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Salutare, impreuna cu un coleg, am stat si ne-am gandit sa facem un site, si, sa ne ajutam putin si de Facebook, atat in numele de domeniu cat si in promovarea produselor/serviciilor oferite. Totusi, nu suntem siguri daca este legala folosirea Facebook in domeniu, este trademark, nu?

Ultimul meu topic interesant: Ce este un laptop Nova?
Vizitez des sectiunea de Cerinte de Sistem.


In primul rand, domeniile exact match (banuiesc ca despre asta este vorba) nu mai sunt atat de puternice ca inainte:

In al doilea rand, da, Facebook este trademark, si gasesti pe site-ul lor (Can I use Facebook in my business name or domain name?) urmatorul fragment:


No. Use of the Facebook trademark or something confusingly similar in your company name or domain name, even in connection with goods/services that are arguably unrelated to those offered by Facebook, can both create consumer confusion as well as dilute the distinctiveness of the Facebook brand and weaken Facebook’s trademark rights. It is also a violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.


In concluzie, cred ca ti-am raspuns la intrebare, nu?
P.S: Iata si un scurt eseu argumentativ :)).

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