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Everything posted by Cezar-uhl
Cred ca am sa ma duc si eu la concursul ala gaby te iau ca asistenta =))
Nu ma am vazut cateva filmulete tari de tot :cow:
Cateva Bug-uri Ale Counter-strike-ului!
Cezar-uhl replied to Cezar-uhl's topic in Counter-Strike 1.6
Fort Minor - Remember the name asta e melodia -
Mitza imi place ce am vazut pe siteul tau !
Cateva Bug-uri Ale Counter-strike-ului!
Cezar-uhl replied to Cezar-uhl's topic in Counter-Strike 1.6
Cateva BUG-uri Ale Counter-Strike-ului ! Uitati-va ! -
Da Gaby chiar este un skin misto ! L-am luat si eu :> :cow:
***** :cow: CUM SE PUN MELODII MP3 IN COUNTER STRIKE ?!!! Pentru a pune melodii mp3 in counter-strike trebuie sa urmati 3 pasi: PASUL 1: Creati un folder cu numele "MP3"in cstrike folder (exemplu: C:\Steam\SteamApps\your@email\counter-strike\cstrike\MP3 sau D:\Counter-Strike\Cstrike\MP3) PASUL 2: Cu acest script puteti pune numai 16 melodii mp3 ! Va alegeti cele 16 mp3 si le redenumiti (1.mp3 , 2.mp3 , 3.mp3 ... 16.mp3) PASUL 3: Copiati scriptul de mai jos paste in Wordpad si il salvati cu numele "AUTOEXEC.CFG" in cstrike folder ! ~# Cum se foloseste acest script #~ ~> Intrati in Counter-Strike apasati "`" si scrieti exec AUTOEXEC.cfg ~> 1. [Alegerea melodiei] apasati "[" pana cand gasiti melodia preferata . ~> 2. [Volume Control] apasati "]" pana va alegeti volumul dorit . ~> 3. [Opreste muzica] apasati "P" si muzica se va opri. //////z//u///f///E//r//k///i///d///D///_///script////// //MP3 CycleThru script by zufErkidD_ echo "d(~_^)b mp3's loaded (pWd bY zufErkidD_) ~> GL&HV" bind "[" "MP3PLAY" // this cycles thru the songs bind "]" "VolumeCycle" // this cycles thru the MP3 volume settings bind "p" "MP3 stop; say .:]~[:. zufErkidD_'s Steam MP3 Script .:]~[:. ]~[ OFF ]~[" volume 0.4 // acesta este volumul recomandat in joc ! alias "MP3PLAY" "tunes1" alias "tunes1" "MP3 play MP3/1; alias MP3PLAY tunes2; say Im Using .:]~[:. zufErkidD_'s MP3 Steam Script .:]~[:. " alias "tunes2" "MP3 play MP3/2; alias MP3PLAY tunes3" alias "tunes3" "MP3 play MP3/3; alias MP3PLAY tunes4" alias "tunes4" "MP3 play MP3/4; alias MP3PLAY tunes5" alias "tunes5" "MP3 play MP3/5; alias MP3PLAY tunes6" alias "tunes6" "MP3 play MP3/6; alias MP3PLAY tunes7" alias "tunes7" "MP3 play MP3/7; alias MP3PLAY tunes8" alias "tunes8" "MP3 play MP3/8; alias MP3PLAY tunes9" alias "tunes9" "MP3 play MP3/9; alias MP3PLAY tunes10" alias "tunes10" "MP3 play MP3/10; alias MP3PLAY tunes11" alias "tunes11" "MP3 play MP3/11; alias MP3PLAY tunes12" alias "tunes12" "MP3 play MP3/12; alias MP3PLAY tunes13" alias "tunes13" "MP3 play MP3/13; alias MP3PLAY tunes14" alias "tunes14" "MP3 play MP3/14; alias MP3PLAY tunes15" alias "tunes15" "MP3 play MP3/15; alias MP3PLAY tunes16" alias "tunes16" "MP3 play MP3/16; alias MP3PLAY tunes1" // THESE ARE VOLUME SETTINGS alias "VolumeCycle" "MP3V1" alias "MP3V1" "MP3Volume 0.1; alias VolumeCycle MP3V2" alias "MP3V2" "MP3Volume 0.2; alias VolumeCycle MP3V3" alias "MP3V3" "MP3Volume 0.3; alias VolumeCycle MP3V4" alias "MP3V4" "MP3Volume 0.4; alias VolumeCycle MP3V5" alias "MP3V5" "MP3Volume 0.5; alias VolumeCycle MP3V6" alias "MP3V6" "MP3Volume 0.6; alias VolumeCycle MP3V7" alias "MP3V7" "MP3Volume 0.7; alias VolumeCycle MP3V8" alias "MP3V8" "MP3Volume 0.8; alias VolumeCycle MP3V9" alias "MP3V9" "MP3Volume 0.9; alias VolumeCycle MP3V10" alias "MP3V10" "MP3Volume 1.0; alias VolumeCycle MP3V11" alias "MP3V11" "MP3Volume 0.9; alias VolumeCycle MP3V12" alias "MP3V12" "MP3Volume 0.8; alias VolumeCycle MP3V13" alias "MP3V13" "MP3Volume 0.7; alias VolumeCycle MP3V14" alias "MP3V14" "MP3Volume 0.6; alias VolumeCycle MP3V15" alias "MP3V15" "MP3Volume 0.5; alias VolumeCycle MP3V16" alias "MP3V16" "MP3Volume 0.4; alias VolumeCycle MP3V17" alias "MP3V17" "MP3Volume 0.3; alias VolumeCycle MP3V18" alias "MP3V18" "MP3Volume 0.2; alias VolumeCycle MP3V1" ***** :cow:
Mah skinuri la arme stiu si eu sa pun ma eu te intrebasem de manusi pt ca astea is altceva
Asa-i Spawn:D ROCK,HIP-HOP,TRANCE SI HOUSE is miezu :> ! :cow:
Vreti Sa Va Faceti Un Cfg Si Nu Stiti Cum?
Cezar-uhl replied to gaby's topic in Tutoriale Counter Strike
Nice o sa incerc sa-mi fac si yo unu...sper sa fie bun...ca daca e canal degeaba ! -_- -
Mah Hell SpawN ai bagat pozele alea de la manusi in models si iti merg zici tu ?
Man am gasit eu ceva aici :> ! Counter-Strike 1.6 Glove Installation 1. To install custom gloves in Counter-Strike 1.6/CZ, you need HLMV (Half Life Model Viewer) which can be downloaded here ~~>> http://www.fpsbanana.com/tools/download/44 2. Next, open HLMV and click "File" click "open" then click "Load Model" and load the model you want to put the custom gloves on. (NOTE: make sure it's a "V" model and NOT a "W" model or a "P" model) 3. Once the model's open, click the "Textures" tab in the HLMV menu, which is at the bottom of the window. Then click the long box thats right underneath the "Model Display" & "Body Parts" tab and find the glove texture and select it. (NOTE: you can't replace CZ mesh with Source mesh or vise-versa) 4. Next, click the "Import Texture" button in the bottom right corner of the window, and find the glove texture that you want to "Import" or "Install" and select it. Now you should have your new gloves installed! (NOTE: You can only install glove textures that are the same size as the gloves your replacing) 5. Finally, click the "File" tab again and scroll down to "Save Model As". Now find the model that you put the gloves on. ( For Example: v_deagle or v_ak47) and save it in your models folder. Finally, your done!
Am downloadat de aici gloves http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/4514 pt cs 1.6 si nam idee unde sa le pun ? pls help me ! 10x
Ua lasama cu dastea ... eu vreau sa mai jok Counter-Strike inca vreo 70 de ani de acum inkolo si u imi zici magareli de astea ! batete peste gura sa nu te bat yo !
Da frumos mixul felicitari ! ... Poti sa-mi zici si mie ce melodii ai folosit in acest mix ! NOTA 10
Am avut steam original ! dar mi s-a spart passu' ! asta k jok fara steam ! In nici un caz cu coduri !
Stiu k nu poate sa-si schimbe netu... dar asa am rezolvat eu
Si eu inainte nu ma puteam conecta la server da nu stiam de ce... am schimbat netu' si mia mers
Ua smeagoll ma enervezi cu regulile tale in fine... trebuie respectate... dar yo am uitat password-ul la celalalt user asa ca .... !
Hip-Hop , Rock , Trance , House s.a exceptie manelele !
NU cred ca vor mai repeta acea performantza deoarece "hahalerele" se alinta pe banii lu' jijel !