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  1. http://www.emag.ro/placa-de-baza-asus-z97-maximus-vii-ranger-socket-1150-maximus-vii-ranger/pd/DYQXLBBBM/ Cam aceea s - ar potrivi [ socket 1150 ] .
  2. ​http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2586109 -​ Root / ROM
  3. Exista o gramada de procesoare Intel Core i5 de 3,2 Ghz .​ ​Cam care l - ai ales ?
  4. Eventual sterge manual toate datele receptionate de aplicatii , astfel incat atunci cand o dai la reparat sa fie la fel cum ai cumparat - o. [ Default apps ]
  5. Un tip expediază un SMS fetei: "Vreau să mă căsătoresc cu tine." Primeşte răspuns: "Stimate abonat, în contul dv. nu sunt suficienţi bani pentru această operaţiune."
  6. http://www.cel.ro/telefoane-mobile/telefon-mobil-huawei-honor-3x-g750-dual-sim-black-l/ De ce ? Vezi mai jos ! Numar nuclee procesor: Octa Core Chipset: Mediatek MT6592 CPU: Octa-core 1.7 GHz GPU: Mali-450MP4 Memorie RAM: 2 GB RAM Camera: Principala: 13 MP, 4128 x 3096 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, Geo-tagging, touch focus, face detection, HDR Secundara: 5 MP Video 1080p@30fps Rezolutie (pixeli): 720 x 1280 pixels, 5.5 inches (~267 ppi pixel density)
  7. Reliability Monitor is an advanced tool that measures hardware and software problems and other changes to your computer. It collects 24 hours of data before it displays any results and calculates the Stability Index that ranges from 1 (the least stable) to 10 (the most stable). You can use the index to help evaluate the reliability of your computer by reviewing the reported application failures, Windows 8 failures, miscellaneous failures, warnings, and other information. Any change you make to your computer or problem that occurs on your computer affects the stability index. You can tell your Index score (scales from 1 to 10, 10 is the best score) by looking at how the chart line ends in the upper right corner boxed in red below compared to the scale of 10 to 1 on the left upper corner boxed in red below. In Windows 8, press Windows Key + W, type reliability in search box, from search results pick View reliability history to access Reliability Monitor. Now in this article, I’ll tell you the way to reset the Reliability Monitor in case you have fixed the errors or just want to clear the reported data in Reliability Monitor. If Reliability Monitor is not working you may reset it and see if it helps. Reset Reliability Monitor 1. Firstly download the batch file from our servers by clicking here . 2. Extract the contents of the zip file. Now open the batch file using Right click -> Open. It is worth mentioning that you must be the admin of your Windows to open the file. If prompted for UAC, then click Yes. 3. Once you select Open in above step, you’ll see bunch of commands running inside the command prompt to reset Reliability Monitor. When the Reset is done, the command prompt will close itself. Now open the Reliability Monitor to confirm the reset: In case you don’t find Reliability Monitor in a reset condition, then repeat the steps 2 & 3. Reboot the computer and this time it should reset Reliability Monitor. After a reset, Reliability Monitor may take up to 24 hours to display results again. Source : http://www.thewindowsclub.com/ and http://www.sevenforums.com/ . I've tried it on my own and it works like a charm !
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  8. FML


    Best regards !
  9. Daca pui o GPU 3 . 0 pe slot 2 . 0 , iti va rula in limita unei placi video cu slot 2 . 0 Deci , daca pui o GPU 2 . 0 pe slot 1 . 1 , iti va rula in limita unei placi video cu slot 1 . 1 Te poti uita si pe : http://www.trentonsystems.com/applications/pci-express-interface .
  10. It looks like Microsoft is serious about this new rapid update cadence for the Windows 10 Technical Preview. The first release of the Technical Preview was delivered on October 1. It was followed three weeks later by a major update, build 9860. And now, three weeks later, comes build 9879, delivered automatically to any member of the Windows Insiders program who selected the Fast channel in the Preview Builds section of PC Settings. Like its predecessors, this is a slightly ragged release, but it's packed with enough new features to be worth exploring. Some of the new additions don't lend themselves to depiction in a gallery of screenshots. This build offers some refinements in the animations that accompany windows opening and closing, for example, and it introduces new three-finger gestures for precision touchpads such as those found on the Surface Pro. It also adds support for MKV video files, a format that has never previously been officially supported in Windows. In the remainder of this gallery, I call out some of the changes you'll see if you install this build for yourself. Source : http://www.zdnet.com/ .
  11. New version avaible ! Check the latest Google Play Store/Market app [.apk extension] called 5.0.38 which automatically solve the previous issues: https://mega.co.nz/#!EkY1UaDC!_eTpbGp9vPToM0XyAWUKyHGZhBin-c8SN3yHyC9cJrU
  12. '' Generalul , abonat la 2 - 0 . ''
  13. Daca o ai preinstalata si nu e asociata unui cont , nu platesti nimic . Si eu am conexiunea la internet datorita retelei WI - FI , desigur sunt scutit de orice fel de taxa pentru YouTube ori SoundCloud .
  14. Daca te referi la programele mentionate de Sebastian , da , ele sunt absolut gratis !
  15. Da . http://www.faravirusi.com/2011/09/25/windows-7-live-cd-usb-sistem-de-operare-preinstalat/ . Last Edit : Se pare ca pot fi puse [ Cel putin cele pana - n Windows 7 - inclusiv acesta ] si pe un stick de 4 GB . E clar ca pentru Windows 8 / 8 . 1 / 10 , apelezi la unul de 32 de GB . Zic sa faci ca aici : http://dantanasescu.ro/2014/01/18/puppy-linux.html . [ Nu trebuie sa fie mai mare de 2 GB ] . Spor !
  16. Daca vrei Windows , iti trebuie un stick USB de 16 GB .
  17. Sunt curios , cand se va lansa build - ul urmator ? In cele din urma am facut raport alaturi de o droaie de alti utilizatori care au aceeasi problema ca si mine .
  18. Eu faceam avatare pt . fostul manager al comunitatii de care am apartinut si mi - a fost suficient PhotoScape .
  19. - Alo,vecine!? - Da. - Vino până la noi! - De ce? - Nu mai merge imprimanta! - Ce nu face? - Nu mai are curent! - Cum?! - Da,nu mai are curent! - Cum aţi observat ca nu are curent? - Îmi apare pe calculator… - Ce? - Îmi apare pe calculator mesajul: “current printer is unavailable“.
  20. Te opreste ceva | cineva sa folosesti alte programe gratuite ?
  21. Noi nu incurajam pirateria , deci , daca vrei PS , cumpara - l ! Speram sa fie o versiune portabila a PS CS5 , achizitionata de la ei !
  22. Tu ai asociat glumita mea complet nevinovata cu aia 2 ?
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