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Buna seara am si eu un forum ipb si mi sa produs o eroare nustiu din ce cauza dar este ceva nasol , erorg.png uitati o imagine poate stiti DVS. Care este problema si ma puteti ajuta , va multumesc !!!!

Reply va rog,

Caut communitate, contact: fantezye3D

  • Moderators

Macar ai acces la FTP ? Daca da, cauta acele fisiere de care iti spune in eroare, cauta in calea respectiva, copiaza fisierul la tine, editeaza-l cu notepad+ (il gasesti pe net free), cauta la linia 12 si vezi ce nu e in regula. De preferabil downloadeaza tema forumului, si cauta fisierul in tema aia (diferita fata de ce ai tu pe FTP), si vezi cum ar trebui sa fie linia 12.

La fel poti face si pentru restul de erori din pagina.

  • Moderators

Daca ma poate ajuta cineva sa pot invata cum ... sa ma contacteze la Y!M toxicheroine . multumesc foarte mult .

Ţi-am dat ADD :).

Vorbim pe mess

  • Moderators

Nu ma intelege gresit, dar nu-mi plac cei care nu incearca si vor mura-n gura de la altii. Pana la urma rolul forumului este informare, ajutor, nu "baby siter". Sper sa nu se supere DogaruCatalin, nu am nimic personal cu el.


Si altfel nu se poate rezolva? :( cineva care stie si ma poate ajuta nu poate intra in legatura cu mine sa ma ajute? va rog frumos , chiar mi s-a produs aceasta problema atunci cand aveam nevoie de forum .. :| Multumesc

Caut communitate, contact: fantezye3D

  • Moderators

Ei, cred că trebuie să aibă un backup. Greșesc? Dă-le un mail să vedem ce zic.

Firma la care are hosting mai hostează alte zeci de forumuri. Crezi că stau pentru fiecare în parte să facă back-up?

  • Moderators

Calm, nu te ambala. Sunt unele firme care asigură așa ceva.

Da, dar nu toate, mai ales astea simple de CS, unde azi e, mâine nu mai e ...


Daca schimbi tema cu cea default, se intampla la fel, nu? 

Gaby , dar crezi ca este din cauza la tema? eu cand am instalat deflection pe cea default am serso si a ramas doar cea mobila ip.mobile

Crezi ca din cauza asta este?

Caut communitate, contact: fantezye3D


Gaby , cam asa arata acl folder unde este eroarea



* <pre>

* Invision Power Services

* IP.Board v3.3.4

* Admin Output Library

* Last Updated: $LastChangedDate: 2012-07-03 10:29:35 -0400 (Tue, 03 Jul 2012) $

* </pre>


* @author $Author: ips_terabyte $

* @copyright © 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.

* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license'>http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license

* @package IP.Board

* @link http://www.invisionpower.com

* @version $Rev: 11026 $



class adminOutput extends output



* Output started


* @var boolean


protected $_IS_PRINTED;


* Global ACP template


* @var object


public $global_template = '';


* HTML variables


* @var string


public $html = '';

public $html_main = '';

public $body_extra = '';

public $cm_output = '';



* Navigation array entries


* @var array


public $extra_nav = array();

public $nav = array();

public $core_nav = array();



* Do not build nav, we will do manually


* @var bool


public $ignoreCoreNav = false;


* Page titles


* @var array


public $extra_title = array();


* Global messages


* @var string


public $global_message;

public $persistent_message = 0;

public $global_error;



* Any extra HTML to stick in the sidebar


* @var string


public $sidebar_extra = '';


* Valid tab keys


* @var array


protected $tabKeys = array( 'core', 'forums', 'members', 'lookfeel', 'support', 'reports', 'other' );


* Constructor


* @param object ipsRegistry reference

* @return @e void


public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry )


parent::__construct( $registry, TRUE );

$_app = ( $this->request['app'] ) ? $this->request['app'] : IPS_APP_COMPONENT;

/* Update paths and such */

$this->settings['base_url'] = $this->settings['_original_base_url'];

$this->settings['public_url'] = $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/index.php?';

$this->settings['public_dir'] = $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . PUBLIC_DIRECTORY . '/';

$this->settings['base_acp_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY;

$this->settings['skin_acp_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . "/skin_cp";

$this->settings['skin_app_url'] = $this->settings['skin_acp_url'] ;

$this->settings['js_main_url' ] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/js/';

$this->settings['js_app_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/' . IPSLib::getAppFolder( $_app ) . '/' . $_app . '/js/';

if ( ipsRegistry::$request['app'] )


$this->settings['skin_app_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/' . IPSLib::getAppFolder( $_app ) . '/' . $_app . "/skin_cp/";


/* Update base URL */

if ( $this->member->session_type == 'cookie' )


$this->settings['base_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/index.php?';




$this->settings['base_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/index.php?adsess=' . $this->request['adsess'] . '&amp;';


$this->settings['_base_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'];

$this->settings['base_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'] . 'app=' . IPS_APP_COMPONENT . '&amp;';

$this->settings['extraJsModules'] = '';



* Set a global message to be used


* @param string $message Message to show

* @param int $persistent Whether to show message inline (1) or not (0)

* @return @e void


public function setMessage( $message, $persistent=0 )


$this->global_message = $message;

$this->persistent_message = intval($persistent);



* Load a root (non-application) template


* @param string Template name

* @return object


public function loadRootTemplate( $template )


$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'skin_cp/' . $template . '.php', $template );

return new $classToLoad( ipsRegistry::instance() );



* Load a template file


* @param string Template name

* @param string Application [defaults to current application]

* @return object


public function loadTemplate( $template, $app='' )


$app = $app ? $app : IPS_APP_COMPONENT;

/* Skin file exists? */

if ( is_file( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app ) . "/skin_cp/".$template.".php" ) )


$_pre_load = IPSDebug::getMemoryDebugFlag();

$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( $app ) . '/skin_cp/'.$template.'.php', $template, $app );

IPSDebug::setMemoryDebugFlag( "CORE: Template Loaded ({$classToLoad})", $_pre_load );

return new $classToLoad( $this->registry );




$this->showError( sprintf( $this->lang->words['notemplatefiletoload'], $template ), 4100, true );




* Show a download dialog box


* @param string Data for the download

* @param string Filename

* @param string Mime-type to send to browser

* @param boolean Compress the download

* @return @e void


public function showDownload( $data, $name, $type="unknown/unknown", $compress=true )


if ( $compress and @function_exists('gzencode') )


$name .= '.gz';

//$type = 'application/x-gzip';




$compress = false;


header('Content-Type: '.$type);

header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT');

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $name . '"');

if ( ! $compress )


@header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($data) );


@header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');

@header('Pragma: public');

if ( $compress )


print gzencode($data);




print $data;





* Print a popup window - wraps HTML page in minimalized output


* @return @e void


public function printPopupWindow()


$this->_sendOutputSetUp( 'popup' );


// Figure out title...


