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Update bios Optiplex 380

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Salut detin Optiplex 380 si vreau sa-i fac upgrade la 8 gb ddr3 am gasit rami tot frumos dar aflat  ca am nevoie de ultimul update

Am cautat frumos versiunea este ao7

O am instalata dar fara update o am pe cea din release 6/13/2012

Si ultima este 21 Mar 2014

Problema este ca am executat acel update totu bine click dreapta run as dupa care calculatorul se inchide si pe monitoare nu imi apare nimic nu se incarca nimic dupa 30 de secunde cred se aude un bip dupa care isi da restart si imi apare cand deschid sa dau run la acel update din nou si dupa nu se mai intampla nimic si bios tot nu e updatat

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Incearca si a doua metoda, de aici: https://www.dell.com/support/home/ro/ro/robsdt1/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=4DCK1

This file format consists of a BIOS-executable file. To use it, download the file and copy it to a DOS-bootable USB flash drive, then boot the system to the USB flash drive and run the program.

Run the BIOS update utility from Windows environment
1. Browse to the location where you downloaded the file and double-click the new file.
2. Windows System will auto restart and update BIOS while system startup screen.
3. After BIOS update finished, system will auto reboot to take effect.

Run the BIOS update utility from DOS environment (Non-Windows users)
NOTE: You will need to provide a bootable DOS USB key. This executable file does not create the DOS system files.
1. Copy the downloaded file to a bootable DOS USB key.
2. Boot from the USB key to the DOS prompt.
3. Run the file by typing copied file name where the executable is located.

Informatii suplimentare aici: https://www.dell.com/support/article/ro/ro/robsdt1/sln284433/what-is-bios-and-how-to-update-the-bios-on-your-dell-system?lang=en

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