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Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Beta 2 Released Ioncube

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Poate multi dintre voi, stiti deja ca cei de la ipb (Invision Power Board), lucreaza deja la ipb v. 3.0.0

Acestia, au lansat si varianta beta, 2, care din pacate este criptata cu IonCube, si este destinata spre testare/utilizare, doar utilizatorilor ce au o licenta de ipb.

Un demo cu versiunea 3.0.0, aveti aici: :link:

PC Troubleshooting.ro, va pune la dispozitie aceasta versiune (Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Beta 2): Download: :link:

Mai multe detalii, de pe forumul oficial:

  • This is the second beta release so please take a moment and read this entire announcement before downloading.

  • As this is a beta release there will be bugs and issues with the software. please report any issues using our bug tracker. Before reporting please first quickly check to see if anyone has already reported your issue.

  • This second beta is encoded using IonCube. Beta releases are encoded so we can better control the release and ensure any reported problems are code-related and not due to modifications. please ensure you are familiar with how to install

  • IonCube encoded PHP software. The final version will not be encoded.
    Technical support is not available for this beta software.

  • Do not use this software on a public install. Wait for the final series for your public installs.

  • There will be no upgrade path between beta versions.

  • You cannot (and should not try to) upgrade from previous versions of the software.

  • In general, only download and participate in the beta test if you are comfortable working with beta software.

System Requirements

This beta version of IP.Board 3.0.0 requires PHP 5.1.0 or greater and MySQL 4.1.22 (5.0 or greater preferred) to operate. We have included the Ioncube loaders with the download for 32 bit servers. If your server is running a 64 bit operating system, you will need to visit Ioncube directly to download the loaders.

Link spre forumul oficial, care include ceva mai multe detalii, aveti aici: :link:

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  • 2 months later...


Da, l-am incercat. Deocamdata, dupa cum se poate observa, ( http://ipb3preview.ipslink.com ) s-a lucrat ceva mai mult la design, dar si la functii.

Invision Power Board 3 este rescris de la 0, si vine cu un sistem de reputatie si o caruta de alte modificari atat la nivelul userilor cat si la nivelul adminiilor.

Cam asta as putea spune in cateva cuvinte.

Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti.

Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.

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