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Compendiumul pentu Dota 2 TI 2016 a fost lansat!


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Valve tocmai ce a lansat Compendiumul/battle pass-ul pentru The International 2016. Acesta costa 8.89€ daca doriti sa il luati de nivel 1 sau 23.89€ daca doriti sa il cumparati de nivel 50, iar ca si in anii trecuti 25% din suma va merge catre prize pool-ul turneului anual international de Dota 2. Jucatorii care isi vor cumpara Battle Pass-ul primesc acces la Dota 2 Compedium, trei Immortal Treasures, acces la misiuni si multe alte lucruri.

Totodata, cei ce vor capata acces la Dota 2 Compedium 2016 pot sa participe la “Weekend Battle Cups”, o serie de campionate ce seamana cu cele profesionale: “During scheduled, weekly events, participants can party up and battle through eight-team, single-elimination brackets. Teams are placed in a skill tier against evenly-matched opponents competing in one of four geographic divisions.” Castigatorii acestor campionate vor primi battle points.

Detalii suplimentare gasiti pe pagina dedicata: http://www.dota2.com/international/battlepass/ si in Dota 2 :P.

P.S: Turneul The International 2016 va debuta in luna august la Seattle's Key Arena.

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