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Dan O.

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Everything posted by Dan O.

  1. Performantele obtinute la teste si benchmark-uri, da pretul componentei, in functie de celelalte componente si preturilelor, si bineinteles in functie de performantele lor. Se clasifica high end in momentul cand iese pe piata, atunci cand se face comparatia cu altele, nu se gandeste nimeni .."ba.. asta peste 10 ani n-o sa mai fie asa buna, da-o dreq.. bagam direct la low end"
  2. Nu inteleg ce treaba are OC-ul cu fps-urile, si probabil toate au fost testate cu aceeasi placa. Iti dai seama ca diferentele majore se vad cu placi mai bune. Dar asta nu inseamna ca nu exista diferenta intre i5 si i7. Si de ce sa nu ma iau dupa site-ul ala ?
  3. O lista cu comenzi utile de command prompt. Asta-i copy+paste, dar mi s-a parut interesant si bine de stiut. access.cpl - Accessibility Controls hdwwiz.cpl - Add Hardware Wizard appwiz.cpl - Add/Remove Programs certmgr.msc - Administrative Tools charmap - Character Map chkdsk - Check Disk Utility clipbrd - Clipboard Viewer cmd - Command Prompt dcomcnfg - Component Services compmgmt.msc - Computer Management timedate.cpl - Date and Time Properties ddeshare - DDE Shares devmgmt.msc - Device Manager directx.cpl - Direct X Control Panel (If Installed) dxdiag - Direct X Troubleshooter cleanmgr - Disk Cleanup Utility dfrg.msc - Disk Defragment diskmgmt.msc - Disk Management diskpart - Disk Partition Manager control desktop - Display Properties desk.cpl - Display Properties control color - Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) drwtsn32 - Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility verifier - Driver Verifier Utility eventvwr.msc - Event Viewer sigverif - File Signature Verification Tool findfast.cpl - Findfast control folders - Folders Properties control fonts - Fonts fonts - Fonts Folder freecell - Free Cell Card Game joy.cpl - Game Controllers gpedit.msc - Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) mshearts - Hearts Card Game iexpress - Iexpress Wizard ciadv.msc - Indexing Service inetcpl.cpl - Internet Properties ipconfig /all - IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) ipconfig /displaydns - IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) ipconfig /flushdns - IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) ipconfig /release - IP Configuration (Release All Connections) ipconfig /renew - IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) ipconfig /registerdns - IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re-Registers DNS) ipconfig /showclassid - IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) ipconfig /setclassid - IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) javaws - Java Control Panel (If Installed) control keyboard - Keyboard Properties secpol.msc - Local Security Settings lusrmgr.msc - Local Users and Groups logoff - Logs You Out Of Windows winchat - Microsoft Chat winmine - Minesweeper Game control mouse - Mouse Properties main.cpl - Mouse Properties netstat - Netstat control netconnections - Network Connections ncpa.cpl - Network Connections netsetup.cpl - Network Setup Wizard notepad - Notepad nvtuicpl.cpl - Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) packager - Object Packager odbccp32.cpl - ODBC Data Source Administrator osk - On Screen Keyboard password.cpl - Password Properties perfmon.msc - Performance Monitor perfmon - Performance Monitor telephon.cpl - Phone and Modem Options powercfg.cpl - Power Configuration control printers - Printers and Faxes printers - Printers Folder eudcedit - Private Character Editor QuickTime.cpl - Quicktime (If Installed) intl.cpl - Regional Settings regedit - Registry Editor mstsc - Remote Desktop ntmsmgr.msc - Removable Storage ntmsoprq.msc - Removable Storage Operator Requests rsop.msc - Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) sticpl.cpl - Scanners and Cameras control schedtasks - Scheduled Tasks wscui.cpl - Security Center services.msc - Services fsmgmt.msc - Shared Folders shutdown - Shuts Down Windows mmsys.cpl - Sounds and Audio spider - Spider Solitare Card Game cliconfg - SQL Client Configuration sysedit - System Configuration Editor msconfig - System Configuration Utility sfc /scannow - System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) sfc /scanonce - System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) sfc /scanboot - System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) sfc /revert - System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) sfc /purgecache - System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) sfc /cachesize=x - System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) sysdm.cpl - System Properties taskmgr - Task Manager telnet - Telnet Client tracert - Traceroute to hostname or IP nusrmgr.cpl - User Account Management utilman - Utility Manager firewall.cpl - Windows Firewall magnify - Windows Magnifier wmimgmt.msc - Windows Management Infrastructure syskey - Windows System Security Tool wupdmgr - Windows Update Launches tourstart - Windows XP Tour Wizard write - Wordpad Feel free to add some if you see any missing ! Extra !' Control Panel CONTROL: opens the control panel window CONTROL ADMINTOOLS: opens the administrative tools CONTROL KEYBOARD: opens keyboard properties CONTROL COLOUR: opens display properties.Appearance tab CONTROL FOLDERS: opens folder options CONTROL FONTS: opens font policy management CONTROL INTERNATIONAL or INTL.CPL: opens Regional and Language option CONTROL MOUSE or MAIN.CPL: opens mouse properties CONTROL USERPASSWORDS: opens User Accounts editor CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 or NETPLWIZ: User account access restrictions CONTROL PRINTERS: opens faxes and printers available APPWIZ.CPL: opens Add or Remove programs utility tool OPTIONALFEATURES: opens Add or Remove Windows component utility DESK.CPL: opens display properties. Themes tab HDWWIZ.CPL: opens add hardware wizard IRPROPS.CPL: infrared utility tool JOY.CP: opens game controllers settings MMSYS.CPL: opens Sound and Audio device Properties. Volume tab SYSDM.CPL: opens System properties TELEPHON.CPL: Opens phone and Modem options TIMEDATE.CPL: Date and Time properties WSCUI.CPL: opens Windows Security Center ACCESS.CPL: opens Accessibility Options WUAUCPL.CPL: opens Automatic Updates POWERCFG.CPL: opens Power Options Properties AZMAN.MSC: opens authorisation management utility tool CERTMGR.MSC: opens certificate management tool COMPMGMT.MSC: opens the Computer management tool COMEXP.MSC or DCOMCNFG: opens the Computer Services management tool DEVMGMT.MSC: opens Device Manager EVENTVWR or EVENTVWR.MSC: opens Event Viewer FSMGMT.MSC: opens Shared Folders NAPCLCFG.MSC: NAP Client configuration utility tool SERVICES.MSC: opens Service manager TASKSCHD.MSC or CONTROL SCHEDTASKS: opens Schedule Tasks manager GPEDIT.MSC: opens Group Policy utility tool LUSRMGR.MSC: opens Local Users and Groups SECPOL.MSC: opens local security settings CIADV.MSC: opens indexing service NTMSMGR.MSC: removable storage manager NTMSOPRQ.MSC: removable storage operator requests WMIMGMT.MSC: opens (WMI) Window Management Instrumentation PERFMON or PERFMON.MSC: opens the Performance