> <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='avatar'> <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> <a itemprop="url" href="{parse url=" showuser={$author[ 'member_id']} " template="showuser " seotitle="{$author[ 'members_seo_name']} " base="public "}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'> </if> <if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']"> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author[' pp_main_photo ']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' /> <else /> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author[' pp_thumb_photo ']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </if> <if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> </a> </if> </li> <else /> <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author[' pp_thumb_photo ']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </li> </if> <li class='group_title'> {$author['_group_formatted']} <br></br> <if test="rankimage:|:$author['member_rank_img']"> <li class='group_icon'> <if test="rankimageimage:|:$author['member_rank_img_i'] == 'img'"> <img src='{$author[' member_rank_img ']}' alt='' /> <else /> {$author['member_rank_img']} </if> </li> </if> <div class="extraUserInfo"> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Mesaje:</dt> <dd> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> ID membru:</dt> <dd> {$author['member_id']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Înregistrat</dt> <dd> {parse date="$author['joined']" format="joined"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Reputaþie</dt> <dd> {$author['pp_reputation_points']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Pucte de Avertizare</dt> <dd> {$author['warn_level']}</dd> </li> </dl> <if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != " ""> <ul> <foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data"> <foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field"> <if test="$field != ''"> <li> {$field} </li> </if> </foreach> </foreach> </ul> </if> <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']"> <li> <if test="$options['wl_id']"> <img src='{$this->settings[' img_url ']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options[' wl_id ']} )' title='{$this->lang->words[' warnings_issued ']}' /> </if> </li> </if> </div> </div> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Vezi asta: <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> <span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span> <ul class='basic_info'> <br> <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> </if> <if test='{$author[' member_title ']}'> <ul class="ribbon"> <li class="ribbon2" style="background: #323232;"> <div class="Rleft" style="background: #323232"></div> <div class="Rright" style="background: #323232"></div> <span style="color: white;"><b>{$author['member_title']}</b></span> </li> </ul> </if> <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='avatar'> <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> <a itemprop="url" href="{parse url=" showuser={$author[ 'member_id']} " template="showuser " seotitle="{$author[ 'members_seo_name']} " base="public "}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'> </if> <if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']"> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author[' pp_main_photo ']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' /> <else /> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author[' pp_thumb_photo ']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </if> <if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> </a> </if> </li> <else /> <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author[' pp_thumb_photo ']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </li> </if> <li class='group_title'> {$author['_group_formatted']} <br></br> <if test="rankimage:|:$author['member_rank_img']"> <li class='group_icon'> <if test="rankimageimage:|:$author['member_rank_img_i'] == 'img'"> <img src='{$author[' member_rank_img ']}' alt='' /> <else /> {$author['member_rank_img']} </if> </li> </if> <div class="extraUserInfo"> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Mesaje:</dt> <dd> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> ID membru:</dt> <dd> {$author['member_id']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Înregistrat</dt> <dd> {parse date="$author['joined']" format="joined"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Reputaþie</dt> <dd> {$author['pp_reputation_points']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Pucte de Avertizare</dt> <dd> {$author['warn_level']}</dd> </li> </dl> <if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != " ""> <ul> <foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data"> <foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field"> <if test="$field != ''"> <li> {$field} </li> </if> </foreach> </foreach> </ul> </if> <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']"> <li> <if test="$options['wl_id']"> <img src='{$this->settings[' img_url ']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options[' wl_id ']} )' title='{$this->lang->words[' warnings_issued ']}' /> </if> </li> </if> </div> </div> Acum nu mai apar alea , insa nu se mai vad avatarele apare asa: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators Courage Posted January 29, 2015 Moderators Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 In loc de <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> ai pus div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 In loc de <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> ai pus div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> Am adaugat acel "<" insa nu mai apare eroarea aceea dar nu se mai vede avatarul.Sunt inca incepator in IPB , imi cer scuze pentru stresul suportat.Folosesc ipb 3.4.6. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+alehaNN Posted January 29, 2015 Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 @Andrei imi poti da CSS-ul doar partea de jos ca,profil sa se vada in tabel.. scuze da gasesc nicaieri.. Quote Founder & Developer - - Live The Game With US Contact: Steam: Contact Steam Skype: alehannnt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 @Mihalache Uite , asta este CSS-ul ipb_profile, cred ca de asta ai nevoie : ************************************************************************//* IP.Board 3 CSS - By Rikki Tissier - (c)2008 Invision Power Services */ /************************************************************************/ /* ipb_profile.css - Profile specific styles */ /************************************************************************/ #profile_photo { max-width: 138px; max-height: 138px; } #profile_content_main { min-height: 75px; line-height: 1.3; margin-bottom: 20px; } #pane_info .ipsLayout_right { width: 260px !important; margin-right: -290px; } #friends_overview .ipsUserPhoto_link { margin: 0 2px 5px 2px; display: