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Everything posted by FML

  1. ​​Iti spun sigur ca ti s - a instalat un plug - in pe '' neasteptate '' . ​Ia - ti Iobit Unistaller si sterge tot ce nu recunosi ca fiind instalat de tine de la Toolbar - uri & Plug - ins pana la programe .
  2. Poti sa - mi faci si mie te rog frumos o semnatura de genul asta dar cu Stephen Amell [ alias Oliver Queen / Arrow ] ?
  3. Tre ' sa ai ce zice aici : http://www.invisionpower.com/features/mobile .
  4. Site - ul cred ca nu are configurata corect versiunea de mobil .
  5. Bere , bere ... Da ' niste vin de ce nu consumati ? Vin ca sa vin crita . P . S : Eu am raspuns la topicuri de prezentare care nu implinisera nici 1 an si tot a sarit micul pui de leu pe mine . Nu stie ca pantera riposteaza . Daca tot pune Courage poze cu animale , vreau sa mergem putin spre Biologie asa [ Zoologie , mai bine zis ] .
  6. Seriously !? Topicul e din Februarie 2012 , omu ' nu a mai trecut pe aici din Iunie 2014 si tot eu fac spam / off - topic ? El daca posteaza e ok ?
  7. Vezi daca te ajuta : http://www.ms.sapientia.ro/~manyi/teaching/oop/oop_romanian/curs9/curs9.html , http://www.slideshare.net/busaco/web01-concepte .
  8. Repeta operatiunea . Face pe nesuferitul uneori .
  9. ​​Du - te in Control Panel > Hardware and Sound sau System and Security [ ambele te conduc spre urmatorul punct de acces ] > Power Options > Choose when to turn off the display > Turn off display = Never .
  10. Si tocmai acum le - a venit ideea ? Din cate imi aduc aminte au mai avut o eroare d'asta cam acum 3 - 4 ani : - http://www.zf.ro/business-hi-tech/robotul-care-tine-sistemul-de-vanzari-al-emag-a-vandut-televizoare-de-2-700-de-lei-cu-180-de-lei-bilantul-preliminar-al-erorii-pierderi-de-30-000-de-euro-6743702 .
  11. Ia 3DP Chip . Dai unde iti arata placa audio si descarca - ti driver - ul pentru ea cu ajutorul acestui program . Patisem la fel in toate Windows - urile dupa 8 , inclusiv .
  12. Daca vrei sa termini cu virusul ala de tot , ia - ti NOD32 Antivirus .
  13. ​​Te anunt eu ca - s cu ochii p'ei ca pe butelie . Il trimiti prin posta ?
  14. ​N - ai vreun plug - in , ceva [ instalat ] ?​ ​AdBlocker - ul nu schimba cu ceva situatia ... ?
  15. ​Puteai ... E naspa , stiu .
  16. If you don't know exactly what a hacker is, join the club. Many people don't understand the term or its true implications. The meaning has changed a bit over the years and through the evolution of the Internet. In the most familiar sense, a hacker is anyone who attempts to break into computer systems by surreptitious means. But, as you'll see, there's more to being a hacker than simply trying to steal a password or break into someone's Facebook account. There are hackers who work for large companies whose purpose is to protect the companies for whom they work. There are hackers who hack for the pure pleasure of hacking. There are hacktivists who hack to protest corporate or political policy. There are hackers who get paid to hack accounts, passwords, CAPTCHA and other lucrative targets. And, there are those hackers who just want to exploit, embarrass and expose. They're all hackers. The word hacker still carries negative connotations because good hackers are never profiled in movies, TV, book and other media forms. To deflect some of this negative perception, hackers attempted to create a related term: cracker. Hackers coined cracker as a reaction to journalists who misrepresented all hackers as criminals. You hardly hear the term cracker anymore related to computer system compromises. It never really caught on as an alternative term for those with unsavory intentions. Hacker now refers to anyone, regardless of intention or perspective, who attempts to compromise computer systems. Perhaps the best place to glean a definition of this obscure term is from Eric Raymond's now famous Jargon File: hacker n. [originally, someone who makes furniture with an axe] 1. A person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to learn only the minimum necessary. RFC1392, the Internet Users' Glossary, usefully amplifies this as: A person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular. 2. One who programs enthusiastically (even obsessively) or who enjoys programming rather than just theorizing about programming. 3. A person capable of appreciating hack value. 4. A person who is good at programming quickly. 5. An expert at a particular program, or one who frequently does work using it or on it; as in ‘a Unix hacker’. (Definitions 1 through 5 are correlated, and people who fit them congregate.) 