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Grand Theft Auto 6 Confirmat De Catre Rockstar Games!?

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Intr-adevar, Grand Theft Auto 5 nu a aparut inca pe PC, ultima amanare fiind pana pe dar asta nu-i opreste pe cei de la Rockstar Games sa vorbeasca deja despre o continuare. Mai exact, Leslie Benzies (presedintele Rockstar Games) a declarat ca nu stie exact cum va fi GTA 6 dar studioul are multe idei si totul va porni de la locul unde se va desfasura actiunea:


"We’ve got about 45 years worth of ideas we want to do. We don’t know what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas.It comes from the idea first. Where is it going to be set is the first question. Then that defines the missions; you’re doing different things in LA than in New York or Miami. The map and story get worked up together, and the story is a basic flow of how it works out so you can layer the missions in."



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Deja? Nu, mi se pare o tâmpenie așa ceva... eu nici GTA IV nu am jucat cum trebuie și ei deja vin cu GTA VI...

Stai linistit ca nici in 2020 nu o sa-l joci  :D




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