inline-block; } #profile_content_main h1.ipsType_pagetitle{ border: 0; } #profile_panes_wrap .reputation { float: none; margin: 0 0 5px 0; padding: 10px; text-align: center; font-weight: normal; display: block; } #profile_panes_wrap .reputation .number { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; display: block; } .warn_panel { text-align: center; margin: 8px 0; } .photo_holder { position: relative; } #change_photo { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: #fff; opacity: 0.3; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; } .photo_holder:hover #change_photo { opacity: 1; background: #000; } #user_info_cell { display: table-cell; white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 15px; line-height: 20px; } #user_status_cell { display: table-cell; width: 100%; vertical-align: top; } #user_latest_status { position: relative; padding-left: 11px; } #user_latest_status .status_arrow{ position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 50%; margin-top: -12px; height: 0; width: 0; display: block; border-width: 11px 11px 11px 0px; border-color: transparent #262626 transparent transparent; border-style: solid; } #user_latest_status > div { padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #262626; color: #fff; text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 0px -1px 0px; font-size: 14px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; min-height: 45px; word-wrap: break-word; } #user_latest_status > div > span { display: block; padding-top: 6px; } #user_utility_links { margin-top: 10px; text-align: right; } .rating { margin-top: 10px; } #status_wrapper .ipsBox_container { margin-bottom: 9px; } #profile_tabs a:before{ content:""; display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: -6px 8px -5px 0; background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_icon.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; } #profile_tabs li[id$="info"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_info.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="status"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_status.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="friends"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_friends.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="topics"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_topics.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="posts"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_posts.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="blog"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_blog.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="gallery"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_gallery.png'); }#profile_tabs li[id$="idm"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_idm.png'); } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+alehaNN Posted January 29, 2015 Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 @Mihalache Uite , asta este CSS-ul ipb_profile, cred ca de asta ai nevoie : ************************************************************************//* IP.Board 3 CSS - By Rikki Tissier - (c)2008 Invision Power Services */ /************************************************************************/ /* ipb_profile.css - Profile specific styles */ /************************************************************************/ #profile_photo { max-width: 138px; max-height: 138px; } #profile_content_main { min-height: 75px; line-height: 1.3; margin-bottom: 20px; } #pane_info .ipsLayout_right { width: 260px !important; margin-right: -290px; } #friends_overview .ipsUserPhoto_link { margin: 0 2px 5px 2px; display: inline-block; } #profile_content_main h1.ipsType_pagetitle{ border: 0; } #profile_panes_wrap .reputation { float: none; margin: 0 0 5px 0; padding: 10px; text-align: center; font-weight: normal; display: block; } #profile_panes_wrap .reputation .number { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; display: block; } .warn_panel { text-align: center; margin: 8px 0; } .photo_holder { position: relative; } #change_photo { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: #fff; opacity: 0.3; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; -webkit-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; } .photo_holder:hover #change_photo { opacity: 1; background: #000; } #user_info_cell { display: table-cell; white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 15px; line-height: 20px; } #user_status_cell { display: table-cell; width: 100%; vertical-align: top; } #user_latest_status { position: relative; padding-left: 11px; } #user_latest_status .status_arrow{ position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 50%; margin-top: -12px; height: 0; width: 0; display: block; border-width: 11px 11px 11px 0px; border-color: transparent #262626 transparent transparent; border-style: solid; } #user_latest_status > div { padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #262626; color: #fff; text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.8) 0px -1px 0px; font-size: 14px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; min-height: 45px; word-wrap: break-word; } #user_latest_status > div > span { display: block; padding-top: 6px; } #user_utility_links { margin-top: 10px; text-align: right; } .rating { margin-top: 10px; } #status_wrapper .ipsBox_container { margin-bottom: 9px; } #profile_tabs a:before{ content:""; display: inline-block; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: -6px 8px -5px 0; background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_icon.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 50% 50%; } #profile_tabs li[id$="info"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_info.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="status"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_status.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="friends"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_friends.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="topics"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_topics.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="posts"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_posts.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="blog"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_blog.png'); } #profile_tabs li[id$="gallery"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_gallery.png'); }#profile_tabs li[id$="idm"] a:before{ background-image: url('{style_images_url}/profile_tab_idm.png'); } Scuze nu m-am exprimat corect.: ipb_styles_css Quote Founder & Developer - - Live The Game With US Contact: Steam: Contact Steam Skype: alehannnt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Scuze nu m-am exprimat corect.: ipb_styles_css ipb_styles.css e foarte mare si se incarca foarte greu pe PCT.Imi pare rau , alta solutie ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandru C. Posted January 29, 2015 Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Cauta in ipb_styles.css .extraUserInfo{ Si da-ne codul ala Quote a lot of bla bla bla... