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Everything posted by FML

  1. Deocamdata , posteaza - le aici : http://pctroubleshooting.ro/forum/170-wordpress/ .
  2. Asta era , mersi GOH [ te superi daca ma adresez cu Florin ? ] ! La 10 , daca vreau sa rulez dupa el un Setup de Windows 8.1 imi da '' setup has failed to determine supported install choices '' si d'asta incerc sa - mi aduc aminte daca la Windows 8.1 da failed / nu merge cum trebuie orice Setup de Windows ? [ Tinand cont ca DVD - ul / ISO - ul e luat direct de la Microsoft ] - legal stuff .
  3. Hai la multi ani si sanatate !
  4. Eu ziceam sa te mai gandesti totusi . Trebuie sa recunosc in acelasi timp ca , in ceea ce ma priveste , am o problema de identitate .
  5. Cu toti stim ca fiecare Windows are un Setup al sau ... Intrebarea mea este : Pot sa rulez Setup de Windows XP / Vista / 7 , 8 si 8.1 pe Windows 8.1 ? Gen ca si cum as vrea sa instalez editia mai veche de Windows [ ruland distributia noua ] . Exemplu : Windows 7 [ prin setup - ul Windows 7 ] il instalez in paralel cu Windows 8.1 [ cu Windows 8.1 mergand ] . Daca - ti putea sa va interesati , v - as ramane indatorat .
  6. Ieri , m - am alaturat unei comunitati din '' afara '' la care am vazut optiunea de a - mi edita numele afisat [ nu si cel de autentificare ] de 2 ori pe o perioada de 90 de zile . Functia merge [ m - am folosit deja de '' puterea '' asta ] si voi ramane la numele actual . [ cel putin acolo ] . Va las poza in spoiler si simpla intrebare daca vrei sa avem si noi asa ceva ...
  7. Am vazut Ad - uri si de la PCGarage [ parca si eMAG dar nu bag mana - n foc ] .
  8. Daca imi spui si ce nu e corect la el ...
  9. Eu nu incerc nimic , mai , competentele ti le dovedesti singur . Iti explica lumea de 10 mii de ori ca nu e placa facuta pentru win 7 si tu intrebi de ce nu sunt compatibile , :dumfuck: . Daca te pricepi asa bine , de ce nu - ti rezolvi singur problema ?
  10. And you are taking it so far ...
  11. Mai e si Google Plus [ + ] .
  12. Ia - ti un DEX . It is the best !
  13. Poate de acesta data se vede mai clar .
  14. Pai vad ca stii problema . In ideea in care , al tau GPU nu - i facut pentru W7 , poti sa incerci tu mult si bine sa - l faci sa mearga pe respectivul SO , ca ... '' idem '' .
  15. Microsoft's upcoming DirectX 12 is rumoured to feature a revolutionary API that would enable users to combine graphics cards from AMD and Nvidia. PC gaming enthusiasts could be in for a treat if the latest rumour from Tom's Hardware is true. So far gamers have been able to combine multiple AMD cards or Nvidia cards using Crossfire or SLI, respectively but they cannot be combined with each other. However, the latest rumour suggests that Microsoft could make such a combination possible and remove the dependence on manufacturer restrictions with its next DirectX release in Windows 10. DirectX 12 will be able to use the combined power of the GPUs as a single system, which can be better utilized by the game developers with what is being termed as "Explicit Asynchronous Multi-GPU Capabilities." It is suggested in the Tom's Hardware post, that one of the cards will be the master card and the other card will be used to increase the performance. Microsoft will reveal more about its plans for DirectX 12 at the Game Developers Conference which starts on Monday and the announcement of these enhancements will definitely improve the already impressive lineup of features that DirectX 12 is expected to bring in for gamers and game developers alike. Source: Tom's Hardware
  16. Si esti tu sigur ca pe asta il ai : http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDCatalyst14-11-2-BetaWINReleaseNotes.aspx ?
  17. De Recovery - ul ala ce zici ?
  18. http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Operating-Systems-and-Software/After-installing-win-7-recovery-manager-F11-does-not-work/td-p/205201
  19. Ceva ciudat cu HDD - ul ala ... E montat bine ? Jumper [ Slade , Master ; alea ] ? De recuperat date [ caz in care sa zici ca - i stricat ] se poate face la un serivce IT .
  20. L70 merita fiecare banut , zic eu .
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