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Buna seara, va pun la dispozitie un Script Server List Game Tracker all Games Online, powered by Richard Perry - Edited by Stefan. Daca va este de folos +1.

Pentru download necesita cont pe site-ul Box.com.


Bine de stiut:

Please update file / Fa rugam faceti update:


and / si


Pentru o a sari pasul (Eroare) BGZIP2, inlcuieste fisierul: Index.php

Download Index.php





Download Script:


Numai bine!

  • Upvote 2

2 minutes ago, Daniel. said:

1. De ce e așa "segmentat", pe bucăți?

2. Link de la virustotal?

Stock fiind include la instalare extensia GZIPB2 in root (webhost) Cea ce inseamna un Ticket la firma respectiva si cerut implementarea extensiei.

Iar eu am editat fisierul index.php din folderul install ca acesta sa sara peste extensia respectiva (O instalare normala)

Virus Total:

1 Link. https://www.virustotal.com/en/url/c34ec0d81a2e93364c88d0169db94b74ab407a290400ef80b07994f04b3dff44/analysis/1455651278/

2.Arhiva .rar https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/fa10d56d398f25ba93213765301392d6678f33a80dd6fd44c014b5b291f39423/analysis/

  • Upvote 2
7 minutes ago, Balan Marius said:

eu am cont si tot nu merge sal descarc cred ca e doar o magarie nu stiu sunt atatea site de urcare si na

Download-ul functioneaza Perfect atat timp cat ai un cont valid pe app.box

imi rezerv Dreptul de Upload.
In topic


  • Upvote 2
1 hour ago, VladOcs said:

tu n-aveai ban?

Mi-au fost Scoase Restrictiile de catre gaby.

20 minutes ago, leonardo23 said:

Frate de ce nu ma lasa sa il descarc punel te rog pe alt site de dowloand /sau cineva sa il puna mar ajuta mult


Dece nu vreti sa intelegeti ca Descarcarea decurge Normal?


Eventual sa fie de la browser Folositi Mozila.

  • Upvote 2

Acest script este bun dar are si cateva lipsuri !

Am discutat cu Stefan si a zis ca va face un nou update !

Nu te inteleg Gabriel de ce te dai asa interesant si pui scriptul pe nu stiu ce link-uri de download conditionate cand scriptul este facut public de Stefan pe forumul sau !

Scripul se poate downloada FREE de oricine doreste pe kog.ro/demo/!

Si orice probleme intampinati puteti discuta chiar cu cel care a editat aceasta varianta [Stefan] pe kog.ro !

Imi cer scuze ca am postat aceste link-uri dar am simtit nevoia sa intervin cand am vazut cat poate complica cineva un lucru foarte simplu !

Eu nu astept +1 ca nu e munca mea ci a lui Stefan !

Bafta !

  • Downvote 1

Am scris destul de clar daca ai fii cititi cu atentia .  Creditele: powered by Richard Perry - Edited by Stefan

Nu are rost sa iti dau tie explicatii Ce legatura am eu cu stefan sau invers...Te las sa fii cea ce vrei.

12 hours ago, Gabriel™ said:

Am scris destul de clar daca ai fii cititi cu atentia .  Creditele: powered by Richard Perry - Edited by Stefan

Nu are rost sa iti dau tie explicatii Ce legatura am eu cu stefan sau invers...Te las sa fii cea ce vrei.


Am schimbat index.php si primesc eroarea aceasta:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '3' (T_LNUMBER) in /home/x/public_html/x/install/index.php on line 1


Poftim: Copy acest cod Paste in index.php Puti Retusat


define('LICENSE', true);

if (!is_file('../lgsl_files/lgsl_config.php'))
	exit('<html><body><h1>Configuration file not found !</h1></body></html>');


 * Install Wizard Version
define('LGSL', 'v5.8.2');


if (isset($_POST['task']))
	$task = $_POST['task'];

switch (@$task)
	case 'license':	if ( isset($_POST['license']) ) { 	if ($_POST['license'] == 'on') 	{	header( "Location: index.php?step=one" ); 	die(); 	} }
		exit( "You must accept the terms of the license agreement." );

	default: 	break;