6. An expert or enthusiast of any kind. One might be an astronomy hacker, for example. 7. One who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations. 8. [deprecated] A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around. Hence password hacker, network hacker. The correct term for this sense is cracker. The term ‘hacker’ also tends to connote membership in the global community defined by the net. It is better to be described as a hacker by others than to describe oneself that way. Hackers consider themselves something of an elite (a meritocracy based on ability), though one to which new members are gladly welcome. There is thus a certain ego satisfaction to be had in identifying yourself as a hacker (but if you claim to be one and are not, you'll quickly be labeled bogus). This term seems to have been first adopted as a badge in the 1960s by the hacker culture surrounding TMRC and the MIT AI Lab. We have a report that it was used in a sense close to this entry's by teenage radio hams and electronics tinkerers in the mid-1950s. After seeing the definition, do you want to be a hacker? As with any specialized field, hacking has its own language and culture. To be brought into that culture, you have to prove yourself worthy. It's the same for any IT-related field. Everyone thinks of himself as an expert and everyone else is out to prove him wrong. The hacking subculture is more harsh than mainstream IT in the "prove yourself" category. If you don't want to risk your freedom to prove yourself, my advice is to study ethical hacking at one of the online sites or to purchase a book on the topic. In an ethical hacking course, you'll learn the tools, techniques, methods and ethics of a true security professional. By learning in a formal atmosphere, you'll gain experience without the risk associated with certain types of penetration (pen) testing. Remember that the only difference in ethical hacking and unethical/illegal hacking is that person who performs the attacks does so with authorization by the target. Always do so with authorization. There's money to be made doing so and the only time you'll spend behind bars is when you're moonlighting as a bartender working your way through the Ethical Hacker coursework. Source: http://www.zdnet.com/ . I recommend you to read this also : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker_(computer_security) .
  17. Tu chiar ai muscat momeala , nu ? Iti vine foarte usor sa crezi ca el vroia sa descopere IP - ul unor conturi de Facebook prin Command Prompt , nu ? Nu sunt genul care sa fiu rautacios cu cei din jur ... dar , cum e mai mult decat evident ca autorul topicului si - a primit raspunsul : anume ca ce '' doreste '' acesta e mega - imposibil , cel putin la nivelul asta si cu atat mai rau am intervenit subliniind un subiect ambiguu din raspunsurile doveditoare ale colegilor , mi s - a dat o explicatie , care mi - a starnit interesul atat mie cat si acestora in privinta unor detalii sau particularitati , nu te numesti si tu spammer ? Daca ai chiar si acum alte nelamuriri , vreo nemultumire sau mai stiu eu ce , te rog sa alcatuiesti un mesaj specific cu Gaby ca destinatar . L - am si anuntat cu privire la reorientarea topicului asta si cum nu a parut deranjat , desigur , am continuat . P . S : Este cu atat mai hilat cum in loc sa participi , preferi sa critici .
  18. Eu ziceam sa faci un folder de - ala compressed [ . zip ] care ocupa simtitor mai putin . http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306531 .
  19. Pai asta mi s - a dat cand am cautat '' C , C # and C ++ '' pe Google . Revenim la C . Ma pun pe invatat .
  20. Bun . Dar C necesita mai apoi si C# , C ++ , Objective - C ? Eu de pe - acum le cam incurc , iar daca e necesar sa le invat pe toate 3 e cam aiurcea .
  21. Pai , salveaza ceea ce nu vrei sa pierzi , separat . Formateaza partitia (D:) .
  22. Dar incepand cu C , nu va trebui sa invat si C# sau / si C++ mai apoi ? Ori , din ce am citit , la Python nu trebuie sa cunosti programare - e ca un curs pentru incepatori , dupa aceea cand ajungi sa - l cunosti fiind unealta preferata de majoritate . Este corecta ipoteza ? Eventual , daca nu , am pierdut o seara citind mizerii ...
  23. Este bine si cu cate un sfat ici - colo . ​Revin cu intrebari cand am . Dar daca incep cu Python ?​
  24. Hehe ... Dar totusi nu mi - ai raspuns la ultima intrebare ... ai fi dispus sa ma ajuti cu self - building - ul asta ?
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