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IPS 4 este redus cu 15% de Black Friday 2015



Black Friday-ul in mod normal are loc pe ziua de 27 noiembrie a fiecarui an, sau altfel spus ultima zi de vineri a lunii noiembrie. Astfel, cei de la Invision Power ofera un cupon promotional de 15% la noile achizitii de licente pentru IPB 4 si 3.4.8. Acesta este BF2015 si poate fi folosit pana pe 4 decembrie 2015 ora 11:59 (Eastern).

Anuntul oficial poate fi gasit mai jos iar pagina oficiala este aceasta: https://community.invisionpower.com/blogs/entry/9744-black-friday-promotion/

IPS is pleased to offer a 15% discount from now through December 4, 2015 (11:59PM Eastern.) This offer extends to all self-hosted software licenses as well Community in the Cloud packages. Whether you've been wanting to add a new component to your current IPS Community Suite license, have been waiting for the right opportunity to renew your license or are considering IPS for the first time, simply use the coupon code BF2015 at checkout to take advantage of this offer.

Note: Offer extends to currently expired licenses or licenses that will expire during the promotion. Sorry, may not be used on early renewals but we will be running more holiday promotions.

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Nu uitati ca mai aveti timp pana maine sa cumparati o licenta la un pret mai mic! Dupa s-ar putea sa scoata si codu de reducere si sa urce pretu la 200$ inloc de 175$ cat e acum fara reducere, cu reducerea asta va costa doar 149$ (148.75$ mai exact)

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

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