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Posted (edited)

Salutare , am si eu o problema dupa ce instalez ipb 3.4.9 nu pot face nimic pe forum imi apare asta : 



Access to this resource on the server is denied!


Deci nu pot nici sa imi fac cont absolut nimic, vreo solutie pentru asta ?


Edited by FlorinFx

Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Şucăr said:

Probleme de la host. 

Am intrebat la host si au spus sa selectez versiunea php pentru ipb , dar tot degeaba problema tot persista.

Am instalat versiunea 3.4.9

Edited by FlorinFx
  • Moderators

Vezi logu cu erori de la host, poate ii lipseste vro extensie anume de activat la PHP.

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, gadeas said:

Vezi logu cu erori de la host, poate ii lipseste vro extensie anume de activat la PHP.



2016-08-15 06:24:51.871 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:24:44.085 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:23:34.175 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:19:13.808 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:15:24.448 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:13:55.386 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:11:26.120 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:10:10.202 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:09:04.766 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:05:50.049 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:05:48.352 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:05:45.758 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 06:03:05.695 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:50:44.800 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:34:36.487 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:18:25.948 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:18:03.341 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:15:56.423 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:09:53.324 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:03:48.908 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:03:34.200 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:02:57.332 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:02:08.628 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:01:17.314 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 05:01:12.305 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 04:55:29.800 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 04:53:46.918 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 04:53:37.196 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 04:53:34.003 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 
2016-08-15 04:32:42.455 [INFO] [] File not found [/home3/*******/public_html/403.shtml] 


Edited by FlorinFx
  • Moderators

Fisieru ala nu are legatura cu IPB, ceva lipseste in logu ala de erori.

Ori nu intri tu bine spre calea de forum, ori e ceva buba la hosting.

Vezi daca gasesti alt log de erori.

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament

6 hours ago, gadeas said:

Fisieru ala nu are legatura cu IPB, ceva lipseste in logu ala de erori.

Ori nu intri tu bine spre calea de forum, ori e ceva buba la hosting.

Vezi daca gasesti alt log de erori.

E singurul pe care la-m gasit , Ma pot loga in admincp nu pot face ceva de acolo ?

  • Moderators

adica admincp-ul iti merge si forumu (index-ul), nu?

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament

  • 4 weeks later...

Ce bine ca nu ati inchis topicul, uite @Gadeas am mai gasit eroarea asta 


[14-Sep-2016 21:22:22] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'db_driver_' not found in /home/********/public_html/admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php on line 2703


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