monitor MMC: opens empty Console MDSCHED: opens memory diagnostics tools DXDIAG: opens DirectX diagnostics tools ODBCAD32: opens ODBC Data source Administrator REGEDIT or REGEDT32: opens Registry Editor DRWTSN32: opens Dr. Watson VERIFIER: opens Driver Verifier Manager CLICONFG: opens SQL Server Client Network Utility UTILMAN: opens Utility Manager COLORCPL: opens color management CREDWIZ: back up and recovery tool for user passwords MOBSYNC: opens Synchronization center MSCONFIG: opens System Configuration Utility SYSEDIT: opens System Configuration Editor (careful while using this command) SYSKEY: Windows Account Database Security management (careful while using this command) Windows utility and applications EPLORER: Opens windows Explorer IEXPLORER: Opens Internet explorer WAB: opens Contacts CHARMAP: opens Character Map WRITE: opens WordPad NOTEPAD: opens Notepad CALC: opens Calculator CLIPBRD: opens Clipbook Viewer WINCHAT: opens Microsoft Chat Interface SOUNDRECORDER: opens sound recording tool DVDPLAY: run CD or DVD WMPLAYER: opens Windows Media Player MOVIEMK: Opens untitled Windows Movie Maker OSK: opens on-screen Keyboard MAGNIFY: opens Magnifier WINCAL: opens Calendar DIALER: opens phone Dialer EUDCEDIT: opens Private Character Editor NDVOL: opens the mixer volume RSTRUI : opens Tool System Restore (For Vista only) %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\RESTORE\rstrui.exe: opens Tool System Restore (for XP only). MSINFO32: Opens the System Information MRT : launches the utility removal of malware. Taskmgr : Opens the Windows Task Manager CMD: opens a command prompt MIGWIZ: Opens the tool for transferring files and settings from Windows (Vista only) Migwiz.exe: Opens the tool for transferring files and settings from Windows (for XP only) SIDEBAR: Open the Windows (Vista only) Sigverif : Opens the tool for verification of signatures of files Winver : Opens the window for your Windows version FSQUIRT: Bluetooth Transfer Wizard IExpress opens the wizard for creating self-extracting archives. Tutorial HERE MBLCTR: opens the mobility center (Windows Vista only) MSRA : Opens the Windows Remote Assistance Mstsc : opens the tool connection Remote Desktop MSDT: opens the diagnostic tools and support Microsoft WERCON: opens the reporting tool and solutions to problems (for Vista only) WINDOWSANYTIMEUPGRADE: Enables the upgrade of Windows Vista WINWORD : opens Word (if installed) PRINTBRMUI : Opens migration wizard printer (Vista only) Disk management DISKMGMT.MSC: opens disk management utility CLEANMGR: opens disk drive clean up utility DFRG.MSC: opens disk defragmenter CHKDSK: complete analysis of disk partition DISKPART: disk partitioning tool Connection management IPCONFIG: list the configuration of IP addresses on your PC (for more information type IPCONFIG/? in the CMD menu) INETCPL.CPL: opens internet properties FIREWALL.CPL: opens windows firewall NETSETUP.CPL: opens network setup wizard Miscellaneous commands JAVAWS: View the cover of JAVA software (if installed) AC3FILTER.CPL: Opens the properties AC3 Filter (if installed) FIREFOX: Mozilla launches Firefox (if installed) NETPROJ: allow or not connecting to a network projector (For Vista only) LOGOFF: closes the current session SHUTDOWN: shut down Windows SHUTDOWN-A: to interrupt Windows shutdown %WINDIR% or %SYSTEMROOT%: opens the Windows installation %PROGRAMFILES%: Opens the folder where you installed other programs (Program Files) %USERPROFILE%: opens the profile of the user currently logged %HOMEDRIVE%: opens the browser on the partition or the operating system is installed %HOMEPATH%: opens the