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  • gaby changed the title to Opera nu face autoplay pentru video pe Facebook?
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Incearca cu Firefox sau Chrome ca sa intelegem si noi daca e specific pentru Opera sau se intampla pe oricare browser. Sau daca e specifica player-ului. (Nu te obliga nimeni sa incepi sa folosesti alt browser).

Eu presupun ca e diferit pentru fiecare player video in parte. Tu zici ca nu ?


Poate te ajuta asta :

(in cazul tau, cred ca ar trebui sa il setezi pe 'run automatically)'

click to play: To enable it, click the Opera menu button, select Settings, and select Websites on the Settings page. Enable the Click to play option under Plug-ins.





Apropo, Opera e bazat pe chrome acum, deci prin asociere, si Opera e 'o tampenie' ? :D


On 12 February 2013, Opera announced it would drop its own Presto engine in favour of WebKit as implemented by Google's Chrome browser, using code from the Chromium project. Opera Software also planned to contribute code to WebKit.[29] On 3 April 2013, Google announced that it would fork components from WebKit to form a new rendering engine known as Blink; the same day, Opera confirmed that it would follow Google in implementing Blink.[30]

Posted (edited)

Am facut cum ai zis a ramas tot asa .. off: Chiar daca e bazat pe chrome nu sunt acelasi lucru .

Inca un lucru acolo cand dau pe play imi scrie mai jos "Click pentru a rula Adobe Flas PLayer" trebuie sa ii fac vreo setare ?

Edited by Andrei Hordila Andy
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Posted (edited)
  On 9/28/2015 at 5:24 PM, Andrei Hordila Andy said:


 imi scrie mai jos "Click pentru a rula Adobe Flas PLayer" trebuie sa ii fac vreo setare ?

Acum se schimba datele problemei. Deci dupa ce dai play, mai trebuie sa dai play inca o data ca iti apare mesaj de la Adobe Flash Player.


Fa update la Adobe Flash Player, iti da un link atunci cand iti apare mesajul. ai incercat pana acum ?

Exista plug-in de Opera si exista soft care il instalezi de la Adobe.com. Sunt diferite.

Edited by Dan O.
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Trebuie sa ai plug-in Adobe flash player in Opera. Eu cred ca s-a instalat ce nu trebuia.


Incearca asta:

Adobe Shockwave Player

To install the Adobe Shockwave Player plug-in, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Adobe Shockwave Player installer or the full installer for Netscape from the Adobe site..
  2. Close Opera before installing it.
  3. Run the downloaded installer and follow the instructions. If Opera is not listed in the installer, click the Browse button and locate the Program\Plugins folder in your Opera installation folder, which should be C:\Program Files\Opera\Program\Plugins by default.
  4. The necessary file, np32dsw.dll, should now be present in the Program\Plugins directory in your Opera installation directory. To verify that it was correctly installed in Opera, go to Page > Developer Tools > Plug-ins and check that the Shockwave Player is listed.

For more information, refer to the Adobe Shockwave Player support page.


Sau incearca aici : http://superuser.com/questions/773674/how-to-enable-flash-player-in-opera-without-installing-the-adobe-bloatware

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