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Problema Photoshop Cs5: Introduceti Discul Pentru A Continua.

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Buna, de curand am intampinat o problema In Photohop: am vrut sa instalez PS cs5 avand kitul de instalare. Am inceput sa parcurg pasii aia cu  acceptati termenii si conditiile, contul adobe, serial number-ul, locul unde sa se instaleze Ps-ul si click pe "INSTALARE" si ce sa vezi sta si isi verifica fisierele si dupa ce face asta imi da "eroarea" asta: Introduceti discul Photoshop CS5 pentru a continua.


Imagine cu problema: http://i.imgur.com/rqcFoco.jpg
Si am mai instalat acelasi Ps si nu imi aparea asa, va og lamuriti-ma de ce apare asta si cum rezolv. 
Multumesc anticipat!


In trecut a mers, daca nu ma credeti uitati-va la alte probleme ale mele si va uitati in bara ca era PS. 


Si nu Era pe CD / DT  il am pe Stick

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Pentru tine, s-ar putea sa functioneze asta:


If you continue to get the error that says "Please insert Disk InDesign CS5 to continue", the solution might be as simple as copying the installer folder (the Adobe Photoshop CS5 folder that you downloaded) into the hard drive. I was installing mine on Mac OS X 10.5.8 so I had to copy my installer into the MacBook folder; and now the installation is complete for me.



If you're installing it in Windows, you might have to copy the installer to your C: folder.


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