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Coduri Gta Mamaia Vice


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Daca ati instalat modul, GTA Mamaia Vice, disponibil aici: :link: si aveti nevoie de coduri, le gasiti pe toate, mai jos:


aspirine - Viata

preciousprotection - Armura

thugstools - Arme de nivel 1

professionaltools - Arme de nivel 2

nuttertools - Arme de nivel 3

fannymagnet - Magnet pentru femei

youwonttakemealive - +2 Stele la politie

leavemealone - Nu mai esti urmarit de politie

icanttakeitanymore - Sinucidere


deepfriendmarsbars - Il ingrasa pe Tommy

programmer - Ii da lui Tommy statut de femeie

stilllikedressingup - Schimba hainele

certaindeath - Tigara

cheatshavebeencracked - Skin Diaz

looklikelance - Skin Lance

mysonisalawyer - Skin Rosenburg

ilooklikehilary - Skin Hilary

rockandrollman - Skin Jezz Torent

weloveourdick - Skin Dick

onearmedbandit - Skin Phil Cassidy

idonthavethemoneysonny - Skin Sonny Forelli

foxylittlething - Skin Mercedes

Vehicule #1

panzer - Rhino

travelinstyle - Dacia 1310 "Tunata"

gettherequickly - Bloodring Banger#2

gettherefast - Daewoo Matiz "Tunat"

getthereveryfastindeed - Hotring Racer 

thelastride - Dric

rockandrollcar - Dacia Logan "Limuzina"

rubbishcar - Roman "Gunoi"

betterthanwalking - Masina de golf

Vehicule #2

airship - Barcile zboara

bigbang - Explodeaza toate masinile din jur

miamitraffic - Trafic agresiv

ahairdresserscar - Toate masinile sunt roz

iwantitpaintedblack - Toate masinile sunt negre

comeflywithme - Masini zburatoare

gripiseverything - Imposibil de rasturnat masinile

greenlight - Toate semafoarele sunt "verzi"

seaways - Mers pe ape

wheelsareallineed - Se mai vad doar rotile de la masini

loadsoftlittlethings - Unele masini au roti gigantice

hopingirl - Fetele se vor urca in masina ta cand esti oprit


alovelyday - Vreme frmoasa

apleasantday - Vreme frumoasa

abitdrieg - Cer noros

cantseeathing - Vreme ciudata

catsanddogs - Vreme ploioasa


lifeispassingmeby - Mareste viteza timpului

onspeed - Mers mai rapid

booooooring - Mers mai incetinit

fightfightfight - Oameni agresivi

nobodylikesme - Toti vor sa te omoare

ourgodgivenrighttobeararms - Toti au arme

chickswithguns - Pusca

chasestat - Monitorizeaza cautarile politiei si atractia media

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