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Everything posted by eternity
Chestia aia apare pentru ca nu sunt si imaginile, daca vrei sa dispara pune "imaginile" originale de la tema sau una de la deflection / carbon.
E greu sa cauti pluginu pentru versiunea care trebuie?
ACP -> Themes -> Tema dorita -> Edit -> Logos -> Upload your logo. In caz ca nu functioneaza cauta prin tema "logo" si schimbi tu url cu logo-u dorit. Daca pluginu este outdated fata de versiune/tema?, Sunt posibile sanse sa fie de acolo.
Nu stiu de ce se numeste "filmehdpe.net", n-am vazut multe filme si mai mult seriale, nu mi se pare o chestie wow in romania desi si imi place putin faptu ca toate filmele/seriale sunt subtritate in romana cat si despre design la fel nu prea este wow. Sper sa fiti activi la postarea unui film calitativ pe site-ul vostru
change php version to 7.1, daca nu o sa mearga trebuie reinstalata platforma
Sunt sponzorizari alea si nu cred ca o firma de host ar da un domeniu pe niste chestii basic in photoshop/after effects
Inca odata, problema provine de la versiunea temei (care ar putea fi outdated) sau de la php (poate detii o versiune mare sau una mica). Recomandabil ar fi sa schimbi versiunea php-ului la 7.1
Problema vine de la ori de la tema ori de la php, nu m-am consultat prea bine dar vin mai trz cu o rezolvare. Am gasit acest topic, vezi daca merge:
Nu sunt sigur daca problema vine de la permisi, ma rog iti las o poza mai jos pentru setari. (poza este facuta dp tele dar se intelege cat de cat)
eu zic sa iti schimbi firma de webhost, uite daca nu doresti sa dai multi bani pe un webhost "calitativ" iti recomand kekshost sau ti-a zis strong mai sus, zic asta pentru ca niciodata n-am lucrat cu isp manager sau ce o fi ala dar cu siguranta este unul gratuit
Selecteaza versiunea daca stii cum sau contacteaza administratia de la toxic-host sa ti-o schimbe
O poza sa putem intelege...? Nevermind, m-am uitat peste forumu tau (nocheat parca) si cred ca e de la mesaju asta: This page isn’t working nocheat.ro is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Asta este o problema de la versiunea php-ului adica detii o versiune php outdated de ips 4.2 / 4.1. Pentru a schimba versiunea in 7.0 sau 7.1 (de ex) te duci in cpanel -> select php version -> selectezi 7.1. Tin sa reamintesc ca platforma trebuie reinstalata.
M-am luat dupa buna experienta si cateva lucruri care seama, nu trb sa faci borsu mare pe aici ok?
este un spatiu foarte mare acolo, se vede ca ai folosit un template de la bootstrap
IPS Community Suite 4.4.1 Released 03/08/2019 Key Changes Version 4.4.1 is a small maintenance update to fix issues reported since 4.4.0. Additional Information Core Improved auto-upgrader for Community In The Cloud clients when an unexpected failure is detected. Added AdminCP search keywords to aid in finding certain new features in 4.4.x. Made several adjustments to HTTP/2 push/preloading to improve overall performance of most requests and resolve minor bugs. Changed database connector so that a database connection is only established once it is actually needed. Improved performance of 4.4.0 upgrades for sites with lots of members. Improved performance of content item and comment sidebar blocks restricted to specific containers. Improved Post Before Registering to allow the user to remove their submission and email address. Changed the error message for a failed login the same regardless of the reason for extra security. Fixed an issue where guest "post before register" submissions may show up in widgets before the guest registers. Fixed an SQL error during the 4.4.0 upgrade in some environments. Fixed several areas in the suite where images were not "lazy-loaded" as expected. Fixed link styling in announcement banners making the text difficult to read in some browsers. Fixed an issue where private conversations may incorrectly get flagged for automatic moderation. Fixed miscellaneous HTML markup errors. Fixed an issue where users could encounter an error by logging in with a new social account after already associating with a social account. Fixed some issues with the "Emails failing to send" AdminCP notification. Fixed frontend upgrade notice linking to the frontend instead of ACP. Fixed Application icon getting lost when the datastore is flushed. Fixed 'Error is logged' AdminCP Notification displaying incorrectly. Fixed an issue where the newsletter signup block was showing an error to guests. Fixed incorrect colors showing in the visual theme editor when creating a new easy mode theme. Fixed an issue visiting certain URLs when a community is installed into specifically named subdirectories. Fixed the email statistics setting not showing the correctly saved value. Fixed an issue with button spacing on mobile. Fixed an issue where streams may go missing if a guest member object is deleted. Fixed a styling issue on certain forms such as the AdminCP notification preferences form when using locales with a comma as the decimal separator. Fixed an issue where pagination may not work when 'rewrite FURLs' is not enabled. Fixed posts not retaining code syntax highlighting