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Everything posted by JUNE.2ND

  1. I slipped trough fingers and made myself a few minutes free. Another useful thing - WINDOWS - activate after the 30-days trial period has expired
  2. JUNE.2ND


    Multumesc! Asta era si ideea! Cand eu nu stiu ceva, apelez la ajutorul vostru; Daca, in schimb, ma pricep la unele lucruri va ajut cu cea mai mare placere!
  3. JUNE.2ND


    Acum am observat. Avem si devianti printre noi : ). http://2ndOfJune.deviantart.com/gallery/ Dai un add daca vrei !
  4. JUNE.2ND


    Tx !
  5. JUNE.2ND


    Ma ocup de servere. Cand sunt probleme, lumea fluiera si eu apar... Cu intarziere, insa, dar apar .
  6. Salut, Pe scurt: Tips 'n Tricks. LINK TO DOWNLOAD Enjoy!
  7. JUNE.2ND


    Salut, Ma numesc Florin, am 23 de ani si lucrez ca Server Support Analyst. Sunt destul de incantat de ceea ce se poate gasi la voi pe forum. Desi n-am avut asa mult timp sa "rasfoiesc" fiecare pagina, nu am putut sa nu observ faptul ca aici se gasesc o gramada de tutoriale, threaduri cu sfaturi benefice, utilizatori amabili & so on... Ma bucur sa ma aflu printre voi si sper sa avem ce invata unii de la altii! Numai bine!
  8. Gaby, decat sa fi folosit programelul ala nu era mai lejer un "shutdown -s -t" ? Iar la a doua, da, ai dreptate, pune melodia/playlist-ul in StartUp.
  9. Acasa am ATI Radeon HD 3450 iar la munca am nVIDIA Quadro NVS 135M. Sunt multumit de ambele!
  10. Symbian mi se pare slab. Ultima versiune, insa, pare a fi mai rasarita. Android e foarte OK iar Windows Phone nu recomand nimanui (Am patit-o pe pielea mea)!
  11. Salut, Daca tot n-ai facut un pas pentru achizitionarea unui telefon nou iti recomand din cele enumerate de tine LG P500 Optimus One. Are un prieten/vecin de-al meu si am stat 15-20 min. sa ma joc pe el si mi se pare foarte ok telefonul din toate punctele de vedere. Eu, in schimb, am facut greseala sa-mi iau Optimus 7 (Cu sistem de operare Windows Phone) si mi-am luat ditamai teapa, cel putin momentan (Pana va aparea un update imbunatatit). Sunt foarte multumit de telefon dar un minus imens il constituie sistemul de operare. Desi m-am interesat cateva zile bune despre viitoarea mea optiune cand voi achizitiona unul am ramas surprins sa vad lucruri marunte care chiar si pe un telefon de 30-40 RON functioneaza dar pe al meu nu (Ex: Bluetooth, nu pot sa-mi setez mp3-uri ca ton de apel/alarma, nu-mi vede telefonul ca "Storage Device" atunci cand il conectez la PC prin cablul USB). Toate astea merg numai printr-o aplicatie numita "Zune" pentru care iti trebuie update la Service Pack 3 & stuff... Long story. In fine, eu daca as fi in locul tau as opta pentru Optimus One! Cheers!
  12. Dell Latitude E6410 Processor Intel® CoreTM i7 (2720QM, 2620M) Intel® CoreTM i5 (2540M, 2410M) Operating System English Genuine Windows® 7 Professional (32Bit) English Genuine Windows® 7 Professional (64Bit) English Genuine Windows® 7 Ultimate (32Bit) English Genuine Windows® 7 Ultimate (64Bit) Genuine Windows® 7 Professional (32Bit) Memory3 Up to 8GB3 Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1333Mhz - 2 DIMMS Chipset Mobile Intel® QM67 Express Chipset Video Card Intel® HD Graphics 3000 NVIDIA® NVSTM 4200M (DDR3 512MB) Discrete Graphics with Optimus Display 14.0” HD (1366x768) Anti-Glare LED 14.0” HD (1366x768) LED w/2 finger multi-touch touchscreen 14.0” HD+ (1600x900) Anti-Glare LED Hard Drive Help Me Choose Up to 320GB4 SATA hard drive (7200RPM) Up to 256GB4 Solid State hard drive Up to 250GB4 SATA hard drive (5400RPM) Optical Drive DVD-ROM, DVD+/-RW Connectivity 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Wireless LAN and WiMAX Options: Intel® Centrino® Advanced-N 6205 Intel® Centrino® Advanced -N + WiMAX 6250 Intel® Centrino® Ultimate-N 6300 Dell Wireless 1501 (802.11 b/g/n 1x1) Dell Wireless 1530 (802.11 a/g/n 2x2) Mobile Broadband5 & GPS Options: Dell Wireless™ 5630 Multi-mode HSPA-EVDO Mini Card (Gobi™ 3000) with A-GPS Dell Wireless™ 5550 Single-mode HSPA Mini Card with A-GPS Bluetooth Option: Dell Wireless 375 Bluetooth® 3.0 Multimedia High Quality Speakers Stereo headphone/Microphone combo jack Integrated, noise reducing array microphones Optional Integrated HD video webcam and Dell Webcam Central software Ports, Slots & Chassis Network connector (RJ-45) USB 2.0 (4) – 1 USB/eSATA combo Stereo headphone/Microphone combo jack Memory card reader, 54 mm ExpressCard Docking Connector, VGA, HDMI 1 Full and 2 Half Mini Card Slots SmartCard Reader, optional Contactless SmartCard Reader/Fingerprint Reader USB 3.0 Module option via optical bay Dimensions & Weight6 Width: 13.86" / 352mm Height: (front/back) 1.06"/26.90mm to 1.28"/32.40mm Depth: 9.49" / 241.00mm Starting weight: 4.56lbs / 2.07kg (with 4-cell battery and airbay) Input Dual Pointing Keyboard: Standard or Backlit Multi-touch Touchpad Multi-touch Panel Option (2-finger touch) Power 4-cell (40Whr) Lithium Ion battery with ExpressCharge™ 6-cell (60Wh) Lithium Ion battery with ExpressCharge™ 9-cell (97Wh) Lithium Ion battery 9-cell (87Wh) 3-year limited hardware warranty7 Lithium Ion battery 9-cell (97Wh) Extended battery slice 3-cell (30Whr) E-Modular Bay II Battery Power Options 65 Watt or 90W AC Adapter (150 Watt AC Adapter for Halogen Free Offering) 90W Auto/Air DC adapter (optional) Regulatory Regulatory Model: P15G Regulatory Type: P15G001 Energy Star 5.0 EPEAT Gold Systems Management Intel® vPro™ Technology’s advanced management features (optional, requires Intel WiFi® Link WLAN)
  13. Pe laptop-ul de la munca - 59,5 (Mi-e sila sa-i fac Disk Cleanup) Pe desktop-ul de acasa - In jur de 20
  14. Firefox 5.
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