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ipb.global.registerMarker( "forum_img_{$forum_data['id']}", "{$forum_data['img_new_post']}", markerURL + "&forumid={$forum_data['id']}" ); </if> </if> </foreach> </if> </foreach> </if> //]]> </script>


Şi înlocuim tot ce este mai jos cu 


<div class='boxOut'><div class='boxIn'> <h4 class='maintitle clearfix'> <img style="position: relative; margin: -2px 3px -2px 0;" alt="" src="http://www.pcaraci.com/public/style_images/baisik/icon_usersonline.png"> <ul id='stat_links' class='ipsList_inline right ipsType_small'> <if test="statsLinks:|:1==1"> <!-- Hook point --> <li><a href="{parse url="app=forums&amp;module=extras&amp;section=stats&amp;do=leaders" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['sm_forum_leaders_title']}">{$this->lang->words['sm_forum_leaders']}</a></li> <li><a href="{parse url="app=forums&amp;module=extras&amp;section=stats" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['sm_all_posters_title']}">{$this->lang->words['sm_today_posters']}</a></li> <li><a href="{parse url="app=members&amp;module=list&amp;max_results=20&amp;sort_key=posts&amp;sort_order=desc&amp;filter=ALL" base="public" seotitle="false"}" title="{$this->lang->words['sm_overall_posters_title']}">{$this->lang->words['sm_overall_posters']}</a></li> <if test="reputationEnabled:|:$this->settings['reputation_enabled']"> <li> <a href="{parse url="app=members&amp;module=reputation&amp;section=most" base="public" template="most_liked" seotitle="most_liked"}"> <if test="reputationType:|:$this->settings['reputation_point_types'] == 'like'"> {$this->lang->words['most_rep_likes']} <else /> {$this->lang->words['most_rep_rep']} </if> </a> </li> </if> </if> </ul> <if test="showActive:|:$this->settings['show_active'] && $this->memberData['gbw_view_online_lists']">{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['online_right_now'], $stats['TOTAL'] )"} {$this->lang->words['active_users']}</if></h4> <div id='board_statistics' class='statistics clearfix' style='border:0; margin: 0;'> <div style='position: relative; padding-right: 271px; min-height: 104px;'> <div class='idxStats'> <ul> <li class='clear'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['total_posts']}</strong> <span class='value'>{$stats['info']['total_posts']}</span> </li> <li class='clear'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['total_members']}</strong> <span class='value'>{$stats['info']['mem_count']}</span> </li> <li class='clear'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['newest_member']}</strong>{IPSMember::makeProfileLink( $stats['info']['last_mem_name'], $stats['info']['last_mem_id'], $stats['info']['last_mem_seo'], 'value' )} </li> <li class='clear' data-tooltip="{$stats['info']['most_time']}"> <strong>{$this->lang->words['online_at_once']}</strong> <span class='value'>{$stats['info']['most_online']}</span> </li> </ul> </div> </h4> <if test="$this->settings['show_active']"><p class='statistics_brief desc'> {parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['active_users_detail'], $stats['MEMBERS'], $stats['GUESTS'], $stats['ANON'] )"} <if test="onlineListEnabled:|:$this->settings['allow_online_list']">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=online&amp;sort_order=desc" base="public"}'>({$this->lang->words['online_link']})</a> </if> </p></if> <if test="activeNames:|:count($stats['NAMES']) && $this->settings['show_active']"> <br /> <p> <span class='name'>{parse expression="implode( ",</span> <span class='name'>", $stats['NAMES'] )"}</span> </p> </if> </div></div></div></div>




AdminCP > Look & Feel > tema ta > tabul CSS > ipb_styles.css


Şi adăugăm jos de tot


.idxStats { 
position:absolute; right: -8px; top: -8px; 
bottom: -8px;
border-left:1px solid #EAEAEA; 
background: #feffff; 
.idxStats ul {margin:0;padding:0} .idxStats li {display:block;padding:8px 0 8px 15px;margin:0;border-bottom:1px solid #EAEAEA;overflow:hidden} .idxStats li strong {float:left;width:110px;font-weight:bold}


Unde putem schimba


border-left:1px solid #EAEAEA; 
background: #feffff; 


În funcţie de stilul temei care îl folosim :).

  • Upvote 3
  • 1 year later...

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Dragul meu tot ce ai scris tu mai sus ori e gresit ori ai uitat ceva pentru ca nu funtioneaza .

La mine mergea fara probleme :). Si l-am folosit de mai multe ori.

  • 1 year later...

Sincer Courage esti vai de capul tau, e gresit totul l-am pus la mine pe forum si a inceput sa numai functioneze deloc

Ai inceput si tu cu misto-urile ce sa zic

  • Moderators
14 hours ago, Senal said:

Sincer Courage esti vai de capul tau, e gresit totul l-am pus la mine pe forum si a inceput sa numai functioneze deloc

Ai inceput si tu cu misto-urile ce sa zic

Posted April 27, 2013

Daca te uiti in poza este IPB 3.4.4 si Carbon default.

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament

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