$this->html_title = "IP.Board:";

if ( ipsRegistry::$current_application )


$this->html_title .= " " . IPSLIb::getAppTitle( ipsRegistry::$current_application );

if ( ipsRegistry::$current_module )


$this->html_title .= " &gt; " . ( isset($this->lang->words[ 'module__' . ipsRegistry::$current_application . '_' . ipsRegistry::$current_module ]) ? $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . ipsRegistry::$current_application . '_' . ipsRegistry::$current_module ] : ipsRegistry::$modules_by_section[ ipsRegistry::$current_application ][ ipsRegistry::$current_module ]['sys_module_title'] );



$html = str_replace( '<%CONTENT%>' , $this->html , $this->global_template->global_main_popup_wrapper() );

$html = str_replace( "<%TITLE%>" , $this->html_title , $html );

$html = str_replace( "<%BODYEXTRA%>", ' ' . $this->body_extra , $html );

print $html;




* Redirect user to another page


* @param string Page to redirect to

* @param string Text to show during redirect

* @param integer Number of seconds between page loads

* @param boolean Allow a populated $this->registry to stop the redirect with the option to continue

* @param boolean Force full redirect

* @return @e void

* @deprecated Now just redirects to silentRedirectWithMessage


public function redirect( $url, $text, $time=2, $allowErrorToHalt=FALSE, $forcePage=FALSE )


/* Fix board URL if missing */

if( !$url )


$url = $this->settings['_base_url'];


if ( strpos( $url, $this->settings['_original_base_url'] ) === false )


$url = $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '&' . $url;


/* If message is particularly long, use older-style redirect screen */

if( strlen($text) > 512 OR $forcePage )


$this->html = $this->global_template->temporaryRedirect( $url, $text, $time );

$this->html_main .= $this->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();




/* Otherwise use new inline message and fast redirect */

$this->global_message = $text;

$this->silentRedirectWithMessage( $url, $allowErrorToHalt );



* Redirect user to another page with no intermediary screen


* @param string Url to send the user to

* @param boolean Allow a populated $this->registry to stop the redirect with the option to continue

* @return @e void


public function silentRedirectWithMessage($url, $allowErrorToHalt=false)


/* Check for an error message */

if ( $allowErrorToHalt !== FALSE AND $this->registry->output->global_error )


$this->html_title = $this->lang->words['redirect_halt_title'];

$this->html_main = $this->global_template->global_redirect_halt( $url );

// This was in redirect() previously, and is different from this method, so I copied it here for reference

//$this->html = $this->global_template->global_redirect_halt( $url );

//$this->html_main = $this->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();




/* Check for a redirect message */

$extra = "";

if ( $this->global_message )


$extra = '&messageinabottleacp='.urlencode( str_replace( array( "\r", "\n" ), ' ', $this->global_message ) ) . '&messagepersistent=' . intval($this->persistent_message);


$url = str_replace( "&amp;", "&", $url ) . $extra;

/* Do the redirect */

$this->silentRedirect( $url );



* Initialize a multi-redirect. Creates an iframe that continuously adds the last status to the content of the iframe.


* @param string Url to initialize

* @param string Text to initialize with

* @param boolean Add to the text

* @return @e void


public function multipleRedirectInit( $url )


$this->_sendOutputSetUp( 'redirect' );

$this->html .= "<iframe src='{$url}' scrolling='auto' border='0' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='400'></iframe>";

$this->html_main .= $this->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();




* Hit a multi-redirect. Uses AJAX or redirect page appropriately


* @param string Url to initialize

* @param string Text to initialize with

* @param boolean Add to the text

* @return @e void


public function multipleRedirectHit( $url, $text='', $time=1 )


if ( !is_numeric( $time ) or $time <= 0 )


$time = 1;


print $this->global_template->global_redirect_hit( $url, $text, $time );




* Finish a multi-redirect session


* @param string Text to display

* @return @e void


public function multipleRedirectFinish($text='Completed!')


print $this->global_template->global_redirect_done( $text );




* Display an error page


* @param string Text to display

* @param integer Error code

* @param boolean Log error message

* @param string Extra log data

* @param integer Header code to send (ignored for ACP)

* @return @e void


public function showError( $message, $code=0, $logError=FALSE, $logExtra='', $header=500 )


$this->_sendOutputSetUp( 'error' );

$message = $message ? $message : 'no_permission';

$message = ( isset($this->lang->words[ $message ]) ) ? $this->lang->words[ $message ] : $message;


// Log all errors above set level?


if( $code )


if( $this->settings['error_log_level'] )


$level = substr( $code, 0, 1 );

if( $this->settings['error_log_level'] == 1 )


$logError = true;


else if( $level > 1 )


if( $level >= $this->settings['error_log_level'] - 1 )


$logError = true;






// Log the error, if needed


if( $logError )


$_logMessage = $message;

if( $logExtra )


$_logMessage .= ' (' . $logExtra . ')';


$this->logErrorMessage( $_logMessage, $code );



// Send notification if needed


$this->sendErrorNotification( $message, $code );


// Finally, output


$this->html_main = $this->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();

$this->html = $this->global_template->system_error( $message, $code );




* Output the HTML to the browser


* @param bool Return finished output instead of printing

* @return @e void


public function sendOutput( $return=false )


$this->_sendOutputSetUp( 'normal' );




$clean_module = IPSText::alphanumericalClean( ipsRegistry::$current_module );

$navigation = array();

$_seen_nav = array();

$_last_nav = '';

$no_wrapper = FALSE;