currently logged user C: \ Documents and Settings \ [username] %TEMP%: opens the temporary folder VSP1CLN: deletes the cache for installation of the service pack 1 for Vista System File Checker (Requires Windows CD if the cache is not available): SFC / scannow: immediately scans all system files and repairs damaged files SFC / VERIFYONLY: scans only those files system SFC / Scanfil = "name and file path": scans the specified file, and repaired if damaged SFC / VERIFYFILE = "name and file path": Scans only the file specified SFC / scanonce: scans the system files on the next restart SFC / REVERT: return the initial configuration (For more information, type SFC /? In the command prompt CMD. 1. More command Extra !' Control Panel CONTROL: opens the control panel window CONTROL ADMINTOOLS: opens the administrative tools CONTROL KEYBOARD: opens keyboard properties CONTROL COLOUR: opens display properties.Appearance tab CONTROL FOLDERS: opens folder options CONTROL FONTS: opens font policy management CONTROL INTERNATIONAL or INTL.CPL: opens Regional and Language option CONTROL MOUSE or MAIN.CPL: opens mouse properties CONTROL USERPASSWORDS: opens User Accounts editor CONTROL USERPASSWORDS2 or NETPLWIZ: User account access restrictions CONTROL PRINTERS: opens faxes and printers available APPWIZ.CPL: opens Add or Remove programs utility tool OPTIONALFEATURES: opens Add or Remove Windows component utility DESK.CPL: opens display properties. Themes tab HDWWIZ.CPL: opens add hardware wizard IRPROPS.CPL: infrared utility tool JOY.CP: opens game controllers settings MMSYS.CPL: opens Sound and Audio device Properties. Volume tab SYSDM.CPL: opens System properties TELEPHON.CPL: Opens phone and Modem options TIMEDATE.CPL: Date and Time properties WSCUI.CPL: opens Windows Security Center ACCESS.CPL: opens Accessibility Options WUAUCPL.CPL: opens Automatic Updates POWERCFG.CPL: opens Power Options Properties AZMAN.MSC: opens authorisation management utility tool CERTMGR.MSC: opens certificate management tool COMPMGMT.MSC: opens the Computer management tool COMEXP.MSC or DCOMCNFG: opens the Computer Services management tool DEVMGMT.MSC: opens Device Manager EVENTVWR or EVENTVWR.MSC: opens Event Viewer FSMGMT.MSC: opens Shared Folders NAPCLCFG.MSC: NAP Client configuration utility tool SERVICES.MSC: opens Service manager TASKSCHD.MSC or CONTROL SCHEDTASKS: opens Schedule Tasks manager GPEDIT.MSC: opens Group Policy utility tool LUSRMGR.MSC: opens Local Users and Groups SECPOL.MSC: opens local security settings CIADV.MSC: opens indexing service NTMSMGR.MSC: removable storage manager NTMSOPRQ.MSC: removable storage operator requests WMIMGMT.MSC: opens (WMI) Window Management Instrumentation PERFMON or PERFMON.MSC: opens the Performance monitor MMC: opens empty Console MDSCHED: opens memory diagnostics tools DXDIAG: opens DirectX diagnostics tools ODBCAD32: opens ODBC Data source Administrator REGEDIT or REGEDT32: opens Registry Editor DRWTSN32: opens Dr. Watson VERIFIER: opens Driver Verifier Manager CLICONFG: opens SQL Server Client Network Utility UTILMAN: opens Utility Manager COLORCPL: opens color management CREDWIZ: back up and recovery tool for user passwords MOBSYNC: opens Synchronization center MSCONFIG: opens System Configuration Utility SYSEDIT: opens System Configuration Editor (careful while using this command) SYSKEY: Windows Account Database Security management (careful while using this command) Windows utility and applications EPLORER: Opens windows Explorer IEXPLORER: Opens Internet explorer WAB: opens Contacts CHARMAP: opens Character Map WRITE: opens WordPad NOTEPAD: opens Notepad CALC: opens