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Everything posted by FML

  1. Yes,it is more than true,the prices you've mentioned were confirmed by the company itself. They've never said it will be free for any Windows user...These were only some users' rumors. Only Insiders will get the free Windows 10 (as much as they've helped at making it and will do the same after its launch)
  2. Disponibil,disponibil,dar unde?
  3. Poti sa o testezi la un alt PC?
  4. Eu as incerca Performance Mode.
  5. Te asigur ca nu e din OS. Mai debgraba nu-s compatibile driverele tale,sau cine-stie,poate chiar HW.
  6. Cam putin...Depinde si ce build ai prins...
  7. My bad,se pare ca esti membru nou. (asta inseamna ca e o limita de timp ca sa poti face asta) Anyway...Frumoase lucrari.
  8. Butonul ''Edit'' e prietenul tau.
  9. I can't believe my eyes...http://www.neowin.net/news/windows-10-build-10176-has-leaked-onto-the-web.
  10. With Windows 10 build 10166, Microsoft is getting ready for the official public release of the new operating system. And as part of that process, the company has finally started to test out Microsoft Wi-Fi, a feature that’s coming as part of Windows 10. Insiders in the Seattle area, who are using this new build of the OS, will now be able to try out the Microsoft Wi-Fi app and purchase access to the internet when they’re on the go. As mentioned above, this is only available to those in Seattle right now, but Microsoft says "it'll soon open up to the rest of the U.S." Microsoft Wi-Fi is the re-branded and updated version of Skype Wi-Fi, a service that allows users to purchase credits which they can use to connect to paid networks. Microsoft has partnered with numerous providers and carriers around the world to provide the service. Those of you trying it out can easily access it by clicking on the network icon in the taskbar and selecting “Buy Wi-Fi from Windows Store”. The system will use your credentials that you’ve already used to purchase apps or music from the Store and you should be online in no time. Source:http://www.neowin.net/.
  11. Retried on my Windows,works!
  12. Ia-ti Psiphon si Fake Location si foloseste-le odata cu market-ul.
  13. nu mai bine iei 2 si-mi dai mie 1?
  14. La mine-i tot asa. Sunt curios la Gaby cum e.
  15. Sa traiesti,merge ca uns. Auzi,alea din lista de la Play On LInux necesita setup-ul obisnuit [WIndows],nu?
  16. Sunt pe Desktop,bre. Si mersi de program.
  17. Desi am dat destul de mult zilelor rand,am facut azi un USB live cu Ubuntu. Toate bune si frumoase pana ce mi-au stricat cheful 2 tampenii... 1)La System,arata 3,9 GB of memory in loc de 4 (de specificat ca e 14.04.02 LTS x64) 2)Nu pot instala Wine...(cica nu e pe cale sa fie instalat...)
  18. nVidia GeForce 210 de 1GB pe 64 de biti - am avut acest model,e cat de cat ok... Dar,mai conteaza si celelalte componente...gen,memoriile tale sunt DDR2,etc... Si daca-r fi diferente,ar fi mici...peste 60 FPS [in mod constant] nu vad sa treci. Mai grav,in bugetul ala n-am ce sa-ti recomand...
  19. Ghinionisti,suntem ghinionisti.
  20. Dam amandoi raport?
  21. Poti sa cauti,te rog?
  22. Dar noi,cum sa raportam problema?
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