// Inline pop-up?


if ( ipsRegistry::$request['_popup'] )






// Debug?


if ( $this->DB->obj['debug'] )



print "<html><head><title>SQL Debugger</title><body bgcolor='white'><style type='text/css'> TABLE, TD, TR, BODY { font-family: verdana,arial, sans-serif;color:black;font-size:11px }</style>";

print "<h1 align='center'>SQL Total Time: {$this->DB->sql_time} for {$this->DB->query_cnt} queries</h1><br />".$this->DB->debug_html;

print "<br /><div align='center'><strong>Total SQL Time: {$this->DB->sql_time}</div></body></html>";




// Context sensitive stuff


if( !$this->cm_output )


$_file = IPSLib::getAppDir( IPS_APP_COMPONENT ) . '/skin_cp/cp_skin_' . $clean_module . '_context_menu.php';

if ( is_file( $_file ) )


$_class = IPSLib::loadLibrary( $_file, 'cp_skin_' . $clean_module . '_context_menu', IPS_APP_COMPONENT );

$context_menu = new $_class( $this->registry );

$cm_function_full = ipsRegistry::$request['do'] ? 'context_menu__' . $clean_module.'__'.ipsRegistry::$request['section'].'__'.ipsRegistry::$request['do'] : 'context_menu__' . $clean_module.'__'.ipsRegistry::$request['section'];

$cm_function = 'context_menu__' . $clean_module.'__'.ipsRegistry::$request['section'];

$cm_module = 'context_menu__' . $clean_module;

if ( method_exists( $_class, $cm_function_full ) )


$this->cm_output = $context_menu->__wrap( $context_menu->$cm_function_full() );


else if ( method_exists( $_class, $cm_function ) )


$this->cm_output = $context_menu->__wrap( $context_menu->$cm_function() );


else if ( method_exists( $_class, $cm_module ) )


$this->cm_output = $context_menu->__wrap( $context_menu->$cm_module() );





// Get tab order


$_tabOrder = ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->staffGetCookie( 'tabOrder' );

if( !count($_tabOrder) OR !is_array($_tabOrder) )


$_tabOrder = $this->tabKeys;


$gbl_sub_menu = $this->_buildGlobalSubMenu();

$html = str_replace( '<%CONTENT%>', $this->html_main, $this->global_template->global_main_wrapper( IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET, $this->_css, $gbl_sub_menu, $_tabOrder ) );


// Message in a bottle?


$message = '';

if ( $this->global_error )


$message = $this->global_template->global_error_message();


if ( $this->global_message )


$message .= ( $message ) ? '<br />' . $this->global_template->global_message() : $this->global_template->global_message();



// Figure out title...


$this->html_title = "IP.Board:";

if ( ipsRegistry::$current_application )


$this->html_title .= " " . IPSLIb::getAppTitle( ipsRegistry::$current_application );

if ( ipsRegistry::$current_module )


$this->html_title .= " &gt; " . ( isset($this->lang->words[ 'module__' . ipsRegistry::$current_application . '_' . ipsRegistry::$current_module ]) ? $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . ipsRegistry::$current_application . '_' . ipsRegistry::$current_module ] : ipsRegistry::$modules_by_section[ ipsRegistry::$current_application ][ ipsRegistry::$current_module ]['sys_module_title'] );



if( count($this->extra_title) )


$this->html_title .= " &gt; " . implode( ' &gt; ', $this->extra_title );



// Got app menu cache?


if ( ! is_array( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') ) OR ! count( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') ) )


$this->cache->rebuildCache( 'app_menu_cache', 'global' );



// Other tags...


// Can set the second one to none to hide left menu when no context nav is available

$html = str_replace( "<%DISPLAY_SUB_MENU%>" , $this->cm_output ? '' : 'none' , $html );

$html = str_replace( "<%TITLE%>" , $this->html_title, $html );

$html = str_replace( "<%SUBMENU%>" , $this->_buildSubMenu() , $html ); # Must be called first

$html = str_replace( "<%MENU%>" , $this->_buildMenu() , $html );

$html = str_replace( "<%SIDEBAR_EXTRA%>" , $this->sidebar_extra , $html );

$html = str_replace( "<%CONTEXT_MENU%>" , $this->cm_output , $html );

$html = str_replace( "<%SECTIONCONTENT%>" , $this->html , $html );

# This has to be called after the menu has been set so that query_string is set correctly

$html = str_replace( "<%MSG%>" , $message , $html );


// Fix up navigation


if ( count( $this->core_nav ) )


foreach( $this->core_nav as $data )


if ( isset( $_seen_nav[ $data[1] ] ) )






$_seen_nav[ $data[1] ] = 1;


$_nav = isset($_last_nav['nav']) ? $_last_nav['nav'] . ' &gt; ' . $data[1] : $data[1];

# Append last nav...

$_last_nav = array( 'url' => $data[0],

'title' => $data[1],

'nav' => $_nav );

if ( $data[0] )


$navigation[] = "<a href='" . $data[0] . "'>" . $data[1] . "</a>";




$navigation[] = $data[1];




if ( count( $this->extra_nav ) )


foreach( $this->extra_nav as $data )


if ( isset( $_seen_nav[ $data[1] ] ) )






$_seen_nav[ $data[1] ] = 1;


$_nav = isset($_last_nav['nav']) ? $_last_nav['nav'] . ' &gt; ' . $data[1] : $data[1];

# Append last nav...

$_last_nav = array( 'url' => $data[0],

'title' => $data[1],

'nav' => $_nav );

if ( $data[0] )


$navigation[] = "<a href='" . $data[0] . "'>" . $data[1] . "</a>";




$navigation[] = $data[1];





// Navigation?


if ( count($navigation) > 0 )


$html = str_replace( "<%NAV%>", $this->global_template->wrap_nav( "<li>" . implode( "&nbsp; &gt; &nbsp;</li><li>", $navigation ) . "</li>" ), $html );




$html = str_replace( "<%NAV%>", '', $html );



// Last thing, the nav element...