Calculator CLIPBRD: opens Clipbook Viewer WINCHAT: opens Microsoft Chat Interface SOUNDRECORDER: opens sound recording tool DVDPLAY: run CD or DVD WMPLAYER: opens Windows Media Player MOVIEMK: Opens untitled Windows Movie Maker OSK: opens on-screen Keyboard MAGNIFY: opens Magnifier WINCAL: opens Calendar DIALER: opens phone Dialer EUDCEDIT: opens Private Character Editor NDVOL: opens the mixer volume RSTRUI : opens Tool System Restore (For Vista only) %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\RESTORE\rstrui.exe: opens Tool System Restore (for XP only). MSINFO32: Opens the System Information MRT : launches the utility removal of malware. Taskmgr : Opens the Windows Task Manager CMD: opens a command prompt MIGWIZ: Opens the tool for transferring files and settings from Windows (Vista only) Migwiz.exe: Opens the tool for transferring files and settings from Windows (for XP only) SIDEBAR: Open the Windows (Vista only) Sigverif : Opens the tool for verification of signatures of files Winver : Opens the window for your Windows version FSQUIRT: Bluetooth Transfer Wizard IExpress opens the wizard for creating self-extracting archives. Tutorial HERE MBLCTR: opens the mobility center (Windows Vista only) MSRA : Opens the Windows Remote Assistance Mstsc : opens the tool connection Remote Desktop MSDT: opens the diagnostic tools and support Microsoft WERCON: opens the reporting tool and solutions to problems (for Vista only) WINDOWSANYTIMEUPGRADE: Enables the upgrade of Windows Vista WINWORD : opens Word (if installed) PRINTBRMUI : Opens migration wizard printer (Vista only) Disk management DISKMGMT.MSC: opens disk management utility CLEANMGR: opens disk drive clean up utility DFRG.MSC: opens disk defragmenter CHKDSK: complete analysis of disk partition DISKPART: disk partitioning tool Connection management IPCONFIG: list the configuration of IP addresses on your PC (for more information type IPCONFIG/? in the CMD menu) INETCPL.CPL: opens internet properties FIREWALL.CPL: opens windows firewall NETSETUP.CPL: opens network setup wizard Miscellaneous commands JAVAWS: View the cover of JAVA software (if installed) AC3FILTER.CPL: Opens the properties AC3 Filter (if installed) FIREFOX: Mozilla launches Firefox (if installed) NETPROJ: allow or not connecting to a network projector (For Vista only) LOGOFF: closes the current session SHUTDOWN: shut down Windows SHUTDOWN-A: to interrupt Windows shutdown %WINDIR% or %SYSTEMROOT%: opens the Windows installation %PROGRAMFILES%: Opens the folder where you installed other programs (Program Files) %USERPROFILE%: opens the profile of the user currently logged %HOMEDRIVE%: opens the browser on the partition or the operating system is installed %HOMEPATH%: opens the currently logged user C: \ Documents and Settings \ [username] %TEMP%: opens the temporary folder VSP1CLN: deletes the cache for installation of the service pack 1 for Vista System File Checker (Requires Windows CD if the cache is not available): SFC / scannow: immediately scans all system files and repairs damaged files SFC / VERIFYONLY: scans only those files system SFC / Scanfil = "name and file path": scans the specified file, and repaired if damaged SFC / VERIFYFILE = "name and file path": Scans only the file specified SFC / scanonce: scans the system files on the next restart SFC / REVERT: return the initial configuration (For more information, type SFC /? In the command prompt CMD. Sursa: Spiceworks.com
  4. Asta nu cred ca e adevarat. http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html PS: e adevarat ca diferenta la bani e prea mare intre i5 si i7 ,dar nu e acelas lucru.
