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Salutare PCT. Am cautat , de 2 zile un userinfopane bun , dar nu gasesc , as vrea unu care sa aiba si intereseze , sex , locatie , si bari rotunjire daca se poate la member title si grad , si un patratel cu reputatie , va rog .


P.s nu imi merge custom profile fields , adica fac tot si bag la ultima

<dl class="pairsJustified">
  <li class='post_count desc lighter'>

si degeaba , nu mi arata

  • Moderators

Probabil in userInfoPane iti lipseste foreachu care sa arate custom profile fields. Vezi daca ai bucata asta:

<if test="authorcfields:|:$author['custom_fields'] != """>
		<ul class='custom_fields'>
			<foreach loop="customFieldsOuter:$author['custom_fields'] as $group => $data">
				<foreach loop="customFields:$author['custom_fields'][ $group ] as $field">
					<if test="$field != ''">

Daca nu, adauga unde vrei sa apara campurile custom.


PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament

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