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leonardo eu te stiu am avut topcs16.com sunt IoNuT SI Ionut Andrei de pe fraguri.Schimba Tema.Sterge-o pe aia.El ti-a sters tot din GlobalTemplate si ti-a pus accea imagine acele efecte,texte etc. 

Si in locul la ce era in globalTemplate a bagat asta :

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<title>[#] Hacked By † Star™ [#]</title>

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 //awal code tulisan titlebar bergerak

 var kiri = "[ "; //Karakter Penutup di kiri

 var kanan = " ]"; //Karakter Penutup di Kanan

 var pesan = "[#] Hacked By † Star™[#]"; //Romanian Hacker

 var kecepatan = 100; //Hacked By † Star™

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farbbibliothek = new Array(); 

farbbibliothek[0] = new Array("#FF0000","#FF1100","#FF2200","#FF3300","#FF4400","#FF5500","#FF6600","#FF7700","#FF8800","#FF9900","#FFaa00","#FFbb00","#FFcc00","#FFdd00","#FFee00","#FFff00","#FFee00","#FFdd00","#FFcc00","#FFbb00","#FFaa00","#FF9900","#FF8800","#FF7700","#FF6600","#FF5500","#FF4400","#FF3300","#FF2200","#FF1100"); 

farbbibliothek[1] = new Array("#00FF00","#000000","#00FF00","#00FF00"); 

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farbbibliothek[4] = new Array("#FF0000","#EE0000","#DD0000","#CC0000","#BB0000","#AA0000","#990000","#880000","#770000","#660000","#550000","#440000","#330000","#220000","#110000","#000000","#110000","#220000","#330000","#440000","#550000","#660000","#770000","#880000","#990000","#AA0000","#BB0000","#CC0000","#DD0000","#EE0000"); 

farbbibliothek[5] = new Array("#000000","#000000","#000000","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF"); 

farbbibliothek[6] = new Array("#0000FF","#FFFF00"); 

farben = farbbibliothek[4];

function farbschrift() 


for(var i=0 ; i<Buchstabe.length; i++) 






function string2array(text) 


Buchstabe = new Array(); 



farben = farben.concat(farben); 





Buchstabe[k] = text.charAt(k); 




function divserzeugen() 


for(var i=0 ; i<Buchstabe.length; i++) 


document.write("<span id='a"+i+"' class='a"+i+"'>"+Buchstabe[i] + "</span>"); 




var a=1; 

function farbverlauf() 


for(var i=0 ; i<farben.length; i++) 







// Zu Demonstrationszwecken***************** 

var farbsatz=1; 

function farbtauscher() 


farben = farbbibliothek[farbsatz]; 



farben = farben.concat(farben); 





text= " [ HACKED BY † Star™ ] "; //h 




</font><b><font color="#ff0000" face="Century Gothic" size="2"><br>


</font><font face="Century Gothic" size="2">† Star™[<font color="#ff0000"></font>][<font


<p align="center">

<b><i><font face="Trebuchet MS">g0t security ?

</font><font face="Courier New">=&gt;</font><font face="Trebuchet MS"> 

/dev/null</font><font color="#ffffff" face="Trebuchet MS"><br>

Security : </font><font color="#ff0000" face="Trebuchet MS">0</font><font

color="#ffffff" face="Trebuchet MS">

</font></i><font color="#ffffff" face="Trebuchet MS">|<i> Our test : </i></font>

<i><font color="#ff0000" face="Trebuchet MS">1<br><br>

</font><font face="Trebuchet MS">

<font color="#ff0000"> 

Message to Admin </font>


<p align="center"><strong><b><font color="white" face="Comic Sans MS">&#8226; Your 

System Security Has Been Passed By † Star™<br>&#8226; Mission Complete...<br>&#8226; We do 

not know Pranks<br>&#8226; Dont Forget My Name ==&gt; † Star™ &lt;==</font></b></strong></p>

<p align="center"><strong><b><font color="white" face="Comic Sans MS">! -= o_0 

=- !<br><br>

<img border="0" src="http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af135/cdos/numerosid0.gif" width="700" height="8"><br></font><font style="font-size: 11pt"><font color="#FF0000" face="Comic Sans MS">