  5. Pai nu e chiar asa, iti spun din experienta, utilizatorul nu e nevinovat niciodata.
  6. Pentru PC, i5 2500k se merita mai mult decat primele din seria i7. Plus ca acum, cu ivybridge, merge si mai bine.
  7. Asta e de inteles, orice placa se poate strica, si orice placa poate sa fie buna, chiar daca producatorul nu e "cotat" bine. Dar, ca exemplu, pe ce te bazezi tu cand zici ca Palit e bun producator ? Vorba lui Alex, eu iti cer mere si tu imi dai pere
  8. Da, la 300 ron era pret bun. Eu am luat aceeasi placa, dar de la gainward cu 370 Ron. Tin minte cand a luat foc/inundat/explodat sau ce-a fost atunci cand au urcat preturile la hard diskuri, la 2 saptamani dupa incident, cand deja se dublasera preturile, magazine online mai no-name, vindeau chiar mai ieftin decat erau hdd-urile inainte de incidentul cu pricina. Asa ca daca, inainte de incident luai un hdd cu 350 ron, dupa incident, 700, ei il vindeau la 300. Oferta scrisa mare pe prima pagina! Am sunat si eu sa vad ce e cu asta, si ghici ce nu mai aveau. Nici n-am apucat sa intreb: "Da' e pe bune?". A fost ciudata treaba, cu o seara inainte, ma uitam pe acelas magazin, la acelas hdd si era 650, BEST BUY !, eh, in dimineata urmatoare, era 300, hai lasa-ma!? Cum se poate asa ceva? Cat despre discutia cu placile video, mai ales la partea de producatori. Cum alegeti voi un producator ? Adica, dupa ce va dati seama ca e bun producatorul?. Eu am spus de ASUS, pentru ca am avut ASUS, multi prieteni de-ai mei au avut ASUS, multe luccruri bune am auzit despre Asus, si-asa mai departe. Pe de alta parte, despre Palit, n-am auzit nimic. E prima oara cand aud recomandarea ta de la palit, dar nu stiu de ce. eVGA, iarasi, am auzit numai lucruri bune. Sapphire, Gainward, MSI, Gigabyte, sunt producatori vechi, cu renume, dar asta ii face buni ? Sincer, sunt posesor de o placa Gainward, dar nu sunt foarte multumit de ea ca si constructie. Intr-adevar, are parti foarte bune, dar are parti rele... Ce face un producator bun ?
  9. Incearca Empire Earth 3. Eu m-am uitat la minimum req. Sunt similare..mai mult sau mai putin.
  10. Nici Raidmax-ul ala n-are wattii reali.
  11. Asta cu vanzatorii si baietii destepti de la service-uri, e alta discutie. Multi habar n-au cine esti desi ai vorbit cu ei de 3 ori intr-o zi.. asa ca nu ma mira. Ceea ce-am postat eu se refera la un mediu de companie (mica, mijlocie, mare). Si nu invata pe nimeni sa insele sau sa minta..sau sa induca in eroare clientul.
  12. Ceva asemanator din punct de vedere al performantei cu un GTS450, nu o sa gasesti la banii aia, deci daca vrei sa-ti iei GeForce GT 430, il poti lua linistit din punctul meu de vedere. Nu are conector de curent, deci nu-ti va suprasolicita sursa. In manualul placii spun aia ca ar fi recomandat o sursa de 400W. Tu decizi mai departe, dpinzand de ce consumatori mai ai in pc. Daca s-a interesat cineva mai mult ca mine, va rog postati, dar eu din ce am vazut placa nu are nevoie de alimentare separata. Daca avea, si sursa ta nu are alimentare pentru ea, era riscant sa o incerci. Bulk iti ofera tot ce-ai nevoie ca sa instalezi placa, si vine intr-o cutie no-name. Retail, vine in cutie originala, cu drivere, software aditional, si uneori mici cadouri de la producator (daca ofera asa ceva). PS: ti-am recomandat "pere" pentru ca stiu ca merita asteptarea. Credeam ca ai tu cativa bani stransi si vrei sa iei o placa cat mai buna.
  13. Deschideti RUN in windows, folosind Start>Run (sau in windows 7, Start> search RUN) sau butonul windows de pe tastatura + R (windows+R). -tastati "." (un punct) si apasati Enter - Va deschide folderul userului curent (cel de pe care dati comanda) -tastati ".." (doua puncte de suspensie) si apasati Enter - Va deschide folderul Users(win7) sau Documents and Settings (XP). -tastati "\" (backslash) si apasati Enter - Va deschide folderul root al windows-ului (C:\) Mi s-au parut foarte interesante scurtaturile. Eu chiar nu stiam nimic de ele. si nici nu mi-ar fi trecut prin cap sa incerc asa ceva. Am testat pe windows 7, si au mers. Presupun ca si pe xp functioneaza. Cineva cu XP ne poate confirma. Sursa: Spiceworks.com
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  14. Cred ca e o conspiratie a producatorilor sa introduca marimea si greutatea ca factor decizional in achizitionarea unui telefon.
