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Trimitere Sunet Pe Tv Sau Boxe Pc


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Deci, compu e conectat la monitor ( VGA ), boxe frumoase, clasic.

Dar mai am si un cablu HDMI ce ma duce la tv. Cand ma uit la film, dau drumu la tv si mut fereastra acolo.

Totu bun si frumos, dar as vrea ca sunetu sa se mute automat pe tv. Deci, filmu sa se auda din TV, dar cand cineva imi da un buzz pe mess, vreau sa se auda din boxele de la PC (acolo unde si este fereastra).

Sau macar sa pot sa zic fereastra asta sa aibe sunetu de aici, fereastra asta de dincolo... se poate asa ceva?

love is a verb
Love is a doing word

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Imi plac solutiile lu' asta micu'.. GOH, da-i format, pune xp si merge ! :D

Incearca sa pui filmul pe un Windows Media Player si sa faci urmatoarele:

"Also, based on my test, certain application such as Windows Media Player has a sound output option. To change the settings, pleaze open Windows Media Player, click Tools, Options, click Devices tab, double click Speakers in the Devices list, pull down the Select the audio device and then choose the device you would like to play the music from Windows Media Player, click OK. We may play another song in the play list to take effect."

detalii aici

Se pare ca in windows xp chiar functiona treaba asta, dar in windows vista/7 se pare ca nu. In optiunile de la windows media player, poti selecta unde vrei sa-ti ..zdringhi zdringhi.. in cazul tau, HDMI output.

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