$html = str_replace( "<%PAGE_NAV%>", $_last_nav['title'], $html );

$query_html = "";


// Show SQL queries


if ( IN_DEV and count( $this->DB->obj['cached_queries']) )


$queries = "";

foreach( $this->DB->obj['cached_queries'] as $q )


$queries .= "<div style='padding:6px; border-bottom:1px solid #000'>" . htmlspecialchars($q) . '</div>';


$query_html .= $this->global_template->global_query_output($queries);

/* Included Files */

if ( function_exists( 'get_included_files' ) )


$__files = get_included_files();

$files = '';

foreach( $__files as $__f )


$files .= "<strong>{$__f}</strong><br />";


$query_html .= $this->global_template->global_if_output( count($__files), $files );




// Memory usage




if ( is_array( IPSDebug::$memory_debug ) )


$memory = '';

$_c = 0;

foreach( IPSDebug::$memory_debug as $usage )



if ( $usage[1] > 500 * 1024 )


$_col = "color:#D00000";


else if ( $usage[1] < 10 * 1024 )


$_col = "color:darkgreen";


else if ( $usage[1] < 100 * 1024 )


$_col = "color:darkorange";


$memory .= "<tr><td width='60%' style='{$_col}' align='left'>{$usage[0]}</td><td style='{$_col}' align='left'><strong>" . IPSLib::sizeFormat( $usage[1] ) . "</strong></td></tr>";



$_used = memory_get_usage() - IPS_MEMORY_START;

$peak_used = memory_get_peak_usage() - IPS_MEMORY_START;

$query_html .= $this->global_template->global_memory_output( $memory, IPSLib::sizeFormat( $_used ), IPSLib::sizeFormat( $peak_used ) );


$html = str_replace( "<%QUERIES%>" , $query_html , $html );




if ( $this->body_extra )


$html = str_replace( "<body", "<body ".$this->body_extra, $html );



// Emoticons fix


$html = str_replace( "<#EMO_DIR#>" , 'default' , $html );


// Gzip?




$buffer = "";

if( count( ob_list_handlers() ) )


$buffer = ob_get_contents();




print $buffer;


@header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");

@header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

@header("Pragma: no-cache");

@header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . IPS_DOC_CHAR_SET );




if( $return )


$this->_IS_PRINTED = 1;

return $html;


print $html;

$this->_IS_PRINTED = 1;




* Global set up stuff

* Sorts the JS module array, calls initiate on the output engine, etc


* @param string Type of output (normal/popup/redirect/error)

* @return @e void


protected function _sendOutputSetUp( $type )



// Sort JS Modules


arsort( $this->_jsLoader, SORT_NUMERIC );

foreach( $this->_jsLoader as $k => $v )


$this->settings['extraJsModules'] .= ',' . $k;


$this->settings['extraJsModules'] = trim( $this->settings['extraJsModules'], ',' );



* Build the primary menu


* @return string Menu HTML


protected function _buildMenu()





$html = '';

$tabs = array();

$children = array();

$clean_module = IPSText::alphanumericalClean( ipsRegistry::$current_module );

$app = ipsRegistry::$current_application;

$link_array = array();

/* Fetch fake apps */

$fakeApps = $this->registry->output->fetchFakeApps();

$inFakeApp = FALSE;

$fakeApp = '';


// In a fake app?


foreach( $fakeApps as $_app => $_fdata )


foreach( $_fdata as $__fdata )


if ( ipsRegistry::$current_application == $__fdata['app'] AND $__fdata['module'] == ipsRegistry::$current_module )


$inFakeApp = TRUE;

$fakeApp = $_app;

break 2;





// Apps we're going to look through


$_appsToCheck = array();

if( $inFakeApp )


foreach( $fakeApps[ $fakeApp ] as $_fdata )


$_appsToCheck[ $_fdata['app'] ] = $_fdata['app'];





$_appsToCheck[ ipsRegistry::$current_application ] = ipsRegistry::$current_application;



// Loop through all menus...


foreach( $_appsToCheck as $_checkApp )


if ( is_array( ipsRegistry::$modules[ $_checkApp ] ) )


foreach( ipsRegistry::$modules[ $_checkApp ] as $data )


# Skip non-ACP module

if ( ! $data['sys_module_admin'] )




$skip = TRUE;

/* Fake app content? If so.. remove.. */

foreach( $fakeApps as $_app => $_fdata )


if( $fakeApp AND $_app != $fakeApp )




foreach( $_fdata as $__fdata )


/* If the fake app matches the menu we're gonna show... */

if ( $__fdata['app'] == $data['sys_module_application'] AND $__fdata['module'] == $data['sys_module_key'] )


$skip = ( $inFakeApp === TRUE AND in_array( $__fdata['app'], $_appsToCheck ) ) ? FALSE : TRUE;

break 2;




/* If we're in a fake app, skip non fake apps */

$skip = ( $inFakeApp !== TRUE ) ? FALSE : TRUE;




if ( $skip === TRUE )




$_tab_title = $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $_checkApp . '_' . $data['sys_module_key'] ] ? $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $_checkApp . '_' . $data['sys_module_key'] ] : $data['sys_module_title'];

$_tab_key = $data['sys_module_key'];

$tabs[ $_checkApp ]['items'][ $_tab_key ] = array( 'tab_title' => $_tab_title,

'tab_key' => $_tab_key );

$tabs[ $_checkApp ]['data'] = $data;





// Build main menu


foreach( $tabs as $dir_name => $_data )


$_main_key = isset( ipsRegistry::$applications[ $tabs[ $dir_name ]['data']['sys_module_application'] ]['app_directory'] ) ? ipsRegistry::$applications[ $tabs[ $dir_name ]['data']['sys_module_application'] ]['app_directory'] : '';


// Got access for this application?


if ( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->checkForAppAccess( $_main_key ) !== TRUE )





// Only show this menu block, now.


if ( !in_array( $_main_key, $_appsToCheck ) )





// Loop through...


foreach( $_data['items'] as $key => $data )


$title = $data['tab_title'];

$url = $this->settings['_base_url'] . 'app=' . $_main_key . '&amp;module=' . $data['tab_key'];


// Got access for this module?


ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->return = 1;

if ( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->checkForModuleAccess( $_main_key, $data['tab_key'] ) !== TRUE )





// Set navigation


if ( $_main_key == ipsRegistry::$current_application AND $clean_module == $data['tab_key'] )


// Changed this to add to the beginning of the array instead of the end, seems

// to work better in most cases...but will have to check more.

if( !$this->ignoreCoreNav )


array_unshift( $this->core_nav, array( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'module=' . ipsRegistry::$current_module, $title ) );




// Continue


$link_array[ $_main_key ][ $data['tab_key'] ] = array( 'url' => $url,

'title' => $title,

'module' => $data['tab_key'] );



$html .= $this->global_template->menu_cat_wrap( $link_array, $clean_module, $this->menu );


// OK... return


return $html;



* Build the secondary menu


* @return string Menu HTML


protected function _buildSubMenu()





$clean_module = IPSText::alphanumericalClean( ipsRegistry::$current_module );

$this->menu = array();

$_nav_main_done = 0;

/* Fetch fake apps */

$fakeApps = $this->registry->output->fetchFakeApps();

$inFakeApp = FALSE;

$fakeApp = '';


// In a fake app?


foreach( $fakeApps as $_app => $_fdata )


foreach( $_fdata as $__fdata )


if ( ipsRegistry::$current_application == $__fdata['app'] AND $__fdata['module'] == ipsRegistry::$current_module )


$fakeApp = $_app;

$inFakeApp = TRUE;

break 2;





// Apps we're going to look through


$_appsToCheck = array();

if( $inFakeApp )


foreach( $fakeApps[ $fakeApp ] as $_fdata )


$_appsToCheck[ $_fdata['app'] ] = $_fdata['app'];





$_appsToCheck[ ipsRegistry::$current_application ] = ipsRegistry::$current_application;



// Got a cache?


if ( IN_DEV )


ipsRegistry::cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'app_menu_cache', array() );


if ( ! is_array( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') ) OR ! count( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') ) )


$this->cache->rebuildCache( 'app_menu_cache', 'global' );



// Get child XML tabs


if ( count($_appsToCheck) AND $clean_module )



// Do stuff


foreach( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') as $app_dir => $data )


if ( ! ipsRegistry::$applications[ $app_dir ]['app_enabled'] )




/* Not in this app? */

if ( !in_array( $app_dir, $_appsToCheck ) )




/* Load menu language file, if present */

$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_menulang' ), $app_dir );

foreach( $data as $_current_module => $module_data )


$skip = TRUE;

$__current_module = $_current_module;

$_current_module = preg_replace( '/^\d+?_(.*)$/', "\\1", $_current_module );

/* Fix language abstraction for module title */

$module_data['title'] = isset($this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $app_dir . '_' . $_current_module ]) ? $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $app_dir . '_' . $_current_module ] : $module_data['title'];

/* Fake app content? If so.. remove.. */

foreach( $fakeApps as $_app => $_fdata )


foreach( $_fdata as $__fdata )


/* If the fake app matches the menu we're gonna show... */

if ( $__fdata['app'] == $app_dir AND $__fdata['module'] == $_current_module )


if ( $inFakeApp === TRUE && $_app == $fakeApp )


$skip = FALSE;





/* If we're in a fake app, skip non fake apps */

if ( $inFakeApp !== TRUE )


$skip = FALSE;





if ( $skip === TRUE )




if ( ( $app_dir == ipsRegistry::$request['app'] ) AND ! stristr( $this->settings['query_string_safe'], 'module=' ) )


$this->settings['query_string_safe'] = $this->settings[ 'query_string_safe' ] . '&amp;module=' . $clean_module ;


foreach( $module_data['items'] as $id => $item )



// Title


$item['title'] = ( $item['langkey'] AND $this->lang->words[ 'menu__' . $item['langkey'] ] ) ? $this->lang->words[ 'menu__' . $item['langkey'] ] : $item['title'];


// Permission mask?


if ( $item['rolekey'] )


ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->return = 1;

if ( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermission( $item['rolekey'], $app_dir, $_current_module ) !== TRUE )






// Force a module/section parameter into the input array


if ( ( $app_dir == ipsRegistry::$current_application ) AND ( ipsRegistry::$current_module == $item['module'] ) AND ! ipsRegistry::$request['section'] AND $item['section'] )


ipsRegistry::$request['section'] = $item['section'] ;



// Add to nav?


if ( $app_dir == ipsRegistry::$current_application AND ipsRegistry::$request['section'] AND ( ipsRegistry::$request['section'] == $item['section'] ) AND ( ipsRegistry::$current_module == $item['module'] ) )



// Sure?


$_ok = 1;

$__sub_item_url = ( $item['url'] ) ? '&amp;' . $item['url'] : '';

if ( ! $_nav_main_done )


if( !$this->ignoreCoreNav )


$this->core_nav[] = array( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'module=' . $_current_module . '&amp;section=' . $item['section'], $module_data['title'] );


$_nav_main_done = 1;


// Sort out do param?


if ( $item['url'] AND ! isset( $_GET['do'] ) )


$_do = str_replace( "do=", "", $item['url'] );

ipsRegistry::$request['do'] = $_do;

if ( ! stristr( $this->settings['query_string_safe'], 'section=' ) )


$this->settings['query_string_safe'] = $this->settings['query_string_safe'] . '&amp;section=' . ipsRegistry::$request['section'];


$this->settings['query_string_safe'] = '&amp;do=' . $_do;



if ( $item['url'] )


/* Reset */

$_ok = 0;

/* Trying something a little different with the nav */

$_url = explode( '=', $item['url'] );

/* Now we're first going to check for an exact do match */

$_ok = ( $_url[1] == ipsRegistry::$request['do'] );

/* No? Check the Query string then */

if( ! $_ok )


$_n = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', strtolower( $item['url'] ) );

$_h = str_replace( '&amp;', '&', strtolower( my_getenv('QUERY_STRING') ) );

if ( strstr( $_h, $_n ) )


$_ok = 1;




if ( !$this->ignoreCoreNav AND $_ok )


$this->core_nav[] = array( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'module=' . $_current_module . '&amp;section=' . $item['section'] . $__sub_item_url, $item['title'] );




// Continue...


if ( $item['title'] AND $item['section'] )


$this->menu[ $app_dir ][ $__current_module ]['items'][] = array( 'title' => $item['title'],

'module' => $_current_module,

'section' => $item['section'],

'url' => $item['url'],

'redirect' => $item['redirect']


