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Cosmin. last won the day on April 25 2016

Cosmin. had the most liked content!

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  1. Bravo te felicit !! Cu placere.
  2. Sau poti descarca hook-ul gratuit : https://www.xfile.ro/download/4319bc761ba99b3a3d7ca165ab09e2b7.html
  3. 3.4.8 sau 3.4.7 aveti ?
  4. Sunt 2 metode prin care poti rezolva aceasta problema! 1. Reinstaleaza Shoutbox 2. Baga alta tema ipb Daca una dintre aceste 2 metode ti-a mers revino cu reply.
  5. Dezinstaleaza Profile Sidebar si revino cu reply daca a mers.
  6. Cauta in ipb_styles.css cu CTRL+F asta: #branding #branding { height: 328px; position: relative; background: url("AICI INLOCUIESTI TOT CE E IN PARANTEZA CU ALT LINK ! ORICARE http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/305/4/c/bannerecila_by_hivemind222-d84vd64.png") repeat-x 50% 0; #breading a:hover{ opacity: 0.8; }
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  10. Instaleaza IPB din nou !
  11. A... o imagine ceva? ..
  12. LevelGaming.Ro
  13. Foarte frumoasa comunitatea ! Succes in continuare , iar daca vreti sa ne dati si noua tema voastra ar fi super
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