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Minimum Requirements:

- Windows XP , at least 1GHz processor and at least 256MB RAM

- internet connection (at least 100KB/s metropolitan and extern) through optic fiber

- Routable IP / Port Forward

- 1-2 GB Hard Disk space

- a lot of patience

Downloading Files

Download the following files:

- HLDSUpdateTool -> http://www.steampowered.com/download/hldsupdatetool.exe

- NoSteamPatcher -> http://cs.cstrike.ro/hldsw32.patch.3382.zip

- AdminMod + MetaMod -> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/halflif...in.zip?download

- StatsMe -> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/statsme...ke.zip?download

Server Installation

- create a new folder where you want to install the game server. As an example we will use C:/HLDS

- open hldsupdatetool.exe and click Next, then Agree and we have to choose the destination folder. Press Browse and select the C:/ drive and after that double click on HLDS folder.The message tells us that the folder already exists and we press Yes, then next until the end of setup.

- the next step is to give a command from DOS command line. To do that, press Start button, press Run, write cmd and press OK. Change the current directory by writing the following command: cd C:\HLDS.

- Download the files needed to install the server. Depending on the Internet connectio speed it may take up to a couple of minutes or few hours. Write the following command in DOS command line: hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game valve -dir .

This command starts the HLDS download. After the download is complete, the following message is displayed: HLDS installation up to date.

Installing Counter-Strike Mod

Download the Counter-Strike Mod files by typing to DOS command line the following command: hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game cstrike -dir .

After the download is complete, the following message is displayed: HLDS installation up to date

Patch the server in order to accept NoSteam clients

Extract hldsw32-emporio.rar to C:/HLDS

Configure the server.cfg file

The server.cfg configuration file is located in C:\HLDS\cstrike directory. Open it with TextPad or Wordpad. Delete all lines and add the lines located here

To <HOSTNAME> write anything you want (eg. Best CS 1.6 Server). To <PAROLA> write the password for remote administration.

Install and configure AdminMod for Windows

Click here to install and configure AdminMod for Microsoft Windows.


Extract statsme-2.8.3-cstrike.zip to C:\HLDS\cstrike directory. Go to C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\metamod directory and open plugins.ini with TextPad or WordPad. Add the following line at the begining of the file: win32 addons\statsme\dlls\statsme_mm.dll

Go to C:\HLDS\cstrike\addons\statsme and open statsme.cfg with TextPad or WordPad. Modify the sm_menupassword from r3wt with another password. When entering the game you will have to write in the console statsme_menu password_from_statsme.cfg.cfg in order to modify last settings.

/rank and /top10

Open statsme.cfg and change the sm_storebyauth from 1 to 0.

Secure server

It is important to have a non secure server because of many reasons. To do that, go to C:\HLDS\cstrike and open liblist.gam with TextPad or WordPad. Modify secure from 1 to 0. Save and exit.

Starting the server - method #1(This is the simple mode - more resources involved)

Go to C:\HLDS. Double click on hlds.exe and select the following options:

- Game: CounterStrike

- Server Name: eg. Best CS 1.6 Server

- Map: anything

- Network: Internet

- Max. Players: as many as you want

- UDP Port: the port on which the server will run (default: 27015)

- RCON Password: remote password administration

- Secure (Valve Anti-Cheat): unchecked!

Starting the server - method #2

(Simpler method, less resources involved)

Go to C:\HLDS. Right click on hlds.exe and choose "Create Shortcut" or "Send to > Desktop". Right click on the created shortcut and choose Properties. In Target field you will see C:\HLDS\hlds.exe after, add the following: -console -game cstrike +ip EXTERNAL_IP +sv_lan 1 +maxplayers PLAYERS_NUMBER +map de_dust2 -nomaster. Press Ok and double click on the shortcut.

Mentionez ca tutorialul nu este facut de mine ci este copiat de pe site-ul cstrike.ro

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cat astepti la download??????? :|

Astepti mult man...Si apoi te mai trezesti k nu e bine facut si il mai faci 1 data....Si nici atunci nu merge....si cand in sfarsit il faci sa mearga...te trezesti k ai un net de ala nasol....si ai lag tu insati 300 pe el...am patit'o....mai bine lasa'te =))=))

So lonely ... so NUMB :-< ... dNd

dutetareTURBO.ro # NOS



Astepti mult man...Si apoi te mai trezesti k nu e bine facut si il mai faci 1 data....Si nici atunci nu merge....si cand in sfarsit il faci sa mearga...te trezesti k ai un net de ala nasol....si ai lag tu insati 300 pe el...am patit'o....mai bine lasa'te  =))  =))

mane eu am net care trag si cu 10mb pe sec :-> si incerc ca nu ma deranjeaza........eu vreau sa stiu mai exact cat timp iti ia sa ia prostiile alea =P~

  • 4 weeks later...

mane eu am net care trag si cu 10mb pe sec :-> si incerc ca nu ma deranjeaza........eu vreau sa stiu mai exact cat timp iti ia sa ia prostiile alea =P~

Net cu care tragi cu 10 mb pe secunda? ;));)) Poate 10 megabitz' nu megabites ;)


Unii chiar se trezesc vorbind fara nici o logica:

Poate 10 megabitz' nu megabites

Mb insemna megabites

MB insemna megabytes

8 bits ( b ) = 1 byte ( B )

mega este un multiplu = 1.000.000

=> 10Mb = 10 megabiti ( nu bitz' )

Vitrine frigorifice orizontale si verticale de refrigerare si congelare

Parchet din lemn masiv exotic


ca sa poti pune admin ai nevoie de accese pe care le calculezi aici, apoi ca functioneze meniul cand dai admin_who (in consola) trebuie sa ai un plugin bagat in:(ex)

Plugin-ul se numeste plugin_who.amx si uite ti-l dau pe al meu click aici Observatie: la plugin-ul meu (cel de mai sus) accesele sunt deja calculate asa ca o sa ai nevoie de ele daca vrei sa il folosesti.
Zei - 131071 
Semi-Zei - 130047
Moderatori Avansati - 126975
Moderatori - 125951
Administratori Avansati - 27123
Administratori - 18915
Ajutoare - 16611
Nume Rezervate - 16384 [/code]

Aceste accese le iei si le bagi in users.cfg:(ex) C:/server/cstrike/addons/adminmod/config/users.cfg

Succes ;)

Te-ai inregistrat? Ne-ar placea sa te prezinti.

Cum pot sustine forumul?
Cumpara de la eMag folosind acest link.


Unii chiar se trezesc vorbind fara nici o logica:

Mb insemna megabites

MB insemna megabytes

8 bits ( b ) = 1 byte ( B )

mega este un multiplu = 1.000.000

=> 10Mb = 10 megabiti ( nu bitz' )

Man dak am scris bitz' am scris deoarece acesta este limbajul meu...intreaba 'i pe toti care ma stiu....ajea vorbesc eu :P nu inseaman k nu stiu cum se scrie :)

So lonely ... so NUMB :-< ... dNd

dutetareTURBO.ro # NOS


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