$this->menu[ $app_dir ][ $__current_module ]['title'] = ( count($this->menu[ $app_dir ][ $__current_module ]['items']) > 1 ) ? $module_data['title'] : ( isset($this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $app_dir . '_' . $_current_module ]) ? $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $app_dir . '_' . $_current_module ] : $item['title'] );






#echo "<pre>";print_r($this->menu);exit;

if ( isset( $this->menu ) && count( $this->menu ) )


return $this->global_template->menu_sub_navigation( $this->menu );




* Build the secondary menu globally


* @return string Menu HTML


protected function _buildGlobalSubMenu()





$_subMenu = array();

$_titleMenu = array();

$fakeApps = $this->fetchFakeApps();


// Got a cache?


if ( IN_DEV )


ipsRegistry::cache()->updateCacheWithoutSaving( 'app_menu_cache', array() );


if ( ! is_array( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') ) OR ! count( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') ) )


$this->cache->rebuildCache( 'app_menu_cache', 'global' );



// Get child XML tabs


if ( ipsRegistry::$current_application )



// Do stuff


foreach( ipsRegistry::cache()->getCache('app_menu_cache') as $app_dir => $data )


if ( ! ipsRegistry::$applications[ $app_dir ]['app_enabled'] )




$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_menulang' ), $app_dir );

foreach( $data as $_current_module => $module_data )


$_thisApp = $app_dir;

$__current_module = $_current_module;

$_current_module = preg_replace( '/^\d+?_(.*)$/', "\\1", $_current_module );


// Sort out fake apps


foreach( $fakeApps as $_newApp => $_appData )


foreach( $_appData as $__appData )


if( $_thisApp == $__appData['app'] AND $_current_module == $__appData['module'] )


$_thisApp = $_newApp;





foreach( $module_data['items'] as $id => $item )



// Title


$item['title'] = ( $item['langkey'] AND $this->lang->words[ 'menu__' . $item['langkey'] ] ) ? $this->lang->words[ 'menu__' . $item['langkey'] ] : $item['title'];


// Permission mask?


if ( $item['rolekey'] )


ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->return = 1;

if ( ipsRegistry::getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermission( $item['rolekey'], $app_dir, $_current_module ) !== TRUE )






// Continue...


if ( $item['title'] AND $item['section'] )


$_subMenu[ $_thisApp ][ $_current_module ]['items'][] = array( 'title' => $item['title'],

'module' => $_current_module,

'section' => $item['section'],

'url' => $item['url'],

'redirect' => $item['redirect'],

'app_dir' => $app_dir,

'pos' => preg_replace( '/^(\d+)?_.*$/', "\\1", $__current_module )


$_subMenu[ $_thisApp ][ $_current_module ]['title'] = ( count($_subMenu[ $_thisApp ][ $_current_module ]['items']) > 1 ) ? $module_data['title'] : $item['title'];





// Build titles array


if( is_array(ipsRegistry::$modules[ $app_dir ]) AND count(ipsRegistry::$modules[ $app_dir ]) )


foreach( ipsRegistry::$modules[ $app_dir ] as $data )


if ( !$data['sys_module_admin'] )




$_thisApp = $app_dir;


// Sort out fake apps


foreach( $fakeApps as $_newApp => $_appData )


foreach( $_appData as $__appData )


if( $_thisApp == $__appData['app'] AND $data['sys_module_key'] == $__appData['module'] )


$_thisApp = $_newApp;





// Title


$data['sys_module_title'] = isset($this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $app_dir . '_' . $data['sys_module_key'] ]) ? $this->lang->words[ 'module__' . $app_dir . '_' . $data['sys_module_key'] ] : $data['sys_module_title'];

$_titleMenu[ $_thisApp ][ $data['sys_module_key'] ] = array( 'url' => $this->settings['_base_url'] . 'app=' . $app_dir . '&amp;module=' . $data['sys_module_key'],

'title' => $data['sys_module_title'],

'module' => $data['sys_module_key'] );





return array('menu' => $_subMenu, 'titles' => $_titleMenu);

/*if ( isset( $_subMenu ) && count( $_subMenu ) )


return $this->global_template->global_menu_sub_navigation( $_subMenu, $_titleMenu );




* Show a page inside an iframe


* @param string URL

* @param string Optional HTML to show inside the iframe

* @return @e void


public function showInsideIframe($url="", $html="")


if ( $url )


$this->html .= "<iframe src='{$url}' scrolling='auto' style='border:1px solid #000' border='0' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='500'></iframe>";




$this->html .= "<iframe scrolling='auto' style='border:1px solid #000' border='0' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='500'>{$html}</iframe>";


$this->html_main .= $this->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();




* Generate a drop down list of groups


* @param string Form field name

* @param mixed Selected ID(s)

* @param boolean Multiselect (TRUE is yes)

* @param string HTML id attribute value

* @param integer Multiselect size

* @return string HTML dropdown menu


public function generateGroupDropdown( $formFieldName, $selected, $multiselect=FALSE, $formFieldID='', $multiselectSize=5 )





$groups = array();


// Get 'em


$cache = $this->caches['group_cache'];

foreach( $cache as $id => $data )


$groups[] = array( $data['g_id'], $data['g_title'] );


if ( $multiselect === TRUE )


return $this->formMultiDropdown( $formFieldName, $groups, $selected, $multiselectSize, $formFieldID );




return $this->formDropdown( $formFieldName, $groups, $selected, $formFieldID );




* Generate a drop down list of skins


* @param array Skin array

* @param int Parent id

* @param int Iteration

* @return array Array of skins to add to dropdown


public function generateSkinDropdown( $skin_array=array(), $parent=0, $iteration=0 )


//$skin_array = array();

$depthMarkers = "";

if( $iteration )


for( $i=0; $i<$iteration; $i++ )


$depthMarkers .= '--';



foreach( $this->allSkins as $id => $data )


/* Root skins? */

if ( count( $data['_parentTree'] ) AND $iteration == 0 )




else if( $iteration > 0 AND (!count( $data['_parentTree'] ) OR $data['_parentTree'][0] != $parent) )




$skin_array[] = array( $data['set_id'], $depthMarkers . $data['set_name'] );

if ( is_array( $data['_childTree'] ) AND count( $data['_childTree'] ) )


