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Everything posted by BuFnITZa

  1. Cand spui: "l-am primit gratis" te referi la faptul cand ai cumparat ceva de la Altex de ex. si l-ai primit cadou? Daca da incearca sa il trimiti la service daca mai ai garantia.
  2. Toata lumea stie ca nu mai e mult pana la marea sarbatoare Si ceva ce nu poate lipsi din Craciun este muzica In topicul acesta va invit sa postati melodiile de Craciun care va plac cel mai mult. Incep eu (Sunt mai multe in clipul asta, dar toate sunt superbe.)
  3. Pff Sa vezi ce o sa fie cand nu o sa mai mearga Counter Strike 1.6 si Metin 2
  4. Salutare
  5. Mergi pe i5 3570k daca vrei sa te joci, lasa AMD, e pentru alceva.
  6. Bun venit pe
  7. Which county has the world's fastest Internet service? How about South Korea. That's according to a new study from content delivery service Pando Networks that sampled some 35 petabytes of data from 27 million downloads and 224 countries. The service found that South Korea is top in the world in terms of download speed, averaging 17.62 Mbps. Romania has the second fastest Internet speeds on the planet, clocking in at 15.27 Mbps, and a trio of Eastern European countries round out the top five, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Latvia. The United States musters a very pedestrian 4.93 Mbps -- good for 26th in the world -- while China, home to the world's largest Internet population, manages a dismal 1.96 Mbps. The slowest Internet, according to the study, is in the Congo, with an average of just 13 KBps, a speed that would make even a 1990s dial-up Internet user cringe. Most of the world's slowest countries on Pando's list are located in Africa, where broadband access is sparse and mobile is often the most prevalent point of access for users. However, we suspect that the data from some countries may have suffered from too small a sample size for an accurate reading. If you want the fastest Internet in the United States, head to Andover, Mass., the only American city to crack the top 10. Andover residents are downloading at a very speedy average of 22.41 Mbps. That pales in comparison to speeds in Seocho, South Korea, though, the fastest city on Earth at 33.5 Mbps. Pando also sliced up the data by ISP, gathering data on 18,017 of them. The fastest in the U.S. is Verizon Internet Services, which offers users average downloads that are 153 Kilobytes per second faster than the next closest ISP on the list (Comcast). Those speeds are still almost five times slower the average connection offered by Dacom Corp. in South Korea, which takes the cake as the world's fastest ISP by average download speed. Pando provided Mashable with the infographic below illustrating some of the key findings in the report. The company also created an interactive map showing all of the findings.
  8. Gata cu tezele !!!! Freeedooommm!!!!!!

    1. valente


      Multumesc de intampinare

    2. BuFnITZa


      Esti bine venit oricand.

  9. (Scuze ca nu prea inteleg la ce te referi dar incerc sa ajut cu un sfat) Sigur nu e jocul asa facut sa para ca bate vantul in timpul cursei, sa il faca mai realist? Si da e de preferat sa ai driverele la zi, DirectX la ultima versiune etc. PS: Daca din printscreen-uri nu iese nimic, incearca cu telefonul/aparatul foto
  10. Se pare ca anul asta se importa sarbatoriile de la Americani. Dupa Black Friday, cand comerciantii au facut vanzari record, mai ales cei din IT, urmeaza Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday este o zi in care toate magazinele online au reduceri pe toata durata zilei la comenzile efectuate pe internet. PC Garage este doar unul dintre magazinele care se afiliaza la Cyber Monday, oferind promotii din 4 in 4 ore. Nu stiu daca celelalte magazine online mari din Romania, eMag si evoMAG, participa la Cyber Monday dar eu nu vad vreun motiv pentru care sa nu participe. Asa ca baieti, de la ora 0:00 pregatiti-va. Nu aveti de unde sa stiti ce promotie frumoasa se iveste. Si eMag-ul participa la Cyber Monday dar cu niste promotii mai ciudate. evoMAG nu participa din pacate amanand participarea pe 5 decembrie pentru a onora comenzile facute de clienti in black friday.
  11. Bun venit
  12. Nokia X2 cel mai bun pt. muzica
  13. Mdea... Cum spunea tata "caca maka..." Ce m-a enervat http://www.emag.ro/laptop-lenovo-g580-cu-procesor-intel-174-core-small-sup-tm-sup-small-i3-3110m-2-40ghz-ivy-bridge-4gb-1tb-nvidia-geforce-gt-630m-2gb-freedos-maron-inchis-59-351254-bf12/pd/EF5CKBBBM/?ref=nl&emag_click_id=827ae50e3a68aba76454d2f9444e9325&ref=afs dupa ce ca il pun la oferta nu il au in stoc... Nu este in stoc de vreo 3-4 saptamani ma gandeam ca lor baga de BF dar ciuciu...
  14. Degeaba.... e 6:24 AM si nimica....
  15. Astea ar fii ceva gen..."rezerva" daca nu gasesc ceva de BF
  16. Mda? Oke Suparaciosule
  17. Bai tu stii sa numeri? Sau mai exact sa citesti? Mai uitate ce placa video are HP-ul ala AMD Radeon HD 7670M
  18. Nu merg? 1 http://www.altex.ro/laptop-hp-pavilion-g6-2054eq-amd-dual-core-a6-4400m-2-6-ghz-15-6-6gb-750gb-amd-radeon-hd-7670m-free-dos 2 http://www.altex.ro/laptop-acer-aspire-5750g-2334g50mnkk-intel-core-i3-2330m-2-1ghz-15-6-4gb-500gb-nvidia-geforce-gt-540m-linpus-lite-moblin Si mai ma rog ce e fals ?
  19. Asta sau asta. Si de ce. Primul are un procesor I3 care este putin peste A6 4400 dar, tinand cont ca eu o sa ma si joc, A6 4400 + Radeon HD 7670M = Cu mult peste GT540 (Dovada --> http://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Radeon-HD-7520G-HD-7670M-Dual-Graphics.81182.0.html ) O sa il folosesc in : yahoo, net, muzica filme HD (sper sa duca acel A6 4400) si gaming. Sa vad parerile
  20. Mdea...Am sunat sa te reclam Si ghici... Se jucau si ei AC3 Gata cu gluma ca deja deviem de la subiect
  21. Vedeti poate va pica ne...Face pana curierul
  22. Urasc cand aud oamenii ca spun "Stii ma trezesc la ora 1 sau 4 dimineata ca sa prind oferta." IMI FACETI CONCURENTA !!! Fara suparare
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