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Everything posted by FML

  1. Muzica,nu zgomot...
  2. FML


    Salut. Bun venit. Welcome.
  3. De pret ce mai stii?
  4. Din pacate,si eu intampin acum aceeasi problema pe Ubuntu 15.10. Nu recunoaste USB-ul in BIOS. Vreau sa fac Windows bootabil cu el. L.E: Dupa cum spunea GOH mai sus,recomandat e sa folosim ceva cat mai oficial,in cazul meu,Windows Media Creation Tool care a rezolvat cu brio problema. Thumbs up,Microsoft!
  5. Cativa prieteni mi-au spus ca nici pomeneala sa le booteze dispozitivul formatat in Fat32,deci,am gasit cum sa fac UNetbootin sa te lase cu Windows pe NTFS: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162174/how-do-i-use-unetbootin-to-make-a-bootable-windows-usb-installer
  6. Mai avem si http://www.game-debate.com.
  7. Pai,Allview... desi are HW-ul identic,nu a facut nici macar la 5.x. Iar brand-ul initial da,la 5.1 chiar. Din cate stiu,cam asta ar urma. Thoughts confirmed:http://hotro.mobiistar.vn/threads/marshmellow-cm12-1-for-excalibur-mt6592-by-seffracho-marshmellow.38411/. L.E: CM 12/12.x imi face boot-loop iar de 13 nu ma voi atinge. Raman la 5.1.
  8. Ca veni vorba de Hardware... Avand in vedere ca telefonul meu e un rebrand,firma de drept a lansat luna trecuta un update la 5.1 pe care l-am pus si merge brici. Cam cat le ia sa faca si la 6.0?
  9. Ach...Eu ma uitam aici. Thankies.
  10. Eu am gasit decat 5.1 acolo. 6.0 unde-i?
  11. I asked my literature teacher and she said he spokes about it in the fist book mentioned by you.
  12. I'm not loving you...
  13. I know this one. Heard it few times.
  14. Aruncate-n uitare,caci vei fi uitat, Si o sa vina ziua-n care,te va rani tot ce-ai aflat.
  15. Reading both seems to be the best choice so far.
  16. Nice one,but... Columbus only discovered it,not spoke it for the 1st time ever.The English language was already there.It came from Britain (which,despite had Roman mercenaries, didn't take their language influences.)
  17. Poveste sa fi fost,e de groaza... Cand lumea intoarsa pe dos,nu mai e a noastra.
  18. Also,Freud wrote something about how people choose their relationship partner. Do you know the name of the book?
  19. Asa,pentru inima mea.
  20. That song remembers me of a girl... As much as this one:
  21. ASAP,I'll post some about my life in a nutshell...Warning:Too many bad love stories.It can make you vomit a lot.
  22. Pai...Are 2 GB RAM...
  23. Culmea ca o fost chiar buna, Mintea nici ca mai stie ce sa spuna. Urla si spiritul,sub clar de luna, Sa curga sampania,spuma. Nu-i de gluma!
  24. Stiu,ma uitam la Mediumul dupa si era creepy.
  25. Eu zic c-o sa fie OK.
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