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Cauta in ipb_styles.css .extraUserInfo{ Si da-ne codul ala .extraUserInfo{ font-size:11px; padding:4px 0px; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandru C. Posted January 29, 2015 Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Nu e doar ala . Quote a lot of bla bla bla... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mateias Andrei Posted January 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Nu e doar ala . Atat am legat de .extraUserInfo{ ... .ribbon2 div { background-color: #3e3e3e; } .extraUserInfo{ font-size:11px; padding:4px 0px; } .pairsJustified { margin: 2px 0 0; font-size: 9px; border-bottom: 1px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.13)!important; overflow: hidden; line-height: 1.5; } Precedentul si succesorul.Daca la astea te refereai ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandru C. Posted January 29, 2015 Report Share Posted January 29, 2015 Nu era din ipb_styles.css Ci din userinfopanel , ma-m uitat mai bine si am vazut ca , codul de la avatar nu era bine , inlocuieste tot userinfopanel cu codul asta : <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> <span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span> <ul class='basic_info'> <br> <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> </if> <if test='{$author[' member_title ']}'> <ul class="ribbon"> <li class="ribbon2" style="background: #323232;"> <div class="Rleft" style="background: #323232"></div> <div class="Rright" style="background: #323232"></div> <span style="color: white;"><b>{$author['member_title']}</b></span> </li> </ul> </if> <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='avatar'> <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> <a itemprop="url" href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'> </if> <if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']"> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_main_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' /> <else /> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </if> <if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> </a> </if> </li> <else /> <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </li> </if> <li class='group_title'> {$author['_group_formatted']} <br></br> <if test="rankimage:|:$author['member_rank_img']"> <li class='group_icon'> <if test="rankimageimage:|:$author['member_rank_img_i'] == 'img'"> <img src='{$author[' member_rank_img ']}' alt='' /> <else /> {$author['member_rank_img']} </if> </li> </if> <div class="extraUserInfo"> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Mesaje:</dt> <dd> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> ID membru:</dt> <dd> {$author['member_id']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Înregistrat</dt> <dd> {parse date="$author['joined']" format="joined"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Reputaþie</dt> <dd> {$author['pp_reputation_points']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Pucte de Avertizare</dt> <dd> {$author['warn_level']}</dd> </li> </dl> <if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != " ""> <ul> <foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data"> <foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field"> <if test="$field != ''"> <li> {$field} </li> </if> </foreach> </foreach> </ul> </if> <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']"> <li> <if test="$options['wl_id']"> <img src='{$this->settings[' img_url ']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options[' wl_id ']} )' title='{$this->lang->words[' warnings_issued ']}' /> </if> </li> </if> </div> </div> Quote a lot of bla bla bla... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+alehaNN Posted January 30, 2015 Report Share Posted January 30, 2015 Nu era din ipb_styles.css Ci din userinfopanel , ma-m uitat mai bine si am vazut ca , codul de la avatar nu era bine , inlocuieste tot userinfopanel cu codul asta : <div itemscope itemtype="" class='user_details'> <span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span> <ul class='basic_info'> <br> <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> </if> <if test='{$author[' member_title ']}'> <ul class="ribbon"> <li class="ribbon2" style="background: #323232;"> <div class="Rleft" style="background: #323232"></div> <div class="Rright" style="background: #323232"></div> <span style="color: white;"><b>{$author['member_title']}</b></span> </li> </ul> </if> <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='avatar'> <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> <a itemprop="url" href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'> </if> <if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']"> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_main_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' /> <else /> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </if> <if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> </a> </if> </li> <else /> <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </li> </if> <li class='group_title'> {$author['_group_formatted']} <br></br> <if test="rankimage:|:$author['member_rank_img']"> <li class='group_icon'> <if test="rankimageimage:|:$author['member_rank_img_i'] == 'img'"> <img src='{$author[' member_rank_img ']}' alt='' /> <else /> {$author['member_rank_img']} </if> </li> </if> <div class="extraUserInfo"> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Mesaje:</dt> <dd> {parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> ID membru:</dt> <dd> {$author['member_id']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Înregistrat</dt> <dd> {parse date="$author['joined']" format="joined"}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Reputaþie</dt> <dd> {$author['pp_reputation_points']}</dd> </li> </dl> <dl class="pairsJustified"> <li class='post_count desc lighter'> <dt><img src=""> Pucte de Avertizare</dt> <dd> {$author['warn_level']}</dd> </li> </dl> <if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != " ""> <ul> <foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data"> <foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field"> <if test="$field != ''"> <li> {$field} </li> </if> </foreach> </foreach> </ul> </if> <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']"> <li> <if test="$options['wl_id']"> <img src='{$this->settings[' img_url ']}/warn.png' class='clickable' onclick='warningPopup( this, {$options[' wl_id ']} )' title='{$this->lang->words[' warnings_issued ']}' /> </if> </li> </if> </div> </div> Nu e bun... se vede aiurea.. Quote Founder & Developer - - Live The Game With US Contact: Steam: Contact Steam Skype: alehannnt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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