<!DOCTYPE html>
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if (!isset($_GET['step'])) // Step == 'zero'
		<div class="widget-head-color-box navy-bg p-lg text-center">
                            <div class="m-b-md">
                            <h2 class="font-bold no-margins">
                              Licenta GNU
                                <small>LGSL <?php echo LGSL; ?></small>
                        <div class="widget-text-box">

					<div style="width:auto;height:480px;overflow:scroll;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;">
	$license = fopen('../gpl-3.0.txt', 'r');

	while ($rows = fgets($license))
		echo $rows.'<br />';

				<form method="post" action="index.php" align="center">
					<input type="hidden" name="task" value="license" />
					<label class="checkbox">
						<input type="checkbox" name="license">&nbsp;I Accept the Terms of the License Agreement
					<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 19px;">
						<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">Submit</button>

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                                                <Br />					
 <i class="text-warning fa fa-warning fa-4x"></i>
 <br />
                                                <div class="col-sm-8">
 <h3>Install and Update Script</h3>

                                                    <p>	Please make backup SQL exist in database. <br/ >
							                              Va rugam faceti un backup la sql-ul existent. <br /></p>

				<script type="text/javascript">
				$(document).ready(function() {


else if ($_GET['step'] == 'one')

<div class="widget-head-color-box navy-bg p-xs text-center">
                            <div class="m-b-md">
                            <h2 class="font-bold no-margins">
                             Install and Update Script&nbsp;
                                <small>LGSL <?php echo LGSL; ?></small>
                        <div class="widget-text-box">

				<table class="table">
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for CONFIGURATION file</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">FOUND</span></td>

<?php	if (!$lgsl_config['db']['user'])	{?>
<tr class="error">	<td>Checking your lgsl_config</td>	<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>	<td>User for database not exist please edit lgsl_config.php line 116</td></tr>
<?php 	$error = TRUE;	}	else 	{ ?>
		<tr class="success">	<td>Checking your lgsl_config</td>	<td><span class="label label-success"><?php echo "OK"; ?></span></td>	<td></td>	</tr>
<?php 	} ?>

<?php	if (!$lgsl_config['db']['pass']){	 ?>
<tr class="error"><td>Checking your lgsl_config</td><td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td><td>Pass for database not exist please edit lgsl_config.php line 117</td></tr>
<?php  $error = TRUE;	}	else 	{ ?>
		<tr class="success">	<td>Checking your lgsl_config</td>	<td><span class="label label-success"><?php echo "OK"; ?></span></td>	<td></td>	</tr>
<?php 	} ?>
<?php	if (!$lgsl_config['db']['db']){	 ?>
<tr class="error"><td>Checking your lgsl_config</td><td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td><td>Database name not exist please edit lgsl_config.php line 118</td></tr>
<?php  $error = TRUE;	}	else 	{ ?>
<tr class="success">	<td>Checking your lgsl_config</td>	<td><span class="label label-success"><?php echo "OK"; ?></span></td>	<td></td>	</tr>
<?php 	} ?>

<?php	if ($lgsl_config['name_site'] == "expertcs.info"){	 ?>
<tr class="error"><td>Checking your lgsl_config</td><td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td><td>Please edit name_site  line 129</td></tr>
<?php  $error = TRUE;	}	else 	{ ?>
		<tr class="success">	<td>Checking your lgsl_config</td>	<td><span class="label label-success"><?php echo "OK"; ?></span></td>	<td></td>	</tr>
<?php 	} ?>


	$versioncompare = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.4');
	if ($versioncompare == -1)
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking your version of PHP</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED (<?php echo PHP_VERSION; ?>)</span></td>
							<td>Upgrade to PHP 5.3.4 or greater</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking your version of PHP</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success"><?php echo PHP_VERSION; ?></span></td>


	if (ini_get('safe_mode'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for PHP safe mode</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">ON</span></td>
							<td>Please, disable safe mode !!!</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for PHP safe mode</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">OFF</span></td>


	if (!extension_loaded('mysql'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for MySQL extension</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>MySQL extension could not be found or is not installed. Please recompile your Apache with the MySQL extension included.</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for MySQL extension</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>

