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20 minutes ago, GodsOtherHand said:





Motive pentru care nu poti "decripta".. md5 nu cripteaza. Mai mult decat linkurile alea jur ca nam ce sa iti dau.. daca nu vrei sa intelegi, nu vrei sa intelegi.


Ar fi jale daca ar merge invers treaba.

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

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7 hours ago, GodsOtherHand said:

+ daca inca se foloseste md5 pentru salvarea parolelor.. jale

Depinde, sometimes da, sometines nu. Asta e metoda noua la IPB 4:

	 * Encrypt a plaintext password
	 * @param	string	$password	Password to encrypt
	 * @return	string	Encrypted password
	 * @todo	[Future] When we increase minimum PHP version, adjust blowfish to $2y$
	public function encryptedPassword( $password )
		/* New password style introduced in IPS4 using Blowfish */
		if ( mb_strlen( $this->members_pass_salt ) === 22 )
			return crypt( $password, '$2a$13$' . $this->members_pass_salt );
		/* Old encryption style using md5 */
			return md5( md5( $this->members_pass_salt ) . md5( \IPS\Request::legacyEscape( $password ) ) );

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament


wtf, astia chiar folosesc 'encrypted' pentru denumirea functiei :)) hahaha.

Din cate vad asa rapid, md5 e folosit pentru legacy aici. In mod normal ar folosi Blowfish, nu md5. Daca inca ai parola cu md5, la primu login ar trebui(in alta functie undeva) sa tio modifice sa se salveze cu blowfish.

love is a verb
Love is a doing word

  • gaby changed the title to Cum aflu parolele membrilor in IPB?

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