with some code languages. Fixed an issue where private conversations can be very slow to search. Fixed an issue with the Emoji shortcode popup when lazy load and Twitter Emoji are used. Fixed an issue with the setting for "Users can see records posted by other users" not being honored. Fixed some issues related to setting a custom start url in the web manifest. Fixed an issue where the prune members background task may stall if it encounters a staff account. Fixed an edge case issue where it was possible for the lazy load rebuild to affect embedded videos. Core - REST Fixed disabled applications showing in the REST API area of the AdminCP. Fixed the Invision to Invision OAuth 2 login handler attempting to sync letter photos. Forums Improved performance of the post feed widget. Commerce Removed Braintree option for new payment gateways. Removed the package moderation ability for moderators on the frontend. Removed a recommendation to switch to Braintree during upgrade. Restored ability to set up PayPal Billing Agreements. Fixed upgrading of expired purchases resulting in account credit being issued. Fixed inconsistent styling being applied to the Latest Products sidebar block. Made the grid vs list view theme setting translatable. Fixed an error viewing hosting accounts. Fixed PayPal checkouts through Braintree failing when tax is applied to the purchase. Fixed a missing language string when managing hosting accounts. Fixed an issue with configuring Braintree, if you have had any issues please open and re-save the Braintree settings. Fixed an issue where paid support request custom fields would show for none paid support departments. Fixed an issue where viewing a product may not work under certain circumstances. Fixed a duplicated HTML element ID (which prevents the page from passing as "valid HTML"). Fixed an issue where the Facebook Pixel for purchase events was missing currency and value. Pages Fixed an issue where reciprocal "back links" may be incorrectly deleted from records. Fixed an issue where importing a database would fail. Fixed a potential upgrade issue if orphaned data was present. Gallery Fixed an issue where notifications for new images can send indefinitely. Fixed an error attempting to move all albums from a category to another category in the AdminCP. Downloads Fixed an issue where notifications for new files can send indefinitely. Fixed issues with Downloads files linked to Commerce packages that are deleted. Blog Fixed a styling issue with the blog header on mobile. Clarified that guests will bypass the post before register feature when guests have the "Can comment on blog entries" Group Setting is enabled. Converter Fixed issues converting tags for database records in some cases. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers Made Commerce Gateways extensible by removing hardcoded namespace paths to Gateway classes. Changed the FileStorage skeleton file so that a new instance does not cause a PHP error by default. The Widget skeleton file was updated to follow the new 4.4.0 logic for widget display options. Fixed an issue cloning custom fields if non-standard column names are used. Trying to set an invalid value for a setting will result in an InvalidArgumentException. Automatic moderation will now only be applied to content types that implement \IPS\Content\Hideable as this is required for automatic moderation to function correctly. Fixed an ErrorException occurring during content promotion when Facebook is set up but no Facebook Pages have been linked for promoting. Fixed an ErrorException that can occur if you attempt to upgrade/downgrade a package without renewal options in Commerce while IN_DEV. The frontend template controlStrip now supports specifying the target attribute for links. Fixed an ErrorException occurring when a user receives their first PM during the instantNotifications AJAX polling.
Tema este outdated pentru unele versiuni 4.2, mai exact fiecare platforma ips 4.2 are alt tip de versiune (cum ar fi 4.2.un numar). Nu poti sa-i faci nimic decat sa contactezi creatorul sa te ajute.
Este versiunea 4.3 cu key de la webflake. https://webflake.sx/files/file/4687-wf-retail-ips-community-suite/ (nu stiu daca asta este mai exact dar cauta ca sunt)
OFF: Țin să îți reamintesc că tipul a menționat că versiunea ipb-ului este 3.4.9 acum.
repara tabelurile din baza si daca nu merge fa cu un retail
Intri in cpanel si dupa la select php version si de acolo selectezi versiunea php-ului
nu stiu exact daca cea ce a facut blu3hasky este cea de sus dar vor vedea moderatorii
versiunea php-ului nu corespunde cu platforma, trebuie sa ai o versiune mult mai mare recomandabil ar fi sa ai 7.1 sau 7.2
Vad ca si-a rezolvat problema si a uitat sa mentioneze
Daca ai putea sa dai si un search ar fi ceva. Deci, logo-ul poate fi la defaultHeader sau in #branding { background: url() repeat-x 0 0; height: 290px; }
Cum pot adăuga imagini la titlu pentru un utilizator adăugat din ACP?
+eternity replied to Jawwad's topic in IP.Board 3.x
Nu prea stiu daca poti seta pentru un membru, din cate stiu iti trebuie posturile necesare ca sa ai acel "rank"