		$mysql_link = @mysql_connect(DBHOST,DBUSER,DBPASSWORD);
		if ($mysql_link == FALSE)
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for MySQL server connection</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>Could not connect to MySQL: "<?php echo mysql_error(); ?>"</td>
			$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for MySQL server connection</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">SUCCESSFUL</span></td>

			$mysql_database_link = @mysql_select_db(DBNAME);
			if ($mysql_database_link == FALSE)
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for MySQL database</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>Could not connect to MySQL database: "<?php echo mysql_error(); ?>"</td>
				$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for MySQL database</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">SUCCESSFUL</span></td>


	if (!function_exists('fsockopen'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for FSOCKOPEN function</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for FSOCKOPEN function</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">SUCCESSFUL</span></td>


	if (!extension_loaded('curl'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for Curl extension</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>Curl extension is not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/curl">Curl</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for Curl extension</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>


	if (!extension_loaded('mbstring'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for MBSTRING extension (LGSL - Used to show UTF-8 server and player names correctly)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>mbstring extension is not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/mbstring">mbstring</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for MBSTRING extension (LGSL - Used to show UTF-8 server and player names correctly)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>

	if (!extension_loaded('bz2'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for BZIP2 extension (LGSL - Used to show Source server settings over a certain size)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>BZIP2 extension is not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/bzip2">BZIP2</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for BZIP2 extension (LGSL - Used to show Source server settings over a certain size)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>

	if (!extension_loaded('zlib'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for ZLIB extension (LGSL - Required for America's Army 3)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>ZLIB extension is not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/zlib">ZLIB</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for ZLIB extension (LGSL - Required for America's Army 3)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>


	if (!extension_loaded('gd') && !extension_loaded('gd2'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for GD extension (pChart Requirement)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>GD / GD2 extensions are not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/book.image.php">GD</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for GD extension (pChart Requirement)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>


	if (!function_exists('imagettftext'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for FreeType extension (securimage Requirement)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>FreeType extension is not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/manual/en/image.installation.php">FreeType</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for FreeType extension (securimage Requirement)</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>


	if (!extension_loaded('simplexml'))
						<tr class="error">
							<td>Checking for SimpleXML extension</td>
							<td><span class="label label-important">FAILED</span></td>
							<td>SimpleXML extension is not installed. (<a href="http://php.net/simplexml">SimpleXML</a>).</td>
		$error = TRUE;
						<tr class="success">
							<td>Checking for SimpleXML extension</td>
							<td><span class="label label-success">INSTALLED</span></td>



	if (isset($error))
				<div style="text-align: center;">
					<h3><b>Fatal Error(s) Found.</b></h3><br />
					<button class="btn" onclick="window.location.reload();">Check Again</button>
				<div style="text-align: center;">
					<ul class="pager">
							<a href="index.php?step=two">Next Step &rarr;</a>



else if ($_GET['step'] == 'two')
	$currentVersion = "5.8.2";

<div class="widget-head-color-box navy-bg p-lg text-center">
    <div class="m-b-md"><h2 class="font-bold no-margins"> Install and Update Script&nbsp;</h2><small>LGSL <?php echo LGSL; ?></small> </div>
     <div class="widget-text-box">


				<div class="alert alert-warning alert-block">
					<strong>FOUND !</strong> Tables exist in the database.<br />
					You can update your previous version of LGSL <?php echo LGSL;?> or perform a clean install <u>which will overwrite all data (LGSL tables with the same prefix) in the database.</u><br />
					It is recommend you back up your database first.<br />
				<h4>Current Version:</h4>&nbsp;<span class="label label-info"><?php echo $currentVersion; ?></span><br /><br />
				<form action="index.php" method="get">
					<input type="hidden" name="step" value="three" />
					<input name="version" type="radio" value="full" checked="checked" /><b>&nbsp;Install LGSL Version <?php echo LGSL; ?></b><br /><br />
					<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Install SQL Database</button>