$skin_array = $this->generateSkinDropdown( $skin_array, $id, $iteration + 1 );



return $skin_array;



* Create a form text input field


* @param string Field name

* @param string Field ID

* @param string Javascript code to add to field

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @return string HTML


public function formUpload( $name="FILE_UPLOAD", $id='', $js="", $css="" )


if ( $js )


$js = ' ' . $js;


if ( $css )


$css = ' ' . $css;


return "<input class='textinput{$css}' type='file'{$js} size='30' name='{$name}' id='{$id}'>";



* Create a form text input field


* @param string Field name

* @param string Field current value

* @param string Field ID [defaults to value for $name]

* @param integer Field size [defaults to 30]

* @param string Field type [defaults to 'text']

* @param string Javascript code to add to field

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @return string Form input field


public function formInput( $name, $value="", $id="", $size="30", $type='text', $js="", $css="", $maxLength='' )


if ( $js )


$js = ' ' . $js;


if ( $css )


$css = ' ' . $css;


if ( $maxLength )


$maxLength = " maxlength='" . intval( $maxLength ) . "'";


$id = $id ? $id : $name;

$size = $size ? $size : 30;

return "<input type='{$type}' name='{$name}' id='{$id}' value='{$value}' size='{$size}'{$js} class='input_text{$css}'{$maxLength} />";



* Create a simpl(er) form text input field


* @param string Field name

* @param string Field current value

* @param integer Field size [defaults to 5]

* @return string Form input field

* @see formInput()


public function formSimpleInput( $name, $value="", $size='5' )


return $this->formInput( $name, $value, $name, $size );



* Create a form textarea field


* @param string Field name

* @param string Field current value

* @param integer Number of columns [defaults to 40]

* @param integer Number of rows [defaults to 5]

* @param string HTML id to assign to field [defaults to $name]

* @param string Javascript code to add to field

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @param string Wrap type [defaults to soft]

* @return string Form textarea field


public function formTextarea( $name, $value="", $cols='40', $rows='5', $id="", $js="", $css="", $wrap='soft' )


$id = $id ? $id : $name;

if ( $css )


$css = ' ' . $css;


if ( $js )


$js = ' ' . $js;


$cols = $cols ? $cols : 40;

$rows = $rows ? $rows : 5;

return "<textarea name='{$name}' cols='{$cols}' rows='{$rows}' wrap='{$wrap}' id='{$id}'{$js} class='multitext{$css}'>{$value}</textarea>";



* Create a form dropdown/select list


* @param string Field name

* @param array Options. Multidimensional array in format of array( array( 'value', 'display' ), array( 'value', 'display', 'optgroup_key' ) )

* @param string Default value

* @param string HTML id attribute [defaults to $name]

* @param string Javascript to add to list

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @param array Optgroups

* @return string Form dropdown list


public function formDropdown( $name, $list=array(), $default_val="", $id="", $js="", $css="", $optgroups=array() )


if ( $js )


$js = ' ' . $js;


if ( $css )


$css = ' ' . $css;


$id = $id ? $id : $name;

$html = "<select name='{$name}'{$js} id='{$id}' class='dropdown{$css}'>\n";

if ( is_string( $list ) )


if ( $list == '--groups--' )


$options = array();

$groups = $this->caches['group_cache'];

foreach( $groups as $id => $data )


$options[] = array( $id, $data['g_title'] );


$list = $options;




$list = array();




// Support for optgroups


if( count($optgroups) )


$_printed = 0;

foreach ( $list as $v )


if( $v[2] != '_root_' )




$selected = "";

if ( ($default_val !== "") and ($v[0] == $default_val) )


$selected = ' selected="selected"';


$disabled = '';

if ( isset( $v['disabled'] ) and $v['disabled'] === TRUE )


$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';


$html .= "<option value='" . $v[0] . "'" . $selected . $disabled . ">" . $v[1] . "</option>\n";



foreach( $optgroups as $_key => $value )


$html .= "<optgroup label='{$value}'>\n";

foreach ( $list as $v )


if( !$v[2] OR $v[2] != $_key )




$selected = "";

if ( ($default_val !== "") and ($v[0] == $default_val) )


$selected = ' selected="selected"';


$disabled = '';

if ( isset( $v['disabled'] ) and $v['disabled'] === TRUE )


$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';


$html .= "<option value='" . $v[0] . "'" . $selected . $disabled . ">" . $v[1] . "</option>\n";



$html .= "</optgroup>\n";


if( $_printed < count($list) )


$html .= "<optgroup label='{$this->lang->words['optgroup_other']}'>\n";

foreach ( $list as $v )


if( $v[2] )




$selected = "";

if ( ($default_val !== "") and ($v[0] == $default_val) )


$selected = ' selected="selected"';


$disabled = '';

if ( isset( $v['disabled'] ) and $v['disabled'] === TRUE )


$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';


$html .= "<option value='" . $v[0] . "'" . $selected . $disabled . ">" . $v[1] . "</option>\n";


$html .= "</optgroup>\n";




// Normal




foreach ( $list as $v )


$selected = "";

if ( ($default_val !== "") and ($v[0] == $default_val) )


$selected = ' selected="selected"';


$disabled = '';

if ( isset( $v['disabled'] ) and $v['disabled'] === TRUE )


$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';


$html .= "<option value='" . $v[0] . "'" . $selected . $disabled . ">" . $v[1] . "</option>\n";



$html .= "</select>\n\n";

return $html;



* Create a multiselect form field


* @param string Field name

* @param array Options. Multidimensional array in format of array( array( 'value', 'display' ), array( 'value', 'display' ) )

* @param array Default values

* @param integer Number of items to show [defaults to 5]

* @param string HTML id attribute [defaults to $name]

* @param string Javascript to apply to field

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @return string Form multiselect field


public function formMultiDropdown( $name, $list=array(), $default=array(), $size=5, $id="", $js="", $css='' )


if ( $js )


$js = ' ' . $js;


$id = $id ? $id : $name;

if ( $css )


$css = ' ' . $css;


$size = $size ? $size : 5;