  15. Se intampla de multe ori in domeniul asta sa ai de-aface cu persoane necunoscatoare, care sa doreasca multe de la tine, chiar daca nu intelege ce-ti cere. Eh, mi s-a intamplat si mie de multe ori, sa ma intrebe lumea de anumite lucruri, si sa debitez juma de ora sperand sa-l plictisesc, dar nu tot timpul are efect. De multe ori am fost solicitat, pentru anumite probleme. Daca observam ca e o chestie simpla, si persoana care ma solicitat habar n-are despre ce e vorba, preferam sa fac ceea ce voi scrie in urmatorii 5-6 pasi. Dar inainte de asta, tin sa spun , chestiile astea chiar le faceam la o firma unde lucram inainte, si dupa un timp, am descoperit cu stupoare ca nu eram singurul, dandu-ma pe un forum de it-sti am descoperit un "how to" similar. Cand esti solicitat pentru o problema , si poti sa o rezolvi dintr-o tasta, dar ai chef sa pierzi vremea putin, sau chiar contrarul, habar n-ai ce se intampla dar vrei sa faci impresie buna, foloseste urmatorii pasi: Pasul 1. Scoate un cablu de la calculator si concentreaza-ti privirea asupra mufei. Scoate cablul VGA, nu se poate intampla nimic deosebit. Prefa-te ca analizezi mufa, numara si tu pinii. Pasul 2. In conversatii, foloseste cuvine mari specifice tehnologiilor noi,poti sa explici diferenta dintre bit si byte si imediat dupa ce i-ai pierdut in discutie, si se holbeaza la tine, ai terminat cu pasul 2. Pasul 3. Aflandu-te la calculatorul clientului, deschide command prompt. Dar nu prin metoda standard, foloseste windows+r , scrie repede cmd. O sa-i impresionezi cand observa ca o casuta neagra a aparut ca prin magie. Scrie ipconfig /all si studiaza ceva vreo 2 minute. Pasul 4. Navigheaza repede pana intr-un subfolder al Windows-ului. Daca faci lucrul asta aleator, dar repede, o sa dai impresia ca stii exact ce cauti. Pasul 5. Mormaie ceva aleator despre orice legat de IT, fiind foarte atent la ceva de pe monitor. Pasul 6. Spune-i utilizatorului ca trebuie sa cercetezi problema si pleaca. Daca mai are intrebari, explica-le detaliat folosind cuvinter mari din IT, de obicei folosesc serverele ca referinta. Utilizatorul are cunostinte foarte vagi,daca nu deloc, despre ce face un server. Cuvinte posibile: "Serverul de fisiere" Arhitectura" "Active Directory". Daca ai inceput cu cuvinte in engleza care reprezinta ceva, ii pierzi foarte repede in cuvinte, multi dintre ei nici nu se chinuie sa mai intrebe, si te lasa in pace. Cam atat.. Sursa proprie + idei adaptate de pe Spiceworks.com
  16. Eu am luat placa cu 360 ron. Nu cred ca o sa gaseasca mai ieftin. Am luat-o fara TVA. Daca ai vreun amic care are firma si te poate ajuta sa cumpere placa pe firma si sa-si deconteze TVA-ul ai iesi bine la pret.
  17. Realy ? De unde va luati informatiile ? http://www.zdnet.co.uk/reviews/cpus-desktop/2005/04/05/intels-first-dual-core-cpu-benchmarked-39193811/ Intr-adevar, o porcarie, o treaba facuta de mantuiala de astia de la INTEL, doar ca sa le dea peste nas celor de la AMD. Sa nu mai vorbesc ca P4 1,7 pe care l-am avut acum mult timp e multithread si a iesit cand in ca mouse pentru mine era soricelul din Tom si Jerry.
