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daca il instalezi pe langa, adica lasi si multi mess si instalezi si 9, s-ar putea sa mearga. oricum fi sigur ca o sa apara multimessenger si pentru versiunea 9.0
banuiesc ca da. deoarece la instalare iti baga niste fisiere in C:/Program Files/Yahoo! atata timp cat ai versiunea 8.0 sa zicem, ai deja fisierele de la el in Program Files, si banuiesc ca si 9.0 va baga tot acolo ceva astfel 8.0 devenind nefunctionala. dar, nu stiu exact, incearca sa il instalezi pe 9.0 si vezi daca iti zice de dezinstalarea celui vechi.
A aparut noul Yahoo Messenger 9.0 BETA. Este destul de dragut din cate am vazut intr-un filmulet.(click aici pentru vizualizare) Download link: http://beta.messenger.yahoo.com/ Nu-l downloadati din alta parte, decat de pe yahoo, deoarece presupun ca cu lansarea acestei noi versiuni, o sa apara si niste keyloggere (programe prin care cei care vi-l dau, pot sa vada tot ce tastati [parole, mesaje etc.]) Puncte Forte: Trimite mass message-ul mai repede. Trimite/primeste fisere mai repede. Merge sa pui emoticoane si in status. Puncte Slabe: Nu se pierde arhiva sau alte date. Nu mai merg jocurile,defapt nu mai are deocamdata.
eu unul nu am vazut pe nici un site asa ceva, ori e un model ori un plugin al radarului...
nu routabil, ci dinamic !
este frumusel, ce nu imi place la el este acel background care parerea mea este prea saritor in ochi, incearca sa faci un contrast mai frumos.
totusi incearca si cu alt kit, daca nu merge prin eliminare ramane doar pc-ul slab. cam ce componente ai ?
Scrie in consola bot_add sau bot_join_team t (pentru un bot in echipa teroristilor) si bot_join_team ct (pentru un bot in echipa contra teroristilor). Daca nici asa nu iti merge, ori nu ai facut ceva bine, ori nu sunt compatibile fisierele, asa ca daca tot nu merge iti recomand ori versiunea LAN T final, ori "Counter Strike Romanesc" ori daca nu iei kitul "Counter Strike 1.6 full+zbot".
Instructiunile sa afla in commandmenu.txt:
daca hostul iti perminte, cel mai bine ar fi sa redirectionezi pagina prin htaccess, introducand codul de mai jos in fisierul .htaccess aflat pe host-ul tau. Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule (.*) http://www.top28.org/$1 [R=301,L][/code]
Informational commands : .HELP - Displays command list (Deleted on most new Repacks) .WHERE - Displays map number, coordinates x,y,z and orientation h .INFO - Displays selected object info .FACTION - Displays selected object faction .ONLINE - Displays connected players count on server .TARGETGO - Selects nearest gameobjects and displays its info .PINGMM - Displays selected NPC on mini map .LISTSP - List of learned spells .LISTSK - List of learned skills Creation commands : .ADD - Add item to your inventory, can't grant items to other players .ADDNPC - Add paralysed NPC at your location with your orientation .ADDGO - Add gameobject at your location with your orientation .ADDSPAWN - Add empty spawn if called without parameters .ADDSPAWN - NPC add single NPC spawn .ADDSPAWN - NPC N add single spawn for N NPC's Deletion/Kill commands : .DEL - Delete selected object .KILL - Kill selected NPC .KILLALLNPC - Kill all NPC around you .DELALLCORP - Delete all player dead bodies Misc commands : .PPON - Turns on pathpoint collection .PPOFF - Turns off pathpoint collection .DISMOUNT - Dismounts you (in case you have lost your mounted icon after logoff) .BYTES - For debug .ADDDYN - For debug .STARTTIMER - For debug .STOPTIMER - For debug .TEST - For debug .SETAURA - For debug .EXPLORATION - For debug .FLAG1 - For debug .SETRESTSTATE - For debug Characters commands : .RESURRECT - That's it .EXPORTCHAR - Exports character to separate file .IMPORTCHAR - Loads character from separate file. .LEARN - Learn some spell for player/GM .DELSP - Forget some spell .LEARNSK - Learn some skill for player/GM .DELSK - Forget some skill NPC/Objects manipulation : .TARGETLINK - Select spawn for currently selected NPC .TURN - Rurns NPC/spawn to look at you .COME - Asks selected NPC/spawn to come to you .SETLEVEL - Sets level for NPC/player/GM .SETMODEL - Sets model for NPC/player/GM .SETSIZE - Sets size for model of NPC .SETSPEED - Sets speed for animation and movement of selected NPC .SETSPAWNNPC - Sets NPC id and (optional) amount to be spawned .SETSPAWNGO - Sets gameobject to be spawned .SETSPAWNDIST - Sets spawn radius (or two radii min and max) .SETSPAWNTIME - Sets interval (or two intervals min and max) to spawn new NPC/gameobject instead of killed one .SETXP - Sets XP for player/GM .PARALYSE - Paralyse or free selected NPC .MOVE - Moves targeted gameobject (selection not visible on screen) relative to its current X Y Z Teleportation commands : .GO - Teleport to (map x y z) coordinates. DO NOT forget map parameter! .GOTRIGGER - Teleport to trigger number .GONAME - Teleport to player by name .GOGUID - Teleport to object by GUID Server control commands: .SAVE - Save world and players .SHUTDOWN - That's it .RETCL - Reloads all tcl scripts .RESCP - Reloads all SCP databases .CLEARQFLAGS - Forgets about all completed quests .EXPORTSPAWNSXY <map> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> -filename- - Exports rectangular world area to file
Click aici. Ai instructiunile de instalare in arhiva.
