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Scadere Bani Din Contul De Adsense - Problema


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Se plangeau ieri niste utilizatori ai unui forum mare (softpedia, mai exact), cum ca le-ar fi disparut din contul de Adsense, niste sume de bani. Prima oara, am zis ca o fi o problema doar la ei. Azi de dimineata cand am intrat si eu in contul meu, am observat ca, si mie imi lipsesc din cont 10$.

!!! Ei bine, NU va panicati. Daca dati un search prin helpul de la Adsense ve-ti observa ca multa lume are aceeasi problema:





Adsense are vreo problema tehnica si nu afiseaza cum trebuie datele, probabil o sa-si revina cat de curand.


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Iata in sfarsit si explicatia oficiala:

June 22, 2009: The amount displayed when you generate a 'Since last payment' report is currently incorrect, but our engineers are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. please be assured that this is only a display issue, and that you're being properly credited for your earnings.

Work-around: In the meantime, you can still calculate how much you've generated since your last payment. Generate an Advanced Report for your earnings from the current month and then add the total unpaid balance listed on your Payment History page. Thanks for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.


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