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Problema Ipb The Moderating Team: Catchable Fatal Error

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Am o mare problema.. am un forum IPB .. si incerc sa fac sa functioneze butonu` pt echipa de moderare (The Moderating Team) .. Versiunea este Ip.Board 3.3.4 ..

Apare cam asa cand apas pe buton: "Catchable fatal error: Object of class ipsRegistry could not be converted to string in /home/xstrikep/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_59/skin_stats.php on line 93" ... Ideea este ca am inlocuit acest link:

<li><a href="{parse url="showforum={$id}" base="public" template="showforum" seotitle="$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $id ]['name_seo']"}">{$name}</a></li>

cu acesta:

<php>$seoName = $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[$id]['name_seo'];</php>
                                <li><a href="{parse url="showforum={$id}" base="public" template="showforum" seotitle="$seoName"}">{$name}</a></li>

Dar tot nu merge.. am intrat Tema-> Templates-> Statistics-> Groupstrip .. am schimbat de acolo.. dar in zadar.. eroarea tot apare.. Ce imi recomandati?

  • Moderators

Incearca sa modifici cu

<php>seotitle="{$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $id ]['name_seo']}";</php>
                                <li><a href="{parse url="showforum={$id}" base="public" template="showforum" seotitle="$seoName"}">{$name}</a></li>
  • Upvote 1

There is a syntax error in the template, usually caused by PHP code not properly formed.  Please correct the error and hit save again


Daca primim aceasta eroare :

Catchable fatal error: Object of class ipsRegistry could not be converted to string in /srv/www/otakuboards.com/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_1/skin_stats.php on line 93 Inseamna ca IPB-ul nostru are un bug si trebuie rezolvat. Ca sa il rezolvati mergeti in tema dvs. -> templates -> statistics -> group strip si cautati :

<li><a href="{parse url="showforum={$id}" base="public" template="showforum" seotitle="$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $id ]['name_seo']"}">{$name}</a></li>

Il vom inlocui cu codul de mai jos:


<php>$seoName = $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[$id]['name_seo'];</php>
                                                             <li><a href="{parse url="showforum={$id}" base="public" template="showforum" seotitle="$seoName"}">{$name}</a></li>

Apoi, o stergere de cache la browser/forum si totul este rezolvat !

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