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Salut si scuze de deranj... dar ce versiune de centos trebuie pentru gamecp...

am incercat cu centos 7 si nu mi-a pornit serviciul



Uite cerintele de sistem de baza pe care trebuie sa le indeplinesti:

IIS, Apache or Lighttpd
GameCP requires one of these web-servers.
The web-server must be able to communicate to the remote server's ip on port 240 (default).

Version 5+
MySQL or MariaDB
Strict mode must be disabled

PHP5 + with the following php modules:
- Sockets
- Session
- Dom - (php-dom)
- Curl - not required, but recommended
- GD (for images/pdfs if desired)

GameCP does not currently work if being routed through CloudFlare.
We recommend creating a sub-domain or using your servers ip address instead.

GameCP requires you to have Ioncube installed and configured with php, php-cgi & php-cli, all versions you may be using.

Mai multe informatii aici: http://wiki.gamecp.com/System_Requirements#Ubuntu

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  • gaby changed the title to Ce imi trebuie pentru instalare gameCP?

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