More inFo :</font><font color="white" face="Comic Sans MS"> </font>

<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="20" width="50%"><FONT face="Tahoma" size="2" color="#ffffff">|  † Star™ Hacked >:)  |</FONT></marquee><br>

<img border="0" src="http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af135/cdos/numerosid0.gif" width="700" height="8"><br>


</b></strong><b><font color="#ED0000"><br>The Best</font> <font color="#C0C0C0">&amp;</font>

<font color="#FFFF00">Romanian</font> <font color="	#0131B4">HACKER</font><br><br><font size="2">

[ Copyright : 2015 By † Star™ | You Have Been HACKED! ]</font></b></p>

<font face="Impact" size="6">

<p align="center">

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGeTqCviV68&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xNkPw3JnNkw&autoplay=1&loop=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="0" height="0"></embed></object> 

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Si cum sa nu ai acc acp? ia intra pe linku de la ACP direct. Adica http://maxzone.cf/admin/index.php sau http://maxzone.cf/forum/admin/index.php  Nu are cum sa nu mearga..Doar daca nu ti-a sters contu sau gradu.Bafta.

Edited by gadeas
Adaugat spoiler

Dacă  te-am ajutat oferă-mi +1 (Aipngpx.png)

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Pot să jur că ăsta a avut acp . =)) 

Dă-ți acces acp din contul tău hostinger, Tabloul de Bord (cpanel la contul maxzone.cf) PhpMyAdmin, baza de date mysql pe care ai instalat IPB, cauți ipbmembers, contul tău, Edit, member_group_id pui 4 sau depinde ce grad avea acces acp full.

  • Thanks 1

ECILA.RO gaming network

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Pot să jur că ăsta a avut acp . =)) 

Dă-ți acces acp din contul tău hostinger, Tabloul de Bord (cpanel la contul maxzone.cf) PhpMyAdmin, baza de date mysql pe care ai instalat IPB, cauți ipbmembers, contul tău, Edit, member_group_id pui 4 sau depinde ce grad avea acces acp full.

frate tu ai auzit ca a sters contul meu si celelante si a ramas doar a cuiva acum daca ma ajuti sai aflu parola :) asa as intra direct pe contu lui 

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frate tu ai auzit ca a sters contul meu si celelante si a ramas doar a cuiva acum daca ma ajuti sai aflu parola :) asa as intra direct pe contu lui 

dacă-l știi, cere-i parola. Nu am cum să te ajut să îi aflii parola, și nici din phpmyadmin nu știu. Dacă nu, asta e, fă-ți alt forum sau caută alte metode, eventual pune un backup dacă ai. Nu e vina mea că i-ai dat acp lu așa zisul hecăr . =))

Edited by Marian -

ECILA.RO gaming network

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pai in cpanel e doar contul lui la members!.

:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) x2 Cum sa iti stearga contul din cpanel? 

si nus prieten cu el exact el avea acces acp .... deci sigur el a fost.Va rog incercati sa ma ajutati ca nam niciun backup...Si ar trebui sa fac iar tot m-am cam saturat de asta....

Edited by leonardo23
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leonardo sterge tema din FTP - > Public_Html -> Forum -> Public -> Style_Images -> Tema ta....


Dar mi se pare ca de pe forum nu se va sterge ca a ramas salvata acolo.Decii Sorry reinstaleaza ipb sau daca ai backup cum a zis si Sebastian C. pune-l. 

Dacă  te-am ajutat oferă-mi +1 (Aipngpx.png)

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leonardo sterge tema din FTP - > Public_Html -> Forum -> Public -> Style_Images -> Tema ta....


Dar mi se pare ca de pe forum nu se va sterge ca a ramas salvata acolo.Decii Sorry reinstaleaza ipb sau daca ai backup cum a zis si Sebastian C. pune-l. 

Din locu sugerat de tine sterge setu de imagini nu tema  =)))

  • Haha 1
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Domnule, tu cred ca nu ai citit bine. Hackzoru ala a sters conturile userilor de pe forum. Nu a banat sau nustiu ce, doar a sters conturile.

El a reinstalat comunitatea deci nu mai are rost sa faceti spam pe aici.

  • Thanks 1
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