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Everything posted by FML

  1. Totusi,ma gandesc de unde stereotipul asta. Pe Neowin si Tom's imi tot ziceau sa-mi cumpar o tastatura externa de laptop (de-aia de se conecteaza prin USB) sau/si una wireless. Ca vezi-doamne,la cum tastezi pe dansa,aleluia... Unde-i logica?
  2. Majoritatea prietenilor care aveau Windows 8,mi-au spus ca saptamanile acestea (ultima si antepenultima a acestei luni),au facut upgrade la 8.1 sau/si 10. Cum eu,nu mai am rabdare pana pe 9.01.2018 (inca 2 ani) cat sa vad cum se scurge mainstream-ul Windows-ului 8.1,voi face up si la Desktop. L.E: 16 hrs. later. - Worked like a charm.
  3. FML


    Cica ''Teroare''. Subtil. Recursiv
  4. Forta fie cu tine.
  5. Nu e vorba sa-l pui ca supliment. E de preferat originea acelui ''ceva'',daca nu l-ai facut chiar tu.
  6. Stiu,ideea nu era sa ne lasi pe noi sa cautam,ci sa lasi adresa in topic. Adica,mnah...
  7. Si eu am tot Acer. E5-572G-34TN Are 6 luni si n-am avut 1 bai cu el. Te puteai uita si peste modelele V Nitro,etc.
  8. Intre timp,a fost lansat si build-ul 14251. ''This build does contain some really good bug fixes that Insiders will appreciate: We fixed the issue where some PC games would crash switching from windowed mode to full screen, upon game resolution change, or upon launch due to a bug in Windows graphics stack. So play your games! If you run into any issues – please let us know by reporting in the Feedback app and include the game title. We fixed the issue where applications such as Narrator, Magnifier, and third-party assistive technologies may experience intermittent issues or crashes. We fixed an issue where File Explorer would crash frequently when DPI settings were at 175%. I also want to reiterate once again that with the change to release builds faster to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring, bugs like the ones we had in the last build (or the File Explorer copy UX from the prior build) are going to pop up. Sometimes it might be several builds before we get these bugs fixed. And there might be times where a build we release contains bugs we haven’t found in internal testing as well. We’re at the beginning of a new development cycle for our next feature update to Windows 10, and that means teams will be checking in lots of new code as they integrate their feature payloads. Being an Insider means you’re getting the latest code changes, and working with new builds that are relatively new even for Microsoft employees. If this worries you, you can switch to the Slow ring and stick with less frequent but more stable builds. Known issues: You might see a WSClient.dll error dialog after logging in. We’re working on a fix for this but as a workaround, you can run the following in Command Prompt with administrative rights: schtasks /delete /TN “\Microsoft\Windows\WS\WSRefreshBannedAppsListTask” /F The Connect button does not show up in Action Center. The workaround is to press Windows key + P and then click “Connect to a wireless display”. Due to a recent memory management change, you may see periodic app crashes or other memory related app errors. The workaround is to reboot your PC. F12 Developer Tools will not load in Microsoft Edge. Should be fixed in the next build.'' Am facut update azi,si-am zis eu sa impartasesc rezolvarile cu voi.
  9. Sursa materialului:http://care4it.ro/2016/01/microsoft-anunta-ca-noile-procesoare-vor-fi-compatibile-doar-cu-windows-10/.
  10. Ceva dragut ce s-ar incadra in primul buget:http://www.mediadot.ro/laptop/filtre/memorie-ram-standard-8192/tip-procesor-intel-core-i7/capacitate-hdd-2000/.
  11. Dupa primul clear,n-ar trebui sa mai fie necesar.
  12. Eu as alege:http://www.pcgarage.ro/notebook-laptop/lenovo/156-quot-g50-80-hd-procesor-intel-core-i7-5500u-24ghz-broadwell-8gb-128gb-ssd-radeon-r5-m330-2gb-linux-black/.
  13. Clear cache & data incercasi?
  14. Doar pentru ca tu consideri ca un post e aiurea,nu inseamna ca iti da si dreptul sa faci abuz de functia de reputatie. Ce-ar insemna eu sa fi facut asta,sau,sa m-apuc acum sa sterg/editez/imbin posturile dupa bunul plac asa,ca sa nu fie ''aiurea''. Lumineaza-ma si pe mine,cum anulez reputatia data?
  15. Și asta înseamnă să dai reputație negativă?
  16. Checked. Worked like a charm.
  17. La mine dispare. Incercasi un refresh?
  18. FML


  19. Eh,dacă ești atent,e ok.
  20. Si mi se pare ca si ala il poti scoate cu 1 alt mic truc.
  21. Eu acele sda (1,2,3,etc.) le aseman cu C:,D:,E: s.a.m.d. Chit ca nu conteaza unde pui,ce pui,e vorba ca ''Pune-ti Windows-ul pe /C:!''. P'aici (Linux) avem d'astea?
  22. Eu întreb de asociere,ce sda să fie /,swap,/home? Și...E bine să las acolo EXT4?
  23. Facusi VM cu TumbleWeed: La partitionare,lasand la o parte marimea (ca aia o aleg eu in functie de ce ai zis tu),face bine cel din video? Sau,sa fac un custom,gen: Device Type Size Filesystem Mount /dev/sda - 200gb - - /dev/sda1 Primary 100mb EXT4 /boot /dev/sda2 Primary 20gb EXT4 / /dev/sda3 Primary 178.49gb EXT4 /home /dev/sda4 Primary 1.5gb Swap swap
  24. FML


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