$html = "<select name='{$name}'{$js} id='{$id}' class='dropdown{$css}' multiple='multiple' size='{$size}'>\n";

if ( is_string( $list ) )


if ( $list == '--groups--' )


$options = array();

$groups = $this->caches['group_cache'];

foreach( $groups as $id => $data )


$options[] = array( $id, $data['g_title'] );


$list = $options;




$list = array();



if ( !is_array($default) )


$default = is_string( $list ) ? array( $list ) : array();


foreach ($list as $v)


$selected = "";

if ( count($default) && in_array( $v[0], $default ) )


$selected = ' selected="selected"';


$disabled = '';

if ( isset( $v['disabled'] ) and $v['disabled'] === TRUE )


$disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';


$html .= "<option value='" . $v[0] . "'" . $selected . $disabled . ">" . $v[1] . "</option>\n";


$html .= "</select>\n\n";

return $html;



* Create yes/no radio buttons


* @param string Field name

* @param string Default values

* @param string HTML id attribute (appended with "_yes" and "_no" on the respective fields) [defaults to $name]

* @param array Javascript to add to the fields. Array keys should be 'yes' and 'no', values being the javascript to add.

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @return string Form yes/no radio buttons


public function formYesNo( $name, $default_val="", $id='', $js=array(), $css='' )


$y_js = '';

$n_js = '';

$id_yes = '';

$id_no = '';

if ( $js['yes'] != "" )


$y_js = $js['yes'];


if ( $js['no'] != "" )


$n_js = $js['no'];


$id = $id ? $id : $name;

if ( $id )


$id_yes = " id='{$id}_yes'";

$id_no = " id='{$id}_no'";


$yes = "<span class='yesno_yes {$css}'><input type='radio' name='{$name}' value='1' {$y_js}{$id_yes} /><label for='{$id}_yes'>{$this->lang->words['yesno_yes']}</label></span>";

$no = "<span class='yesno_no {$css}'><input type='radio' name='{$name}' value='0' {$n_js}{$id_no} /><label for='{$id}_no'>{$this->lang->words['yesno_no']}</label></span>";

if ( $default_val == 1 )


$yes = "<span class='yesno_yes {$css}'><input type='radio'{$id_yes} name='{$name}' value='1' {$y_js} checked='checked' /><label for='{$id}_yes'>{$this->lang->words['yesno_yes']}</label></span>";




$no = "<span class='yesno_no {$css}'><input type='radio'{$id_no} name='{$name}' value='0' checked='checked' {$n_js} /><label for='{$id}_no'>{$this->lang->words['yesno_no']}</label></span>";


return $yes . $no;



* Create a checkbox form field


* @param string Field name

* @param boolean Field checked or not

* @param string Field value

* @param string HTML id attribute [defaults to $name]

* @param string Javascript to add to the checkbox

* @param string CSS class(es) to add to field

* @return string Form checkbox field


public function formCheckbox( $name, $checked=false, $val=1, $id='', $js="", $css='' )


$id = $id ? $id : $name;

if( $css )


$css = "class='{$css}' ";


if ( $js )


$js = ' ' . $js;


if ( $checked == 1 )


return "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' value='{$val}' {$css}{$js} id='{$id}' checked='checked' />";




return "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name}' value='{$val}' {$css}{$js} id='{$id}' />";




* Build up page span links


* @param array Page data

* @return string Parsed page links HTML

* @since 2.0


public function generatePagination($data)





$work = array();

$data['dotsSkip'] = isset($data['dotsSkip']) ? $data['dotsSkip'] : '';

$data['noDropdown'] = isset($data['noDropdown']) ? intval( $data['noDropdown'] ) : 0;

$data['startValueKey'] = isset($data['startValueKey']) ? $data['startValueKey'] : '';

$data['currentStartValue'] = isset( $data['currentStartValue'] ) ? $data['currentStartValue'] : $this->request['st'];

$data['dotsSkip'] = ! $data['dotsSkip'] ? 2 : $data['dotsSkip'];

$data['startValueKey'] = ! $data['startValueKey'] ? 'st' : $data['startValueKey'];

$data['seoTitle'] = isset( $data['seoTitle'] ) ? $data['seoTitle'] : '';

$data['uniqid'] = substr( str_replace( array( ' ', '.' ), '', uniqid( microtime(), true ) ), 0, 10 );


// Get the number of pages


if ( $data['totalItems'] > 0 )


$work['pages'] = ceil( $data['totalItems'] / $data['itemsPerPage'] );


$work['pages'] = isset( $work['pages'] ) ? $work['pages'] : 1;


// Set up


$work['total_page'] = $work['pages'];

$work['current_page'] = $data['currentStartValue'] > 0 ? ($data['currentStartValue'] / $data['itemsPerPage']) + 1 : 1;


// Loppy loo


if ($work['pages'] > 1)


for( $i = 0, $j = $work['pages'] - 1; $i <= $j; ++$i )


$RealNo = $i * $data['itemsPerPage'];

$PageNo = $i+1;

if ( $PageNo < ($work['current_page'] - $data['dotsSkip']) )


# Instead of just looping as many times as necessary doing nothing to get to the next appropriate number, let's just skip there now

$i = $work['current_page'] - $data['dotsSkip'] - 2;



if ( $PageNo > ($work['current_page'] + $data['dotsSkip']) )


$work['_showEndDots'] = 1;

# Page is out of range...



$work['_pageNumbers'][ $RealNo ] = ceil( $PageNo );



return $this->global_template->paginationTemplate( $work, $data );



* Retrieve list of "fake apps" to generate tabs for them in ACP


* @return array

* @since 3.0


public function fetchFakeApps()


return array(

'lookfeel' => array(

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'templates' ),

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'posts' ),

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'languages' ),

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'mobileapp' )


'support' => array(

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'diagnostics' ),

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'sql' ),

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'help' )


'reports' => array(

array( 'app' => 'forums',

'module' => 'statistics' ),

array( 'app' => 'core',

'module' => 'logs' ),





Caut communitate, contact: fantezye3D


Am dezactivat gaby , am sters si acele foldere in care este eroare si le-am bagat pe cele originale , tot nu reusesc sa ii fac nimic :(

Si mi-e frica sa nu pierd tot dupa foru.. :|!

Caut communitate, contact: fantezye3D

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