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Fii atent ce am gasit in fisierul ReadMe al hook-ului:
Step 1: Upload files
Upload the following files to their corresponding locations on your forum:

  • /admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groupNameIndicator/xml/index.html
  • /admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groupNameIndicator/xml/menu.xml
  • /admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groupNameIndicator/xml/permissions.xml
  • /admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groupNameIndicator/defaultSection.php
  • /admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groupNameIndicator/groupNameIndicator.php
  • /admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groupNameIndicator/index.html
  • /admin/applications/members/skin_cp/cp_skin_group_name_indicator.php

Step 2: Import the Hook File
Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open.
Step 3: ACP Setup
Still inside the Admin CP, visit the Members tab. There will be a section on the left here entitled Group Name Indicator. Click on this to adjust the display order. You can show or hide groups by clicking on the red minus or green plus icons, and you can drag and drop the shown groups into the order you want.
!!! Pe scurt, dupa ce descarci si dezarhivezi hook-ul, iti rezulta un folder in care gasesti 3 chestii (un folder admin), GroupNameIndicator.xml si ReadMe.html. Te conectezi pe FTP folosind contul de gazduire detinut, iei (copy) folder-ul admin si il pui peste (overwrite) folder-ul admin al comunitatii tale prin intermediul clientului FTP, in root (adica in public_html) daca forumul tau e accesibil la adresa www.site.ro, sau in folder-ul /forum sau ce folosesti, daca forumul tau este accesibil la adresa www.site.ro/forum. Dup aceea, te autentifici in ACP (Admin Control Panel) ->System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks si incarci fisierul GroupNameIndicator.xml folosind campul din cadrul Install a new hook. Ar trebui ca hook-ul sa se fi instalat cu succes.
Ultimul pas, este configurarea hook-ului din ACP -> Members -> GroupNameIndicator.
P.S: Dupa cum vezi, nu e vorba de niciun fisier gni.php si nici gni.xml, deci, nu stiu ce ai descarcat tu.
P.S 2: Daca vrei hook-ul dupa care am facut tutorialul, vezi aici: :link:

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