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Salut, am intrat pe un torrent tracker si am vazut pe acolo setari optime pentru clientul de torrent folosit. Se recomanda ca Enable DHT Network si Enable DHT for new torrents sa fie debifate. Desi recomanda ca DHT-ul sa fie dezactivat nu explica si de ce. Eu clientul de torrent il am standard, asa cum s-a instalat.


Va intreb pe voi, poate aveti mai multa experienta ca mine, cum e mai bine si de ce? DHT Network activ sau nu? Cu ce deranjeaza daca e activ?


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Nu am prea multa experienta cu clientii de torrente :D, totusi, stiu ca se recomanda ca DHT (distributed hash table) sa fie dezactivat pentru a obliga clientul (uTorrent, BitTorrent, etc.) sa nu ocoleasca (sa nu se conecteze la alti utilizatori din afara) tracker-ul. Cu el activ ar exista riscul de ocolire al tracker-ului iar statisticile (upload, download, ratia, etc.) nu vor fi actualizate.

Uite si o alta explicatie poate ceva mai buna decat a mea:

Using DHT instead of trackers is one of the things The Pirate Bay is now trying to encourage, and torrent downloads that rely solely on this technology are often referred to as “trackerless torrents.” DHT is used to find the IP addresses of peers, mostly in addition to a tracker. It is enabled by default in clients such as uTorrent and Vuze and millions of people are already using it without knowing.

DHT’s function is to find peers who are downloading the same files, but without communicating with a central BitTorrent tracker such as that previously operated by The Pirate Bay.

DHT is by no means a new technology. A version debuted in the BitTorrent client Azureus in May 2005 and an alternative but incompatible version was added to Mainline BitTorrent a month later. There is, however, a plugin available for Azureus Vuze which allows it access to the Mainline DHT network used by uTorrent and other clients.

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