				<div style="text-align: center;">
					<ul class="pager">
							<a href="index.php?step=one">&larr; Previous Step</a>



else if ($_GET['step'] == 'three')

	switch (@$_GET['version'])
		case 'full':







				<div class="well">
				<div class="alert alert-block">
					<strong>DELETE THE INSTALL FOLDER</strong><br />
					<?php echo getcwd(); ?>

	if (@$_GET['version'] == 'full') // Full install case
				<h2>Install Complete!</h2>
				<legend>Login Information :</legend>
				Admin Username: <b>lgsladmin</b><br />
				Admin Password: <b>admin</b><br />
				<div class="alert alert-error">
					Remember to change the admin username and password.



	<div style="margin-top:50px;"> &nbsp; </div>

<div class="footer fixed">
            <div class="pull-right">  <a href="http://expertcs.info/lgsl-2015/" target="_blank">ExpertCS LGSL</a><br />
						Install Script: <?php echo LGSL; ?> - LGSL: <?php echo LGSL; ?><br />
            <div class="pull-left">Copyright - 2015. Released Under <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html" target="_blank">GPLv3</a>.<br />
						All Images Are Copyrighted By Their Respective Owners. </div>

			<!--Powered By Bright Game Panel-->





Imi mai da doar eroarea asta:

Checking for MBSTRING extension (LGSL - Used to show UTF-8 server and player names correctly) FAILED mbstring extension is not installed. (mbstring).

1 hour ago, Laur. said:

Câte shell-uri conține?

Shell-uri pentru ce ma amaratule?

Nu Contine Tabel Members,Password sau date personale. E un Simplu Game Tracker...

Numai la shell-uri iti bese mintea.

21 hours ago, Gabriel™ said:

Shell-uri pentru ce ma amaratule?

Nu Contine Tabel Members,Password sau date personale. E un Simplu Game Tracker...

Numai la shell-uri iti bese mintea.

Ahahah , mă refer la backdoor-uri prin care poți lua tu acces :)


Just now, Laur. said:

Ahahah , mă refer la backdoor-uri prin care poți lua tu acces :)

Ajuta-ma te rog sa inteleg ce inseamna acele "backdoor-uri" Si la ce m-ar putea ajuta , la ce mi-ar putea oferii Acces si care ar fii rezultatul in care sa te satisfaca asa mult.

PS: powered by Richard Perry - Edited by Stefan

(Nu vad legatura cu mine)

  • Moderators

Chiar daca e "powered by Richard Perry", aia nu inseamna ca nu poti edita cod-ul PHP din spate.. La asta se refera Laur. mai mult, se stie ca default nu vine cu nimic shady, dar asa, eu unu nu as avea incredere si m-as uita prin toate fisierele .php inainte sa incerc ceva cu asta modificat.

  • Upvote 1

PHP Developer - Not available for freelancing right now

Daca ai de gand sa postezi la categoria IPB, nu uita sa citesti regulamentul: Link regulament

8 minutes ago, gadeas said:

Chiar daca e "powered by Richard Perry", aia nu inseamna ca nu poti edita cod-ul PHP din spate.. La asta se refera Laur. mai mult, se stie ca default nu vine cu nimic shady, dar asa, eu unu nu as avea incredere si m-as uita prin toate fisierele .php inainte sa incerc ceva cu asta modificat.


Dar majoritatea Lenesilor Care Cunosc doar Butonul Download si Upload.

Din ce vad Laur. cunoaste cu ce se mananca. asa ca il invit sa ne raspunda si noua daca acest Script Inclusiv anumite Fisiere .php au introduse Shell-uri, backdoor-uri.

Eu unul am spus si o repet. ''E Curat ca lacrima lui Ovidiu''

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