  18. Ce domina ? Cred ca uiti de Xeon.. Da-mi un exemplu de procesor AMD produs inainte de 2006, sa vad si eu ce domina primul meu Dual Core-ul (sau dual thread:P). PS: putin offtopic, de ce aud mereu de OC, venind din partea persoanelor care sunt fan AMD ? E doar o impresie de-a mea gresita ? Sau chiar asa e ? Pe intel nu poti face OC ? sau care-i faza ? Chestia asta nu m-a interesat niciodata. Consider ca daca producatorul a scos pe piata o un procesor ..la 3000mhz..asa a fost menit sa functioneze, chiar daca capabilitatile chipului pot fi mai mari, daca omul ala care la produs il lasa asa atunci, inseamna ca daca il fortezi, se poate intampla ceva.
  19. Eu am exact placa asta, pe un sistem similar ca al tau (dual core 3ghz, 4gb ram). Si am trecut la ea din cauza unui ATI care il aveam inainte. Nu mai stiu ce model, dar diferenta este extraordinara. Placa e o bestie si merita sa mai strangi bani. Am jucat orice in ultima vreme, pana si witcher 2 care e foarte pretentios, l-am jucat pe high (au fost freeze-uri si anumite texturi se incarcau mai greu, dar jocul ala e mai bestie ca si placa mea). Crysis 1,2, Darksiders, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Risen, Risen 2, Civ 5, Syndicate, pff.. ce jocuri au mai iesit si le-am incercat de curiozitate... Deus Ex 3 .. nu mai stiu. Inafara de Witcher 2, nu cred ca au fost jocuri care sa imi creeze probleme. Eu iti recomand sa mai astepti, sa mai strangi niste bani si sa iei placa asta.
  20. Umm.. sursa..e iDanut. Pentru ca pot sa-mi denumesc telefonul cum vreau :>
  21. Da, intr'adevar.. un Rangebooster home made! Am mai vazut chestii de genul cu , jumatati de doze de cola.
  22. Cred ca o sa merg pe D-link pana la urma. Review-uri bune la el si pe pcgarage si pe emag (cred ca e acelas model la care m-am uitat). Daca-s avea bani as lua D-Link DIR-655. Doarca, si daca-s avea bani, ar fi mult prea mult pentru ce-mi trebuie mie. Ms de info. Saptamana viitoare o sa-l cumpar daca nu imi schimb decizia pana atunci.
  23. 4 camere, destul de lung, si am impresia ca sunt pereti de rezistenta, la mijloc pe undeva. Cel mai probabil , routerul va fi pus la mine, intr-un capat. Sunt curios daca va ajunge semnalul si in partea cealalta a camerei, prin peretii de rezistenta. Pai si eu daca ies pe balcon, am semnal de la vecinul de peste drum. Si e moca, n-are parola, dar daca am intrat in casa.. nu mai am deloc semnal.
  24. Vreau sa achizitionez un router wireless pentru acasa, si nu sunt decis ce sa iau. Am nevoie mai mult pentru iphone, sa nu stau pe 3G care merge cand vrea el, mai vin cu laptop-ul de la munca, acasa.. si va trebui sa am conexiune, macar wifi, si nu in ultimul rand, pentru sora-mea cand mai vine pe-acasa, as vrea sa nu stea pe infectul ala de stick digi. In plus fata de asta, am un vecin de-asupra care are wi-fi si nu-mi da parola. Poate crede ca-i fur internet cu galeata, ceva nu e in regula, dar nu stiu exact ce. So, recomandari va rog. Buget, undeva pana in 120 RON, (150 RON maxim). Fara oferte de linksys, n-am nimic cu firma, dar sunt patit, si n-am chef sa il restartez din 2 in 2 zile (poate gresesc, dar asa am patit). Ma gandeam la D-link (in principal), dar sunt deschis si la alte oferte de la alti producatori.
  25. Ce browser folosesti ? Ai incercat si alt browser ? Esti sigur ca nu ti-l downloadeaza automat (fisierul .torrent) dar, nu-l porneste, si trebuie sa cauti prin temporare sa-l pornesti manual ? Verifica putin calea asta in utorrent: Options>Preferences>Directories si spune-mi ce-ti apare unde scrie "Store .torrents in:" .
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