10 = Icarus (skycity) Start: 15/13 DPH: 47/205 11 = Blood Castle I Start: 15/13 End: 15/94 12 = Blood Castle II 13 = Blood Castle III 14 = Blood Castle IV 15 = Blood Castle V 16 = Blood Castle VI 24 = Kalima 24/23 25 = Kalima 24/23 26 = Kalima 24/23 27 = Kalima 24/23 28 = Kalima 24/23 29 = Kalima 24/23 33 = Aida 91/10 34 = Crywolf 214/70 Lorencia = 0 /move username 0 125 125 (In bar) /move username 0 7 140 (Spot scheleti..) /move username 0 120 85 (Potion Girl - Langa terenul de curse) /move username 0 146/112 (Stash-ul din dreapta) /move username 0 146/144 (Stash-ul din stanga) Dungeon = 1 /move username 1 233 125 (Dungeon lvl 2) /move username 1 3 85 (Dungeon lvl 3) /move username 1 119 46 (Bullroom) Devias = 2 /move username 2 220 60 (In orash) /move username 2 225 225 (Castle 1) /move username 2 25 25 (Castle 2) /move username 2 70 180 (Devias 4) Noria = 3 /move username 3 174 95 (Orash) /move username 3 150 5 (intrare in Lorencia) /move username 3 200 125 (Magazinul cu sageti) Losttower = 4 /move username 4 208 78 (Losttower lvl 1) /move username 4 86 166 (Losttower lvl 3) /move username 4 130 53 (Losttower lvl 5) /move username 4 8 85 (Losttower lvl 7) /move username 4 45 140 (Podul din Lt 7) Exile = 5 /move username 5 105 35 (Orash) /move username 5 90 80 --- } /move username 5 95 190 --- } Arena = 6 /move username 6 63 160 (Intrarea din Stadium in Arena) /move username 6 20 25 /move username 6 68 74 (Tzarc Bk) /move username 6 8 8 (Spot stanga) /move username 6 15 115 (Spot - Intrarea in Dungeon3 ) Atlans = 7 /move username 7 24 19 (Orash) /move username 7 230 55 (Atlans 2) /move username 7 65 165 (Atlans 3) Tarkan = 8 /move username 8 187 58 (Orash) /move username 8 100 150 (Tarkan 2) /move username 8 162 228 (Beam Knight - Intrarea in Arena) Devil Square = 9 /move username 9 19 15 Icarus = 10 /move username 10 15/13 (Intrare) /move username 10 47/205 (DPH) BloodCastle I = 11 /move username 11 15 13 /move username 11 15 94 Blood Castle II = 12 /move username 12 15 13 /move username 12 15 94 Blood Castle III = 13 /move username 13 15 13 /move username 13 15 94 Blood Castle IV = 14 /move username 14 15 13 /move username 14 15 94 Blood Castle V = 15 /move username 15 15 13 /move username 15 15 94 Blood Castle VI = 16 /move username 16 15 13 /move username 16 15 94 Blood Castle VII = 17 /move username 17 15 13 /move username 17 15 94 Aida = 33 /move username 33 85 10 (Orash) CryWolf = 34 /move username 34 230 40 (Orash) /move username 34 25 115 /move username 34 212 70 /guildmove : Move guild /fire : Make some fireworks /move nick_caracter coord /trace nick_caracter - teleport to the player /setblock -ban /unsetblock -unban /disconnect nick_caracter /disablechat nick_caracter -can't chat /enablechat nick_caracter -can chat /guilddisconnect name guild /blockvault nick_caracter /unblockvault nick_caracter
pe un server de counter strike nu poti adauga boti, serverul trebuie sa aiba instalat un mod care permite boti (si anume JoeBOT). totusi daca serverul are acest mod instalat tot nu vei putea adauga sau scoate tu botii, decat daca esti admin pe el. Daca vrei sa joci tu cu boti (fara conectarea la un server, joci pe local) ori iei asa numitul "Counter Strike Romanesc" ori daca nu iei kitul "Counter Strike 1.6 full+zbot" , sau mai poti pune un patch ca sa ii zic asa peste counter strike-ul pe care il ai instalat deja care sa iti permita boti.(odata pus nu stiu daca te va mai lasa sa joci pe internet, ci doar cu boti)
imi place emblema, este chiar interesanta , multumim mircea.
multumesc de sugestie, dar deocamdata merge downloadat si de pe filefactory.
cred ca merge, daca ai un IP routabil, si trebuie daca nu ai facut deja sa faci un port forwarding.
am inteles, dar alta explicatie nu vad... Edit later: am mai citit putin si unii zic ca s-ar putea sa fie de la versiunea patch-ului. incearca si asta...
eroarea pare sa vina de la GGclient... incearca sa reinstalezi WoW cu tot cu GGclient(fa rost de un alt kit).
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Cate casute poti bifa in 20 de secunde? Hai sa vedem... Click Aici Pentru A Juca Eu pana acum am reusit 58
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si hummerul este foarte reusit, keep going
ce anume nu merge ? codurile merg perfect daca le pozitionezi unde si cum trebuie !!!